This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 37: 16-22 Sep 2017 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 16 September

Show broadcasts for WYCC
6:00am CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Masque Of Mandragora

The TARDIS lands in Renaissance Italy, where Dr. Who becomes involved with nobility, sorcery and evil. Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen. Count: Jon Laurimore. Rossini: Antony Carrick.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
7:33am CDT
Peter Davison Movies: Warriors of the Deep

In 2084, Dr. Who becomes involved in an undersea battle between Earthlings and Silurians and Sea Devils. Tegan: Janet Fielding. Turlough: Mark Strickson. Solow: Ingrid Pitt. Nilson: Ian McCulloch.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
9:02am CDT
Colin Baker Movies: Timelash

The Doctor is forced to land on Karfel, where the evil Borad plots to replace the inhabitants with a mutated life form. Peri: Nicola Bryant. Borad: Robert Ashby. Tekker: Paul Darrow. Vena: Jeananne Crowley.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EDT
The Green Death: Episode Six

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EDT
The Time Warrior: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Time Warrior: Part Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Time Warrior: Part Three

Show broadcasts for WFWA
9:32pm EDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Deadly Assassin

Dr. Who returns to Gallifrey and finds himself accused of plotting to kill the President (Llewellyn Rees). Hildred: Derek Seaton. Master: Peter Pratt. Goth: Bernard Horsfall.

Show broadcasts for WSRE
10:00pm CDT
Colin Baker Movies: Attack of the Cybermen

Show broadcasts for WILL
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Brain Of Morbius

The planet Karn is home both to a mystic Sisterhood, whose sacred flame produces an elixir of life, and to Mehendri Solon, a fanatical scientist who is using the remnants of spaceship crash victims to put together a new body for the still-living brain of the executed Time Lord criminal Morbius.

Show broadcasts for WYCC
10:00pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: Nightmare of Eden

The Doctor and Romana uncover a drug-smuggling operation and set out to find the source of Zip, the most dangerous drug in the universe. Lalla Ward. Rigg: David Daker. Della: Jennifer Lonsdale. Tryst: Lewis Fiander.

Show broadcasts for KPTS
10:00pm CDT
The Androids of Tara: Part Two

The Doctor tries to prevent Count Grendel from being crowned King of Tara.

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
10:30pm CDT
Tom Baker Movies: The Brain Of Morbius

Mad scientist Mehendri Solon is building a body from spare parts to house the disembodied brain of the evil Time Lord Morbius. He fancies the Doctor's head as the final piece.

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:00pm CDT
Pertwee Movies: Death to the Daleks - Part 1 of 2

The TARDIS suffers a power drain and is forced down on the planet Exxilon. Sarah is captured by the primitive inhabitants and the Doctor comes face to face with his oldest enemies.

Show broadcasts for PBS North
11:00pm CDT
Peter Davison Movies: Kinda
(Repeated: Fri 12:00am CDT)

The TARDIS lands on a seemingly tranquil planet that a team of scientists hopes to colonize. Peter Davison, Janet Fielding. Sanders: Richard Todd. Hindle: Simon Rouse. Panna: Mary Morris.

Show broadcasts for WMVS/MPTV (Milwaukee) HD 10.1/36.2
11:46pm CDT
Pertwee Movies: Death to the Daleks - Part 2 of 2

The TARDIS suffers a power drain and is forced down on the planet Exxilon. Sarah is captured by the primitive inhabitants and the Doctor comes face to face with his oldest enemies.

Show broadcasts for Idaho Public Television
11:00pm MDT
Tom Baker Movies: City of Death

The Doctor and Romana are enjoying a holiday in Paris, 1979, when they become aware of a fracture in time. During a visit to the Louvre to see da Vinci's Mona Lisa, the Doctor purloins from a stranger, Countess Scarlioni, a bracelet that is actually an alien scanner device.

Sunday 17 September

Saturday 16 September

Sunday 17 September

Monday 18 September

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT
The Idiot's Lantern

It is 1953 and the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II is taking place, but beneath the celebrations there are rumours of monsters on the streets.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
The Impossible Planet

Part 1. Rose is trapped in the orbit of a black hole; something ancient beneath the planet's surface begins to awaken.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
The Satan Pit

Part 2. As Rose battles the murderous Ood, the Doctor finds his every belief being challenged to the core as the Pit beckons.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
Love & Monsters

A man named Elton is plunged into a world of living nightmares when he becomes obsessed with the Doctor, Rose and their mysterious blue box.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
Fear Her

The Doctor plans to show Rose the London Olympics in 2012; a mother hides her daughter's unearthly powers.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
Army of Ghosts

The human race rejoices as ghosts of loved ones return home; an invasion force threatens modern day Earth.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Death to the Daleks: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Death to the Daleks: Part Two

Tuesday 19 September

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT

Two mighty armies wage war across the Earth; terror emerges from beneath Torchwood Tower; the Doctor faces a dilemma.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
The Runaway Bride

No sooner has the Doctor said a tear-stained farewell to Rose Tyler than he finds himself face-to-face with a woman dressed in a fluffy white wedding frock. Who is she? Who is she supposed to be marrying? And how did she get on board the TARDIS?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
Smith and Jones

The Doctor and Martha are transported into danger.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
The Shakespeare Code

Witches cast a spell on the Doctor and Martha.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT

The Doctor takes Martha to the planet New Earth in the future where the streets are ruled by sinister pharmacists.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
Daleks in Manhattan

Part 1. The TARDIS lands in 1930s New York, where people are disappearing from the streets.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
Death to the Daleks: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
Death to the Daleks: Part Four

Wednesday 20 September

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT
Evolution of the Daleks

Part 2. The Doctor forms a deadly alliance to save humanity.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
The Lazarus Experiment

Turning back the clock has consequences.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT

As a spaceship hurtles towards the sun, the Doctor and Martha have just 42 minutes to save the day.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
Human Nature

Part 1. The Doctor finds an unusual hiding place.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
The Family of Blood

Part 2. Smith and Jones are under siege.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT

When people start to disappear, a young woman finds cryptic messages bleeding through from a mysterious stranger called the Doctor.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Monster of Peladon: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Monster of Peladon: Part Two

Thursday 21 September

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT

Capt. Jack storms back into the Doctor's life; the Tardis travels to the end of the universe.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
The Sound of Drums

Part 1. Harry Saxon becomes Prime Minister, but has dark ambitions.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
Last of the Time Lords

Part 2. With The Doctor imprisoned by The Master, Martha endeavors to save the world.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
Voyage of the Damned

Kylie Minogue joins Doctor Who to play Astrid, a waitress on a doomed spaceship that eerily resembles the Titanic. When a meteor hits, Astrid and The Doctor must protect the survivors from and prevent the whole ship from crashing to Earth.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
Partners in Crime

Donna is determined to find the Doctor, even if it means braving Miss Foster and her hordes of Adipose.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
The Fires of Pompeii

The Doctor and Donna visit Pompeii in AD 79, on the eve of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Monster of Peladon: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Monster of Peladon: Part Four

Show broadcasts for EBRU
8:00pm EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Friday 22 September

Show broadcasts for EBRU
12:00am EDT
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00am EDT
Planet of the Ood

The Doctor takes Donna to her first alien world, but the Ood-Sphere reveals some terrible truths about the human race.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00am EDT
The Sontaran Stratagem

Part 1. Sontaran warriors set their sights on the Earth and its inhabitants.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
8:00am EDT
The Poison Sky

Part 2. As poison gas suffocates the Earth's population, the Doctor and UNIT team members work to eliminate the threat.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EDT
The Doctor's Daughter

The Doctor meets the most important woman of his life.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EDT
The Unicorn and the Wasp

Agatha Christie's 10-day disappearance in 1926 may have been the result of amnesia, a nervous breakdown, or a giant alien wasp.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EDT
Silence in the Library

Part 1. The Doctor and Donna must uncover the truth behind the Nodes and the Data Ghost to uncover the library's secret.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
12:00pm EDT
The Wedding of River Song

By the shores of Lake Silencio, in Utah, all of time and space hang in the balance - because this is the day the Doctor dies.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
1:00pm EDT
The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe

Evacuated to a house in Dorset from war-torn London, Madge Arwell and her two children, Lily and Cyril, are greeted by a madcap caretaker whose mysterious Christmas gift leads them into a magical wintry world.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
2:00pm EDT
Asylum of the Daleks

Kidnapped by his oldest foe, the Doctor is forced on an impossible mission - to a place even the Daleks are too terrified to enter...

Show broadcasts for BBC America
3:00pm EDT
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

An unmanned spaceship hurtles towards certain destruction - unless the Doctor can save it, and its impossible cargo... of dinosaurs!

Show broadcasts for BBC America
4:00pm EDT
A Town Called Mercy

The Doctor gets a Stetson and a gun, and finds himself the reluctant Sheriff of a Western town under siege by a relentless cyborg.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
5:00pm EDT
The Power Of Three

The Doctor and the Ponds puzzle an unlikely invasion of Earth, as millions of sinister black cubes fall from the sky overnight...

Show broadcasts for BBC America
6:00pm EDT
The Angels Take Manhattan

The Doctor's heart-breaking farewell to Amy and Rory - a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York's statues come to life around them....

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EDT
The Monster of Peladon: Part Five

Show broadcasts for BBC America
7:00pm EDT
The Snowmen

Christmas Eve 1892 and a chilling menace threatens humankind - but with the Doctor in mourning, it takes old friends and an unorthodox young governess to get him fighting to save the world again.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EDT
The Monster of Peladon: Part Six