This Week in United Kingdom

Last Christmas
6:15pm-7:15pm GMT < > « »

(actually broadcast at 18:14:30)

Featuring: Peter Capaldi, Samuel Anderson, Jenna Coleman, Nick Frost, Natalie Gumede, Nathan McMullen, Dan Starkey
Under attack on an Arctic base, the Doctor and Clara appear to be facing their doom. Will Santa offer the gift of salvation? Nick Frost and Michael Troughton guest-star.
Synopsis Source: Radio Times
Ratings Information:
Initial figures: 6.300m viewers (overnight), 27.5% audience share, 8th place day
Consolidated figures: 8.284m viewers (+7 days), 31.6% audience share, 7th place - BARB Week Top 10 (channel), AI 82
Additional figures: 8.546m viewers (+28 days)
Online player figures: 1.07m requests as of 31st December 2014
Initials: Doctor Who was the seventh most watched programme on an individual channel, with BBC One once again dominating Christmas night viewing. In terms of programme schedule, Strictly Come Dancing at 5pm came third with 7.0m/35.1% share, then it was Doctor Who (6:15pm, 7th/6.3m/27.9%), Miranda (7:15pm, 5th/6.7m/27.6%), Call The Midwife (7:45pm, 4th/6.8m/27.9%), Eastenders (9:00pm, 2nd/7.6m/30.2%) and Mrs Brown's Boys (10:00pm, 1st/7.6m/32.2%). Conversely, for ITV it was For The Love Of Dogs (5:45pm, 14th/3.2m/14.7%), ITV News (6:45pm, 13th/4.2m/18.1%), Emmerdale (7:00pm, 9th/5.7m/23.7%), Coronation Street (8:00pm, 6th/6.6m/26.9%), and Downton Abbey (9:00pm, 8th/5.8m/24.5%).
However, the Queen's speech was the most-watched programme overall when both BBC and ITV broadcasts are taken into account, achieving 7.8m viewers (and shifting everything above down a place) - i.e. making Doctor Who the eighth most-watched programme of the day.
Finals: The consolidated chart shows that Doctor Who was the seventh most-watched programme for the week, with BBC1's Christmas Day programming taking six of the top seven places, with only the Monday 8:30pm edition of Coronation Street edging Last Christmas off sixth place. With timeshift taken into account, the top programmes swapped places since broadcast, with Eastenders, Strictly, Midwife, Miranda becoming Midwife, Strictly, Miranda, Eastenders - Mrs Brown's Boys remained the nations most-watched programme over the Christmas period chart.
BARB Live: 4.64m; Timeshift+7: 3.64m (8.28m total); Timeshift+28: 3.91m (8.55m total)
[first week breakdown: 6.337m(Wed); 7.927m(Sun); 8.078m(Mon); 8.195m(Tue)]
The Top 20 for the week (excluding +1 - see the chart image for combined results):
9.689 Mrs Browns Boys BBC1 25th 10:06pm (10:05pm) 9.407 Call The Midwife BBC1 25th 7:51pm ( 7:50pm) 8.979 Strictly Come Dancing BBC1 25th 4:59pm ( 5:00pm) 8.655 Miranda BBC1 25th 7:16pm ( 7:15pm) 8.604 Eastenders BBC1 25th 9:06pm ( 9:05pm) 8.291 Coronation Street ITV 22nd 7:32pm ( 7:30pm) 8.284 Doctor Who BBC1 25th 6:14pm ( 6:15pm) 8.21 The Queen's Christmas Message multi 25th 3:00pm 8.105 Eastenders BBC1 26th 8:00pm 8.080 Coronation Steeet ITV 22nd 8:34pm ( 8:30pm) 7.893 Eastenders BBC1 22nd 8:01pm ( 8:00pm) 7.772 Coronation Street ITV 25th 7:59pm ( 8:00pm) 7.691 Coronation Street ITV 24th 7:32pm ( 7:30pm) 7.654 Eastenders BBC1 24th 8:02pm ( 8:00pm) 7.406 Last Tango in Halifax BBC1 28th 9:01pm ( 9:00pm) 7.379 Top Gear Patagonia Special BBC2 28th 8:02pm ( 8:00pm) 7.361 Coronation Street ITV 26th 7:00pm 7.241 Downton Abbey ITV 25th 9:01pm ( 9:00pm) 7.214 Top Gear Patagonia Special BBC2 27th 8:30pm 6.739 Emmerdale ITV 22nd 7:01pm ( 7:00pm) 7.148 Skyfall ITV 24th 8:12pm ( 8:10pm) 6.518 Emmerdale ITV 25th 7:02pm ( 7:00pm) 6.239 Emmerdale ITV 23rd 7:02pm ( 7:00pm)
Demographics for the week showed that Doctor Who was the fourth most popular amongst children (1.04m), and fifth amongst adults aged 16-34 (2.09m).
2.079 Top Gear Patagonia Special, Part 1 1.689 EastEnders 25/12/2014 1.554 Top Gear Patagonia Special, Part 2 1.433 EastEnders 26/12/2014 1.309 The Apprentice Series 10 - The Final and You're Hired Episode 14 1.264 Miranda Special - I Do, But To Who? 1.147 EastEnders 23/12/2014 1.108 EastEnders 24/12/2014 1.069 Doctor Who - Last Christmas 1.058 The Boy in the Dress 1.056 EastEnders 22/12/2014 0.977 Mrs Brown's Boys Christmas Special - Mammy's Tickled Pink 0.972 EastEnders 29/12/2014 0.949 Call the Midwife Christmas Special 25/12/2014 0.655 The Wrong Mans Series 2 Episode 1 0.643 EastEnders 30/12/2014 0.495 Not Going Out Series 7 Christmas Special Episode 10 0.488 Gangsta Granny 0.471 Match of the Day 26/12/2014 0.455 The Wrong Mans Series 2 Episode 2
Notes | ||
DRAMA "A scary, tense and claustrophobic adventure" is Steven Moffat's promise to RT for his hotly anticipated special, Last Christmas. "It's The Thing meets Miracle on 34th Street!" Expect creepy monsters attacking a scientific base at the South Pole with a big dollop of Santa on the side. Quite whether Father Christmas belongs in the Doctor Who universe will be a matter for you. Clips aired so far show Nick Frost playing the part with all the pizzazz of a peeved van driver. He heads up a guest cast including Michael Troughton (son of second Doctor, Patrick) and former Corrie and Strictly star, Natalie Gumede. Let it snow! |