This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 26: 28 Jun - 4 Jul 2003 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 28 June

Sunday 29 June

Saturday 28 June

Sunday 29 June

Saturday 28 June

Sunday 29 June

Monday 30 June

Show broadcasts for Interstellar Transmissions
2:00am EDT - Online
American Who (Factual)

Charles Martin interviews Peter Davison (the 5th Doctor and many other TV roles) at the 2003 Gallifrey convention. Then Dan Harris of the Sci-Fi Sea Cruise (a *mostly* Doctor Who event based in the US) discusses a new contest he has regarding the trip. - Patrick Lussier Joey Reynolds talks with Patrick Lussier, editor of the 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie and fan of the Jon Pertwee stories in the 1970s, seeing them on a Seattle TV station.