This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 42: 18-24 Oct 1986 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 18 October

Sunday 19 October

Show broadcasts for WTTW 11 Chicago
11:00pm CDT
The Mind Robber: Movie Format

Intro: Tonight, the Second Doctor uses a special emergency unit to save the TARDIS and its crew and move out of reality itself. This is no fairy tale as we will learn when we meet "The Mind Robber."

Outro: Next week, destination: Dulkis, a planet enslaved by an alien culture, aptly named "The Dominators," and their deadly robot slaves, the Quarks. Be with us next Sunday night at 11. [source: ChicagoEpguides]Sunday

ChicagoEpguides reported that WTTW decided to show The Mind Robber before The Dominators as they felt it was a better introduction to Patrick Troughton.

Monday 20 October

Tuesday 21 October

Wednesday 22 October

Thursday 23 October

Friday 24 October