This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 18: 2-8 May 2009 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 2 May

Show broadcasts for WTTW 11 Chicago
3:00am CDT
Tooth and Claw

Show broadcasts for WTTW 11 Chicago
3:45am CDT
Fear Factor (Factual)

Show broadcasts for KQED Plus
5:00am PDT
The Impossible Planet

Show broadcasts for KQED Plus
5:48am PDT
You've Got the Look (Factual)

Show broadcasts for WGVU Michigan
5:00pm EDT
The Sound of Drums

Show broadcasts for WGVU Michigan
5:45pm EDT
The Saxon Mystery (Factual)

Show broadcasts for UNC-MX
6:00pm EDT
The Christmas Invasion
In this special, Rose (Billie Piper) drops in on her mother and boyfriend in the TARDIS - accompanied by a complete stranger, the new Doctor Who (David Tennant). Disoriented and weak from the regeneration process, the new Doctor slips in and out of consciousness as Rose desperately tries to revive him. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Harriet Jones has just been informed that a British space probe, on its way to Mars for a Christmas Day landing, has gone missing. It has been kidnapped by a monstrous race known as the Sycorax, who are set on taking over the world. Only the Doctor can stop their terrifying advance.

Show broadcasts for Ozarks Public Television
9:30pm CDT
The Age of Steel

Show broadcasts for WXXI
11:00pm EDT
The Runaway Bride

Show broadcasts for WTVP
11:00pm CDT

Sunday 3 May

Saturday 2 May

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MDT
Last of the Time Lords

It has now been a year since The Master unleashed the mysterious Toclafane onto Earth. The human race and The Doctor are enslaved under the Master's control, who prepares warships for a new Time Lord Empire. It is up to Martha Jones to provide the catalyst that is the only hope to stop the evil Time Lord, and save the Doctor and Captain Jack.

International edited version.

Sunday 3 May

Monday 4 May

Show broadcasts for SyFy
8:00am EDT - East Coast Feed
The Girl in the Fireplace

Show broadcasts for SyFy
9:00am EDT - East Coast Feed
The Idiot's Lantern

Show broadcasts for SyFy
10:00am EDT - East Coast Feed
The Impossible Planet

Show broadcasts for SyFy
11:00am EDT - East Coast Feed
The Satan Pit

Show broadcasts for SyFy
12:00pm EDT - East Coast Feed
Love & Monsters

Show broadcasts for SyFy
1:00pm EDT - East Coast Feed
Fear Her

Show broadcasts for SyFy
2:00pm EDT - East Coast Feed
Army of Ghosts

Show broadcasts for SyFy
3:00pm EDT - East Coast Feed

Thursday 7 May

Friday 8 May
