This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 25: 25 Jun - 1 Jul 1983 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Sunday 26 June

Show broadcasts for WTTW 11 Chicago
11:00pm CDT
The Claws of Axos: Movie Format

Intro: Never it is said look a gift horse in the mouth. Alas, that is what we gullible Earthlings are about to do when proffered a limitless supply of Axonite by the putatively friendly Axons. And what is Axonite? Well, Axonite is to energy as the Internal Revenue Service is to money. The enormity of the plot will first become elusive to The Doctor. But we must all face "The Claws of Axos."

Outro: A hundred years ago the cattlemen and the farmers went it over land rights. And five hundred years in the future, a similar drama will unfold on a distant planet as the colonists battle the minerologists for the same commodity: land. Fortunately, we needn't wait half a millennium to discover the outcome, merely half a fortnight. Be with us next Sunday night at 11 as The Doctor visits the "Colony in Space." [source: ChicagoEpguides]

Monday 27 June

Tuesday 28 June

Wednesday 29 June

Thursday 30 June

Friday 1 July