This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 29: 23-29 Jul 2016 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 23 July

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
Resurrection of the Daleks: Part Three (4 part version)

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
Resurrection of the Daleks: Part Four (4 part version)

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Planet of Fire: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Planet of Fire: Part Two

Show broadcasts for KRWG
7:00pm MDT
The Masque of Mandragora: Part Two
(Repeated: Sun 1:00am MDT)

The town lives in fear of the mysterious force that is making victims of its citizens. Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen. Federico: Jon Laurimore. High Priest: Robert James. Brother: Brian Ellis. Hieronymous: Norman Jones. Marco: Tim Pigott-Smith. Giuliano: Gareth Armstrong. Rossini: Antony Carrick.

Show broadcasts for WFWA
9:30pm EDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Hand Of Fear

A fossilized hand is discovered in a quarry explosion. Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen. Zazzka: Roy Pattison. Abbott: David Purcell. Watson: Glyn Houston. Miss Jackson: Frances Pidgeon.

Show broadcasts for KNCT
9:00pm CDT
The Age of Steel

Conclusion. London falls to the Cybermen while Jackie is usurped by Lumic. Elsewhere, the Doctor, Rose and Mickey plot a strike against the Cyberfactory. Shaun Dingwall. Roger Lloyd Pack.

Show broadcasts for WXXI
10:00pm EDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Sontaran Experiment

Harry and Sarah walk into a trap on the uninhabited Earth. Dr. Who: Tom Baker. Harry: Ian Marter. Sarah: Elisabeth Sladen. Styre: Kevin Lindsay. Erak: Peter Walshe. Zake: Terry Walsh.

Show broadcasts for KPTS
9:00pm CDT
Horror of Fang Rock: Part Three

The list of victims grows, but there is no trace of the killer. Tom Baker, Louise Jameson. Adelaide: Annette Woollett. Harker: Rio Fanning.

Show broadcasts for West Virginia Public Broadcasting
11:00pm EDT
Pertwee Movies: Claws of Axos - Part 2 of 2

Show broadcasts for WILL
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: Robot

A newly regenerated Doctor joins UNIT in an investigation into the theft of top secret plans and equipment from supposedly secure premises. Sarah discovers that the raids have been carried out by a robot invented by scientist Professor Kettlewell while he was working for Think Tank, a body involved in developing emerging technologies.

Show broadcasts for WSRE
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Face Of Evil

The TARDIS arrives on a planet where a savage tribe called the Sevateem worship a god called Xoanon. The Doctor discovers that Xoanon is in fact a spaceship computer that he tried to repair at some point in his past and inadvertently drove mad by giving it a multiple personality.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Robots Of Death

The Doctor and Leela (Louise Jameson) are suspected of a series of murders in a robot-based society. Chub: Rob Edwards. Borg: Brian Croucher. SV7: Miles Fothergill.

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
10:30pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: Robot

newly regenerated Doctor joins UNIT in an investigation into the theft of top secret plans and equipment from supposedly secure premises. Sarah discovers that the raids have been carried out by a robot invented by scientist Professor Kettlewell while he was working for Think Tank, a body involved in developing emerging technologies.

Show broadcasts for KCPT (Kansas City)
11:00pm CDT

Show broadcasts for KERA
11:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: Planet of Evil

The TARDIS picks up a distress call and the Doctor and Sarah arrive on the planet Zeta Minor. There they discover that a Morestran geological expedition has fallen prey to an unseen killer and only the leader, Professor Sorenson, remains alive.

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CDT
Pertwee Movies: Inferno (part 1 of 3)

A new project, named Inferno, designed to penetrate the Earth's crust runs into problems and launches the Doctor into an alternate universe in which Britain is a dictatorship. Compiles episodes 19-21 from "Doctor Who" series 7.

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:46pm CDT
Pertwee Movies: Inferno (part 2 of 3)

Trapped in a parallel universe, the Doctor tries to convince the Inferno staff of the projects' potentially disastrous ramifications. Will the Doctor's message of impending doom be heeded before the earth reaches the point of no return? Compiles episodes 22 and 23 from "Doctor Who" series 7.

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MDT
Tom Baker Movies: Creature From The Pit

The Doctor and Romana receive a distress signal and arrive on Chloris, a lush and verdant world that has only small quantities of metals, all of which are controlled by its ruler, Lady Adrasta. Adrasta keeps order with the aid of her Huntsman and his wolfweeds - mobile balls of vegetation - while a band of scruffy thieves, led by Torvin, organize raids on her palace to steal whatever metal they can..

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:00pm PDT
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part Three
(Repeated: Sun 4:00am PDT)

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:30pm PDT
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part Four
(Repeated: Sun 4:30am PDT)

Sunday 24 July

Show broadcasts for EBRU
12:00pm EDT
The Lazarus Experiment

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
Colony In Space: Episode Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
Colony In Space: Episode Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Colony In Space: Episode Four

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Colony In Space: Episode Five

Show broadcasts for WGVU Michigan
11:30pm EDT
Dr Who: Quantum Physicist (Factual)

Science Goes to the Movies is a new monthly series, co-hosted by Faith Salie and Dr. Heather Berlin, that looks at the science in contemporary motion pictures. Guests are drawn from different scientific disciplines, illuminating scientific truths or imaginings in films like Interstellar, Birdman, The Theory of Everything, Into the Woods, and more. The series encourages lively and informative conversation about concepts, as well as film portrayals of scientists and scientific inquiry, asking if there is real science behind a story, or if a screenwriter made something up. Is science leading dramatic imagination, or does imagination create new science? Faith Salie is a television and national public radio host, political and pop culture commentator (CBS Sunday Morning), interviewer, journalist and actor. Dr. Heather Berlin is an American neuroscientist focusing on brain-behavior relationships affecting the prevention and treatment of psychiatric disorders. The hosts review and comment on the science presented in the story lines of current film and TV offerings. Salie brings a fun, educated and informed layperson's overview, while Berlin offers more in-depth analysis. Special guests join our hosts for a lively and informative conversation about pop culture and science. Science Goes to the Movies guest include Dr. Neil deGrasses Tyson (Astrophysicist), Ira Flatow (Science Journalist, Host of "Science Friday"), Dr. Rosario Gennaro (Cryptologist, Director, Center of Algorithms and Interactive Scientific Software (CAISS), Dr. Christof Koch (Neuroscientist, President and Chief Scientific Officer of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle), Gerard Ilaria (LCSW, Weill Cornell Medical College, Director of Operations, Headstrong Project), Derek Coy (Afghan Army Vet), Dr. Emily Rice (Astropysicist, Hayen Planetarium, American Museum of Natural History), Dr. Helen Fisher (Biological Anthropologist).

Monday 25 July

Show broadcasts for WFWA
12:00am EDT
Dr Who: Quantum Physicist (Factual)

The overlap between quantum reality and science fiction is discussed.

Show broadcasts for WETA-UK
12:00am EDT
Pertwee Movies: Inferno (Part 1 of 3)
(Repeated: Tue 3:30am EDT)

A project to penetrate the Earth's crust has unintended consequences.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
11:00pm EDT
The Chase: The Planet of Decision

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
11:30pm EDT
The Time Meddler: The Watcher

Tuesday 26 July

Wednesday 27 July

Show broadcasts for WGVU Life Michigan
10:30pm EDT
Dr Who: Quantum Physicist (Factual)

Science Goes to the Movies is a new monthly series, co-hosted by Faith Salie and Dr. Heather Berlin, that looks at the science in contemporary motion pictures. Guests are drawn from different scientific disciplines, illuminating scientific truths or imaginings in films like Interstellar, Birdman, The Theory of Everything, Into the Woods, and more. The series encourages lively and informative conversation about concepts, as well as film portrayals of scientists and scientific inquiry, asking if there is real science behind a story, or if a screenwriter made something up. Is science leading dramatic imagination, or does imagination create new science? Faith Salie is a television and national public radio host, political and pop culture commentator (CBS Sunday Morning), interviewer, journalist and actor. Dr. Heather Berlin is an American neuroscientist focusing on brain-behavior relationships affecting the prevention and treatment of psychiatric disorders. The hosts review and comment on the science presented in the story lines of current film and TV offerings. Salie brings a fun, educated and informed layperson's overview, while Berlin offers more in-depth analysis. Special guests join our hosts for a lively and informative conversation about pop culture and science. Science Goes to the Movies guest include Dr. Neil deGrasses Tyson (Astrophysicist), Ira Flatow (Science Journalist, Host of "Science Friday"), Dr. Rosario Gennaro (Cryptologist, Director, Center of Algorithms and Interactive Scientific Software (CAISS), Dr. Christof Koch (Neuroscientist, President and Chief Scientific Officer of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle), Gerard Ilaria (LCSW, Weill Cornell Medical College, Director of Operations, Headstrong Project), Derek Coy (Afghan Army Vet), Dr. Emily Rice (Astropysicist, Hayen Planetarium, American Museum of Natural History), Dr. Helen Fisher (Biological Anthropologist).

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
11:00pm EDT
The Time Meddler: Checkmate

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
11:30pm EDT
The Ark: The Steel Sky

Thursday 28 July

Friday 29 July