This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in USA

See broadcasts for KQED PlusKTEH Doctor Who Music Video No. 1

Last updated 13 January 2025
KTEH Doctor Who Music Video No. 1
Broadcast: Sunday 21st January 2001
~11:47pm-12:34am PST (~07:47 GMT) < > « » Premiere < >

A miscellaneous programme related to Doctor Who etc. but do not currently have an individual entry in the Guide.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Friday 19th January 2001:
KTEH 54 San Jose, CA
Sun 11PM PST The Edge of Destruction movie (The Edge Of Destruction, The Brink Of Disaster)
An explosion aboard TARDIS leaves the crew with fragmented memories and a paranoid suspicion of each other. NOTE - the movie version has a scene missing from the US episodic version - the cliffhanger at the end leading into the Marco Polo story, followed by the original closing credits from 1964. The recent video release of Edge Of Destruction in America accidentally used the US episodic prints, and did not have that scene, necessitating a recall.
Sun 11:47(?)PM PST "KTEH Doctor Who Music Video No. 1)" music video - world premiere!
Deep in the caverns of KTEH, several Doctor Who music videos have been put together. The first one is premiering here. I don't have the info right with me on which video is airing, but my addled memory tells me that they sounded like they would be very good when I was told about them some time ago. Set the VCR.