This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 19: 11-17 May 2013 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 11 May

Show broadcasts for WTTW Prime Chicago
3:00am CDT
The Girl Who Waited
(Repeated: Sat 10:00pm CDT)

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00pm EDT
The Crimson Horror

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00pm EDT
Nightmare in Silver

Show broadcasts for KBTC
7:00pm PDT
The Seeds of Doom: Part Five
(Repeated: Sun 1:00am PDT)

Show broadcasts for KBTC
7:30pm PDT
The Seeds of Doom: Part Six
(Repeated: Sun 1:30am PDT)

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
11:00pm CDT
The Lodger
There's a house on Aickman road with a staircase that people go up, but never down... To solve the mystery of the man upstairs, the Doctor must pass himself off as a normal human being, and share a flat with Craig Owens.

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CDT
The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe
A mysterious gift from a madcap caretaker leads Madge Arwell and her kids to a magical wintry world.

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
11:42pm CDT
Extra Time (Factual)
Karen Gillan takes us to the Royal Observatory, and Matt Smith and James Corden hit the football pitch in this 15-minute behind-the-scenes look at “The Lodger.”

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MDT
Vincent and the Doctor

The TARDIS heads back through time where terror lurks in the cornfields of Provence and only a sad and lonely painter can see it. The Doctor and Amy join forces with Van Gogh to try to defeat a powerful and deadly alien.

Sunday 12 May

Monday 13 May

Tuesday 14 May

Wednesday 15 May

Thursday 16 May

Friday 17 May