This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 17: 30 Apr - 6 May 2016 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 30 April

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
Kinda: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
Kinda: Part Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Kinda: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Kinda: Part Four

Show broadcasts for KRWG
7:00pm MDT
The Brain of Morbius: Part Two
(Repeated: Sun 1:00am MDT)

The Doctor is condemned to death by the Sisterhood of the Flame. Solon: Philip Madoc. Condo: Colin Fay. Ohica: Gilly Brown. Maren: Cynthia Grenville.

Show broadcasts for WFWA
9:30pm EDT
Tom Baker Movies: Genesis of the Daleks (pt 1 of 2)

Show broadcasts for KPTS
~9:00pm CDT
The Robots of Death: Part Three

This has probably been pre-empted by The National Parks: America's Best Idea:The Morning of Creation (1946-1980)

Show broadcasts for WILL
10:00pm CDT
Robot Of Sherwood

Show broadcasts for West Virginia Public Broadcasting
11:00pm EDT
The Dæmons: Part 1 of 2 (1-3)

Show broadcasts for WSRE
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: Genesis Of The Daleks (pt 1 of 2)

On a mission to the distant past of the planet Skaro, home of the Daleks, The Doctor confronts Davros, the scientist responsible for their evolution.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: Genesis of the Daleks (pt 1 of 2)

The Doctor is stranded on war-torn Skaro---home of the Daleks. Elisabeth Sladen. Davros: Michael Wisher. Harry: Ian Marter.

Show broadcasts for WXXI
11:00pm EDT
Time Heist

The Doctor attempts to break into the most dangerous bank in the Cosmos.

Show broadcasts for KERA
11:00pm CDT
Death in Heaven

Show broadcasts for KCPT (Kansas City)
11:00pm CDT
Smith and Jones

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
11:05pm CDT
Deep Breath

When the Doctor arrives in Victorian London he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions. Who is the new Doctor and will Clara's friendship survive as they embark on a terrifying mission into the heart of an alien conspiracy? The Doctor has changed. It's time you knew him.

Show broadcasts for WSRE
11:07pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: Genesis Of The Daleks (pt 2 of 2)

On a mission to the distant past of the planet Skaro, home of the Daleks, The Doctor confronts Davros, the scientist responsible for their evolution.

Show broadcasts for KLRU
11:30pm CDT
Death in Heaven

With Cybermen on the streets of London, old friends unite against old enemies, and the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role. Can the mighty UNIT contain Missy? As the Doctor faces his greatest challenge, sacrifices must be made before the day is won.

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MDT
Kill The Moon

 In the near future, the Doctor and Clara find themselves on a space shuttle making a suicide mission to the moon. Crash-landing on the lunar surface, they find a mining base full of corpses, vicious spider-like creatures poised to attack and a terrible dilemma.

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:00pm PDT
Paradise Towers: Part One
(Repeated: Sun 4:00am PDT)

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:30pm PDT
Paradise Towers: Part Two
(Repeated: Sun 4:30am PDT)

Sunday 1 May

Monday 2 May

Tuesday 3 May

Show broadcasts for BBC America
2:35am EDT
The Time of the Doctor

The Doctor must sacrifice everything to save a town called Christmas from the Time Lord's greatest enemies.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
4:00am EDT
Into the Dalek

A Dalek fleet surrounds a lone rebel ship, and only the Doctor can help them now...

Show broadcasts for BBC America
5:00am EDT
Robot Of Sherwood

When Robots threaten Sherwood forest, the Doctor must join forces with Robin Hood to stop the evil reign of the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT

When ghosts of past and future crowd into their lives, the Doctor and Clara are thrown into an adventure that takes them to the very end of the universe.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
Time Heist

The Doctor turns bank robber when he attempts to break into the most dangerous bank in the Cosmos.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
The Caretaker

The terrifying Skovox Blitzer is ready to destroy all humanity - and worse, any second now, Danny Pink and the Doctor are going to meet.

Show broadcasts for KLRU Q
9:59pm CDT
Death in Heaven
(Repeated: Wed 1:59am CDT)

With Cybermen on the streets of London, old friends unite against old enemies, and the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role. Can the mighty UNIT contain Missy? As the Doctor faces his greatest challenge, sacrifices must be made before the day is won.

Show broadcasts for WGVU Michigan
11:00pm EDT
Death in Heaven

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
11:00pm EDT
The Twin Dilemma: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
11:30pm EDT
The Twin Dilemma: Part Four

Wednesday 4 May

Thursday 5 May

Friday 6 May