This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 27: 8-14 Jul 2017 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 8 July

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT
A Day in the Death (TW)

A victim of his newfound circumstances, Owen believes he needs absolution. Will the lonely girl on the rooftop help him, or will it be a mission to the retrieve an alien device proving more lethal by the second? How far will Toshiko go to help him?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
Something Borrowed (TW)

The night before Gwen's wedding, an alien shapeshifter leaves her carrying more than she bargained for. As everyone gathers for the ceremony, Jack must destroy her big day, unless one of the three mothers present finds a means to stop him.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
6:30am CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Sontaran Experiment

Harry and Sarah walk into a trap on the uninhabited Earth. Dr. Who: Tom Baker. Harry: Ian Marter. Sarah: Elisabeth Sladen. Styre: Kevin Lindsay. Erak: Peter Walshe. Zake: Terry Walsh.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
From Out of the Rain (TW)

When an old cinema re-opens, past horrors emerge to stalk the streets of Cardiff. And as bodies are found, somewhere between life and death, Torchwood must act fast. Who are the Night Travellers? And how can Torchwood capture these mysterious killers?

Show broadcasts for WYCC
7:30am CDT
Peter Davison Movies: The Visitation

In 1666 London, the Doctor (Peter Davison) discovers evidence of alien activity. Mace: Michael Robbins. Nyssa: Sarah Sutton. Terileptil Leader: Michael Melia. Adric: Matthew Waterhouse.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
Adrift (TW)

When a local teenager disappears Gwen is drawn into an investigation that reveals a darker side of Torchwood. Hundreds of people have disappeared without trace, but why is Jack obstructing attempts to find them? The answer seems to lie in the rift.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
9:00am CDT
Colin Baker Movies: Attack of the Cybermen

The TARDIS is hijacked by Cybermen and taken to Telos, where the Doctor (Colin Baker) learns of the aliens' plan to invade Earth. Peri: Nicola Bryant. Lytton: Maurice Colbourne. Griffiths: Brian Glover. Russell: Terry Malloy.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
Fragments (TW)

A booby-trapped building explodes and knocks the team unconscious. As their lives flash before their eyes, we learn how each of them was recruited to Torchwood.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
Exit Wounds (TW)

Captain John returns to have his revenge on Torchwood. But who is he really working for? And how great a price must Torchwood pay to save the city?

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
The Dæmons: Episode One
Broadcast a week later than planned owing to a network outage on 17th-18th June.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
The Dæmons: Episode Two
Broadcast a week later than planned owing to a network outage on 17th-18th June.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Dæmons: Episode Three
Broadcast a week later than planned owing to a network outage on 17th-18th June.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Dæmons: Episode Four
Broadcast a week later than planned owing to a network outage on 17th-18th June.

Show broadcasts for KRWG
7:00pm MDT
The Brain of Morbius: Part Two
(Repeated: Sun 1:00am MDT)

Schedules indicate this as The Android Invasion.

Show broadcasts for WFWA
9:33pm EDT
Tom Baker Movies: Planet of Evil

Show broadcasts for WXXI
10:15pm EDT
Tom Baker Movies: Meglos

Show broadcasts for WYCC
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Invasion of Time - Part 1 of 2

The Doctor (Tom Baker) returns to Gallifrey, becomes president and expels Leela to the wasteland. Louise Jameson. Kelner: Milton Johns.

Show broadcasts for WSRE
10:00pm CDT
Peter Davison Movies: The King's Demons

Show broadcasts for KPTS
10:00pm CDT
The Ribos Operation: Part Two

Show broadcasts for WILL
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Keeper of Traken

The Doctor and Adric learn from the wizened Keeper of Traken that a great evil has come to his planet in the form of a Melkur - a calcified statue. The Keeper is nearing the end of his reign and seeks the Doctor's help in preventing the evil from taking control of the bioelectronic Source that is the keystone of the Traken Union's civilisation.

Show broadcasts for KPTS
10:30pm CDT
Vicious: Cheat (Related)

Freddie needs a new coat for a "Doctor Who" fan-club event; Ash asks Freddie and Stuart for advice on winning back his ex-girlfriend; and Ash, Violet and Penelope make a shocking discovery during a shopping excursion.

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
10:30pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Ark in Space

The TARDIS arrives on an apparently deserted and deactivated space station Nerva, otherwise known as the Ark, orbiting Earth in the far future. There the Doctor, Sarah and Harry discover the last survivors of the human race held in suspended animation, Earth having been evacuated thousands of years earlier.

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CDT
Pertwee Movies: The Time Monster - Part 1 of 3

A mysterious Professor Thascales invites UNIT to a demonstration of his new TOMTIT (Transmission Of Matter Through Interstitial Time) machine. The Doctor quickly discovers that the Professor is not who he seems to be. Compiles episodes 21 and 22 from "Doctor Who" series 9.

Description was wrong, the programme is episodes 15 and 16 of the series.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
11:34pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Invasion of Time - Part 2 of 2

Part 2. The Doctor expels Leela to the wasteland. Borusa: John Arnatt. Andred: Chris Tranchell. Lord Gomer: Dennis Edward. Kelner: Milton Johns. Vardan: Tom Kelly.

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:46pm CDT
Pertwee Movies: The Time Monster - Part 2 of 3

A mysterious Professor Thascales invites UNIT to a demonstration of his new TOMTIT (Transmission Of Matter Through Interstitial Time) machine. The Doctor quickly discovers that the Professor is not who he seems to be. Compiles episodes 23 and 24 from "Doctor Who" series 9.

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MDT
Colin Baker Movies: Trial of a Time Lord - Mindwarp

Sunday 9 July

Show broadcasts for KERA
12:03am CDT
Peter Davison Movies: Kinda

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
12:29am CDT
Pertwee Movies: The Time Monster - Part 3 of 3

A mysterious Professor Thascales invites UNIT to a demonstration of his new TOMTIT (Transmission Of Matter Through Interstitial Time) machine. The Doctor quickly discovers that the Professor is not who he seems to be. Compiles episodes 25 and 26 from "Doctor Who" series 9.

Saturday 8 July

Sunday 9 July

Show broadcasts for EBRU
11:00am EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)
(Repeated: Sun 12:00pm EDT)

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
4:00pm EDT
Genesis of the Daleks: Part Five

Originally scheduled as The Green Death: Episode One, the change of programme was made owing to expiring rights to Genesis of the Daleks in August.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
4:30pm EDT
Genesis of the Daleks: Part Six

Originally scheduled as The Green Death: Episode Two, the change of programme was made owing to expiring rights to Genesis of the Daleks in August.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
5:00pm EDT
Terror of the Zygons: Part One

Originally scheduled as The Green Death: Episode Three, the change of programme was made owing to expiring rights to Terror of the Zygons in August.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
5:30pm EDT
Terror of the Zygons: Part Two

Originally scheduled as The Green Death: Episode Four, the change of programme was made owing to expiring rights to Genesis of the Daleks in August.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
Terror of the Zygons: Part Three

Late edition to the July schedule owing to its rights expiring in August.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
Terror of the Zygons: Part Four

Late edition to the July schedule owing to its rights expiring in August.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Brain of Morbius: Part One

Late edition to the July schedule owing to its rights expiring in August.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Brain of Morbius: Part Two

Late edition to the July schedule owing to its rights expiring in August.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:00pm EDT
The Brain of Morbius: Part Three

Late edition to the July schedule owing to its rights expiring in August.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
8:30pm EDT
The Brain of Morbius: Part Four

Late edition to the July schedule owing to its rights expiring in August.

Show broadcasts for WETA-UK
11:00pm EDT
Colin Baker Movies: Mark of the Rani
(Repeated: Tue 3:00am EDT)

The Doctor battles the Master and a renegade Time Lady named Rani, who are wreaking havoc on a 19th-century mining community. The Master: Anthony Ainley. Peri: Nicola Bryant. Jack Ward: Peter Childs.

Monday 10 July

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT
A Good Man Goes to War

The Doctor assembles an army to face the Battle of Demons Run - and River Song has something to tell him.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
Let's Kill Hitler

The TARDIS crash lands in 1930's Berlin, bringing the Doctor face to face with the greatest war criminal in the Universe. And Hitler.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
Night Terrors

Every child is scared of monsters, but George's terrified pleas for help reach the Doctor. Because George's monsters are real.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
The Girl Who Waited

Amy is trapped in a quarantine facility for victims of an alien plague. Can Rory save her before she is killed by kindness?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
The God Complex

The TARDIS lands in a hotel where every visitor's room contains their deepest, darkest fears. What lies in wait in the Doctor's room?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
Closing Time

The Doctor's final days are upon him - but when he drops in on an old friend, the Cybermen are waiting.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Dominators: Episode 1

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Dominators: Episode 2

Tuesday 11 July

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT
The Wedding of River Song

By the shores of Lake Silencio, in Utah, all of time and space hang in the balance - because this is the day the Doctor dies.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
Asylum of the Daleks

By the shores of Lake Silencio, in Utah, all of time and space hang in the balance - because this is the day the Doctor dies.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

An unmanned spaceship hurtles towards certain destruction - unless the Doctor can save it, and its impossible cargo... of dinosaurs!

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
A Town Called Mercy

The Doctor gets a Stetson and a gun, and finds himself the reluctant Sheriff of a Western town under siege by a relentless cyborg.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
The Power Of Three

The Doctor and the Ponds puzzle an unlikely invasion of Earth, as millions of sinister black cubes fall from the sky overnight...

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Dominators: Episode 3

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Dominators: Episode 4

Wednesday 12 July

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT
The Angels Take Manhattan

The Doctor's heart-breaking farewell to Amy and Rory - a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York's statues come to life around them....

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
The Snowmen

Christmas Eve 1892 and a chilling menace threatens humankind - but with the Doctor in mourning, it takes old friends and an unorthodox young governess to get him fighting to save the world again.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
The Bells of Saint John
(Repeated: Thu 1:34am EDT)

The Doctor's search for Clara brings him to London, where Wi-Fi is everywhere. Humanity lives in a Wi-Fi soup but something dangerous is lurking in the signals, picking off minds and imprisoning them...

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
The Rings of Akhaten
(Repeated: Thu 2:33am EDT)

On the rings of the planet Akhaten, the Festival of Offerings is in full swing. Clara meets the Queen of Years but something is stirring in the pyramid, and a sacrifice will be demanded.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
Cold War
(Repeated: Thu 3:32am EDT)

The Doctor and Clara land on a submarine in 1983 as it spirals into the ocean depths with an alien creature loose. With tempers flaring and nuclear weapons on board, the whole of humanity is at stake!

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
Deep Breath
(Repeated: Thu 4:31am EDT)

Clara is alone in Victorian London with a man she doesn't know, a dinosaur in the Thames, and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions. The Doctor has changed. It's time you knew him.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Dominators: Episode 5

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Mind Robber: Episode 1

Thursday 13 July

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT

The Doctor and Clara travel to the haunted Caliburn House. Within its walls, a ghost hunting Professor and a psychic search for the Witch of the Well. Her apparition appears, but is she really a ghost?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

The TARDIS has crashed, Clara is lost inside, and the Doctor has 30 minutes before his ship explodes!

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
The Crimson Horror

Something ghastly is afoot in Victorian Yorkshire, as bodies are found with their skin a waxy, glowing red.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
Nightmare in Silver

Hedgewick's World of Wonders: the perfect theme park day out. And ground zero for a deadly silver resurrection.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
The Name of the Doctor

The Doctor has a secret he will take to his grave. And it is discovered.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
Into the Dalek

A Dalek fleet surrounds a lone rebel ship, and only the Doctor can help them now...

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Mind Robber: Episode 2

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Mind Robber: Episode 3

Show broadcasts for EBRU
8:00pm EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Friday 14 July

Show broadcasts for EBRU
12:00am EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT
Robot Of Sherwood

When Robots threaten Sherwood forest, the Doctor must join forces with Robin Hood to stop the evil reign of the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT

When ghosts of past and future crowd into their lives, the Doctor and Clara are thrown into an adventure that takes them to the very end of the universe.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
Time Heist

The Doctor turns bank robber when he attempts to break into the most dangerous bank in the Cosmos.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
The Caretaker

The terrifying Skovox Blitzer is ready to destroy all humanity - and worse, any second now, Danny Pink and the Doctor are going to meet.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
Kill The Moon

The Doctor and Clara crash land on the Moon to find a world of horror: a mining base full of corpses, vicious spider-like creatures poised to attack, and a terrible dilemma.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
Mummy On The Orient Express

The Doctor and Clara are on the most beautiful train in history but a deadly creature is stalking the passengers. The Doctor must race against the clock to defeat the terrifying Mummy.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Mind Robber: Episode 4

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Mind Robber: Episode 5