This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 51: 19-25 Dec 2009 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 19 December

Show broadcasts for WXXI
11:00pm EST
Army of Ghosts

Show broadcasts for WXXI
11:45pm EST
Welcome to Torchwood (Factual)

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CST
The Lazarus Experiment

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:45pm CST
Monsters Inc (Factual)

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MST
The Christmas Invasion

This 2005 special introduces David Tennant as the regenerated Dr. Who. Rose (Billie Piper) brings The Doctor to Jackie's house in London to continue his recuperation. It is Christmas Eve, but it is far from a silent night as the cruel Sycorax have come to earth to enslave mankind. Only The Doctor can save the humans but he is still lying in a coma.

Sunday 20 December

Thursday 24 December

Friday 25 December