This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 08: 22-28 Feb 2014 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 22 February

Show broadcasts for Louisiana Public Broadcasting
10:00am CST
The Almost People
A solar tsunami sends the TARDIS hurtling towards a factory on earth where human doppelgangers are used to mine dangerous acid. A second wave hits and the 'Gangers' separate. Can the Doctor prevent an all out civil war between the humans and the 'almost people' before the factory explodes?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
1:00pm EST
The Impossible Astronaut
Part 1. The Doctor, Amy and Rory receive a secret summons that leads them to the Oval Office in 1969. Enlisting the help of a former FBI agent and the irrepressible River Song, the Doctor promises to assist the President.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
2:00pm EST
Day of the Moon
Part 2. The Doctor is locked in the perfect prison. Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down by the FBI. But, with the help of President Nixon and Neil Armstrong, the Doctor is able to mount a rebellion against an alien invasion.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
3:00pm EST
The Curse of the Black Spot
The TARDIS is marooned onboard a 17th-century pirate ship whose crew is being attacked by a mysterious and beautiful sea creature. Becalmed and beset by cabin fever, the pirates have numerous superstitious explanations for the Siren's appearance.

Show broadcasts for WGVU Michigan
4:00pm EST
Asylum of the Daleks

Show broadcasts for KBTC
7:00pm PST
The Invisible Enemy: Part One
(Repeated: Sun 1:00am PST)

Show broadcasts for KBTC
7:30pm PST
The Invisible Enemy: Part Two
(Repeated: Sun 1:30am PST)

Show broadcasts for Louisiana Public Broadcasting
10:45pm CST
Take Two (Factual)

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
11:05pm CST
The Rings of Akhaten
Clara wants to see something awesome, so the Doctor whisks her off to the inhabited rings of the planet Akhaten, where the Festival of Offerings is in full swing. Clara meets the young Queen of Years as the pilgrims and natives ready for the ceremony. But something is stirring in the pyramid, and a sacrifice will be demanded.

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MST
Day of the Moon

The Doctor is locked up in Area 51. Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down by the FBI. But, with the help of President Nixon and Neil Armstrong, the Doctor is able to mount a rebellion against an alien invasion dating back to the very beginnings of human civilization.

Monday 24 February

Tuesday 25 February

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EST
Rise of the Cybermen
Part 1. Rose discovers that her father is still alive on a parallel Earth.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EST
The Age of Steel
Part 2. The Cybermen take control of London and start converting the populace; Jackie falls under Lumic's control; the Doctor, Rose and Mickey are reduced to fugitives.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
Exit Wounds (TW)
Captain John returns to have his revenge on Torchwood. But who is he really working for? And how great a price must Torchwood pay to save the city?

Wednesday 26 February

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EST
The Idiot's Lantern
It is 1953 and the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II is taking place, but beneath the celebrations there are rumours of monsters on the streets.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EST
The Impossible Planet
Part 1. Rose is trapped in the orbit of a black hole; something ancient beneath the planet's surface begins to awaken.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
Children Of Earth: Day One (TW)
The team investigates a mysterious signal being sent out to helpless children.

Thursday 27 February

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EST
The Satan Pit
Part 2. As Rose battles the murderous Ood, the Doctor finds his every belief being challenged to the core as the Pit beckons.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EST
Love & Monsters
A man named Elton is plunged into a world of living nightmares when he becomes obsessed with the Doctor, Rose and their mysterious blue box.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
Children Of Earth: Day Two (TW)
Torchwood goes underground as the government plans Floor 13.

Friday 28 February

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EST
Fear Her
The Doctor plans to show Rose the London Olympics in 2012; a mother hides her daughter's unearthly powers.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EST
Army of Ghosts
The human race rejoices as ghosts of loved ones return home; an invasion force threatens modern day Earth.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
Children Of Earth: Day Three (TW)
The world focuses on Britain as the 456 announce they are here.