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See broadcasts for KQED PlusKTEH Specials: Doctor Who - A Celebration: 20 Years of Time Travel on KTEH
(incorporating: An Unearthly Child / The War Games: Episode Ten / The Dæmons: Episode Five / City of Death: Part Four / The Five Doctors / The Two Doctors: Part One / Survival: Part Three)

Last updated 13 January 2025
KTEH Specials: Doctor Who - A Celebration: 20 Years of Time Travel on KTEH
Broadcast: Sunday 10th June 2001
7:00pm-11:00pm PDT (02:00 GMT) < > « » Premiere < > « »

Broadcast notes:

Episodes shown were: 7:00pm An Unearthly Child; 7:25pm The War Games: Episode Ten; 8:00pm The Dæmons: Episode Five; 8:35pm City of Death: Part Four; 9:10pm The Five Doctors (unknown four-part version); 9:45pm The Two Doctors: Part One (4 part version); 10:20pm Survival: Part Three.

Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Reports from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Friday 8th June 2001:
KTEH 54 San Jose, CA
Pledge phone number - 1-800-225-5454
Sun 7PM PDT "Doctor Who A Celebration - 20 Years of Time Travel with KTEH
The most popular 25 minute episode for each of the first 7 Doctors are presented in this special, looking back at KTEH's Doctor Who history. The episode titles are being with-held to make you tune in and find out for yourselves which installments won.
Sun 11PM PDT Interview With Sylvester McCoy II
Over the years, KTEH has interviewed many of the Doctor Who actors. These are a selection of favorite interviews.
Sun 11:25PM PDT Interview With Patrick Troughton
Sun 11:52PM PDT "Malone episode 47 - Peter Davison"
Malone was a talk show that KTEH produced.
Late Sun 12:20AM PDT Interview With Colin Baker

Friday 15th June 2001:
KTEH 54 had a very successful pledge night on the 10th, celebrating Doctor Who's 20thanniversary on their station. They raised more than enough money to pay for the Jon Pertwee stories they will begin airing next month. (They're returning to episode format for the Pertwee episodes.) For those who participated in the online poll to pick the episodes for the marathon, the winners were:

1st - An Unearthly Child ep 1 - 16% of 1st Doctor voters
2nd - The War Games ep 10 - 27% of 2nd Doctor votes
3rd - The Daemons ep 5 - 13% of 3rd Doctor votes
4th - City Of Death ep 4 - 18% of 4th Doctor votes
5th - The Five Doctors (4 ep version) ep 4 - 17% of 5th Doctor votes
6th - The Two Doctors (6 ep version) ep 2 - 25% of 6th Doctor votes
7th - Survival ep 3 - 13% of 7th Doctor votes

Popular runner-up episodes that just missed getting into the marathon included The Chase ep 6, The Tomb Of The Cybermen ep 1, The Tomb Of The Cybermen ep 4, The Mind Robber ep 3, The Three Doctors ep 4, Earthshock ep 4, The Caves Of Androzani ep 4, The Ultimate Foe ep 2, Dragonfire ep 3, Silver Nemesis ep 3, and Battlefield ep 4. Congratulations to all the episodes that placed well.

KTEH also presented old pledge pitches made in previous drives for KTEH by Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Nicholas Courtney, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, and Sylvester McCoy.