This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

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See broadcasts for KQED PlusThe Ends of Time: An Evening of Doctor Who

Last updated 13 January 2025
The Ends of Time: An Evening of Doctor Who
Broadcast: Wednesday 18th October 2000
8:00pm-11:15pm PDT (03:00 GMT) < > « » Premiere < > « »
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Friday 13th October 2000:
KTEH 54 San Jose, CA
Sun 11PM PDT Time and the Rani all 4 eps
The Rani forces the Doctor's regeneration into his 7th Doctor, hoping to use his knowledge to troubleshoot some problems with her latest technological terror. But how to win his trust? Impersonate Mel, perhaps.
Wed 8 to 11:15PM PDT The Ends Of Time - LIVE
Carole Ann Ford (Susan) and Sylvester McCoy (7th Doctor) take time off from a cruise to host a live special in the bay area. 5 selected episodes from Susan's and the 7th Doctor's eras will air in this order:
An Unearthly Child - An Unearthly Child (episode 1)
Remembrance of the Daleks - episode 2
The Dalek Invasion Of Earth - Flashpoint (episode 6)
Survival - episode 3
(5th episode to be a Sylvester McCoy episode voted on by those who pledge)
To pledge/vote on 5th episode/ask questions: 1-800-225-5454 or 1-408-795-5454 (call only during the broadcast)
To chat:
ยป the episode was reported as Battlefield: Part Three