This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 29: 20-26 Jul 2019 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 20 July

Show broadcasts for YouTube
12:00pm BST
20 Years Of Big Finish: Sat 20 Jul 2019 (BF)

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
Spearhead From Space: Episode 3

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
Spearhead From Space: Episode 4

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 1

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 2

Show broadcasts for KPTS
10:30pm CDT
The Leisure Hive: Part Three

The Doctor must unravel the real purpose of the recreation generator.

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: City Of Death

The Doctor and Romana are enjoying a holiday in Paris, 1979, when they become aware of a fracture in time. During a visit to the Louvre to see da Vinci's Mona Lisa, the Doctor purloins from a stranger, Countess Scarlioni, a bracelet that is actually an alien scanner device.

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
11:00pm CDT
Peter Davison Movies: Planet Of Fire

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MDT
Peter Davison Movies: The Visitation

Sunday 21 July

Show broadcasts for WSRE
12:00am CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Pirate Planet

The tracer detects the second segment on the planet Calufrax. The TARDIS makes a bumpy landing, and the Doctor and Romana soon discover that they are not on Calufrax at all. They are in fact on Zanak, a planet that has been hollowed out and fitted with engines so that it can transmat through space and materialise around others - such as Calufrax - to plunder their mineral wealth, leaving them as shrunken husks held by gravitational forces in a "trophy room".

Saturday 20 July

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:00pm PDT
The Invasion of Time: Part One
(Repeated: Sun 4:00am PDT)

After returning to Gallifrey to claim his position as president, the Doctor strangely appears to turn traitor.

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:30pm PDT
The Invasion of Time: Part Two
(Repeated: Sun 4:30am PDT)

The Doctor orders Leela expelled to the wastes of outer Gallifrey.

Sunday 21 July

Monday 22 July

Tuesday 23 July

Show broadcasts for BBC America
4:30am EDT
The Woman Who Fell to Earth

In a South Yorkshire city, Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan, and Graham O'Brien are about to have their lives changed forever as a mysterious woman, unable to remember her own name, falls from the night sky.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EDT
The Android Invasion: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EDT
The Android Invasion: Part Four

Wednesday 24 July

Thursday 25 July

Friday 26 July