This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 38: 22-28 Sep 2012 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 22 September

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00pm EDT
A Town Called Mercy

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00pm EDT
The Power Of Three

Show broadcasts for KBTC
7:00pm PDT
Carnival Of Monsters: Episode Three
(Repeated: Sun 2:00am PDT)

Show broadcasts for KBTC
7:30pm PDT
Carnival Of Monsters: Episode Four
(Repeated: Sun 2:30am PDT)

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CDT
Day of the Moon
The Doctor is locked up in Area 51. Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down by the FBI. But, with the help of President Nixon and Neil Armstrong, the Doctor is able to mount a rebellion against an alien invasion dating back to the very beginnings of human civilisation.

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MDT
A Good Man Goes to War

The Doctor needs an army by his side. As he calls in all his debts across the cosmos, his enemies use his closest friends to trap him. Today will mark the battle of Demons Run. Both sides will make sacrifices - and River Soong has something to tell the Doctor.

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:49pm MDT
The Born Identity (Factual)

Monday 24 September

Tuesday 25 September

Wednesday 26 September

Thursday 27 September

Friday 28 September