This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 27: 8-14 Jul 1989 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 8 July

Sunday 9 July

Show broadcasts for WTTW 11 Chicago
11:00pm CDT
The Green Death: Part Two of Two

WTTW split the story into two parts, with the break occuring during episode three as Elgin is processed to commit suicide. [source: ChicagoEpguides]

Outro: Will The Doctor be lonely without the companionship of Jo Grant? Not for long. We'll meet a charming stowaway during the course of "The Time Warrior," next Sunday night at 11. [source: ChicagoEpguides]

Monday 10 July

Tuesday 11 July

Wednesday 12 July

Thursday 13 July

Friday 14 July