This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 20: 19-25 May 1984 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Sunday 20 May

Show broadcasts for WTTW 11 Chicago
11:00pm CDT
The Invasion of Time: Part Two of Two

Intro: We have waited a time, marking time, to resume "Invasion of Time." But the time has come to see if the secret of time will untimely go to those whose time has been misspent seeking it. But, time is of the essence. If we are to be on time, my time must be up. Synchronize your timepieces, the time is now.

Outro: Though "Invasion of Time" has ended, we are not yet finished with Kronos. Next week, The White Guardian of Time charges The Doctor with the task of finding the six elements of the Key to Time. This time, The Doctor will find help in the form of Romanadvoratrelundar and he will need it as they tackle "The Ribos Operation," next Sunday night at 11. [source: ChicagoEpguides]

Monday 21 May

Tuesday 22 May

Wednesday 23 May

Thursday 24 May

Friday 25 May