This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Friday 3rd July 2009
This Week In Doctor Who Western Hemisphere - July 3/4, 2009 (posted 3rd Jul 2009, 1:20pm - TWIDW post #0906) |
This Week In Doctor Who Western Hemisphere July 3/4, 2009 - Vol 1, No 27 The Guide to North and South American Doctor Who TV Listings by Benjamin F. Elliott |
CANADA/USA - SPACE's next Doctor Who broadcast is Planet of the Dead on Saturday 25 July at 9PM Eastern (two repeats on 26 July in blocks with The Next Doctor repeats). BBC America's next Doctor Who Broadcast is Planet of the Dead on Sunday 26 July at 8PM, 11PM, and 2AM Eastern. |
USA - BBC America aired The Next Doctor complete on Saturday 27 June and has already put the episode on iTunes. Its DVD release is in September. Sadly, no repeats on TV are currently scheduled. Also, BBC America listed the episode as 75 minutes but ran it for 79 minutes, causing most people who recorded the episode to watch it later to miss the ending. And BBC America's On Demand schedule has updated - Doctor Who is not part of their On Demand service. Now, there is a Doctor Who marathon scheduled for Sunday 19 July, but The Next Doctor is not part of it. Currently: Sunday 19 July: 3PM - Utopia 4PM - The Sound Of Drums/Last Of The Time Lords (movie version, edited version of Last Of The Time Lords) 6PM - The Stolen Earth/Journey's End (same heavy edit of Journey's End from February) |
Now, if anybody at BBC America is listening, wouldn't this make a better marathon? 3PM - Turn Left (unedited, 65 minute time slot - you've never shown this one uncut before) 4:05PM - The Stolen Earth 5:05PM - Journey's End (90 minute time slot to air it uncut, you promised an uncut showing on your message board months ago) 6:35PM - The Next Doctor (85 minute time slot - 80 minutes for the episode now that we know the real running time, 5 minutes to hype lots of HD stuff) Note - I am e-mailing this idea to BBC America and twittering it at them, but this is my idea. The listing higher up is what BBC America is actually doing unless they change their mind. |
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CANADA - Ztele will air Journey's End in a 60 minute time slot starting Tuesday 7 July. Since the episode was a bit over 63 minutes long, this will mean significant editing. Ztele aired Voyage of the Damned (72 minute episode) in a 90 minute slot, so it is possible that they were unaware that a complete version of Journey's End was available. Somebody get ahold of BBC Worldwide Canada so they can alert Ztele to this fact and find out if Ztele wants to swap out for the better one. Ztele is a French language station. |
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USA - SciFi changes their name to Syfy on Tuesday 7 July. All the links will switch to at that point. As of this time, the change in name is not affecting their Doctor Who repeat schedule. |
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USA - KTEH has a winner in their Doctor Who Youtube contest. See KTEH's Doctor Who blog (link at KTEH's schedule entry) to see who won. This winner gets to host a Doctor Who marathon in the future. |
USA - Doctor Who - Series 3 (The Runaway Bride and the 13 episode 2007 series with Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones) are now distributed to Public TV stations by BBC Worldwide Americas, not American Public TV. Series 4 also seems to be available to buy - start date for Series 4 on Public TV stations is unknown. BBC Worldwide Americas also distributes classic Doctor Who to stations. |
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The public TV stations known to have bought The Runaway Bride and Series 3: WXXI 21 Rochester, NY WTTW 11 Chicago, IL (starts 2 August 10PM CDT) WGVU/WGVK 35,52 Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI WILL 12 Urbana, IL WTVP 47 Peoria, IL Iowa Public TV Idaho Public TV Wisconsin Public TV Milwaukee Public TV KUED 7 Salt Lake City, UT (currently in first run) OETA Oklahoma KLRU 18 Austin, TX (currently in first run) Alaska Public TV WSKG/WSKA 46,30 Binghamton/Elmira, NY (currently in first run) KERA 13 Dallas, TX (starts late 11 July Midnight CDT) |
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Now, I am confident that there are more stations with rights to Series 3 than that. (Just added KERA in Dallas - hooray.) But these are the stations who have contacted me or scheduled the show. Unlike previous years, we are in the dark till a station comes forward or new Who appears in their schedules. |
Series 2 is currently available to public TV stations in an American Public TV package until March 31, 2010. For the Series 1 and 2 packages, stations have bought the rights to cycle through the episodes 4 times. They are not required to do so. American Public TV is no longer offering Series 1 - I do not know if BBC Worldwide Americas will offer those stations to public TV stations now or not. |
2 Public TV stations currently have rights to air the classic Doctor Who run (1963-1989), but not New Who. KBTC 28 Tacoma, WA is airing Peter Davison episodes. WHRO 15 Norfolk, VA is airing Tom Baker episodes. |
And now, the listings: |
BBC Entertainment Saturday 6PM and 4AM, Sunday 10AM, 12 July 9AM 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 Sunday 9AM 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 11 July 6PM and 4AM, 12 July 10AM, 19 July 9AM 1-11 Boom Town 18 July 6PM and 4AM, 19 July 10AM, 26 July 9AM 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 25 July 6PM and 4AM, 26 July 10AM, 2 August 9AM 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 1 August 6PM and 4AM, 2 August 10AM 1-01 Rose (I'm noticing a rut here - there are more than 13 episodes, guys) |
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Ztele Episodes dubbed in French. Series 4 premiere. Tuesday 9PM, Wednesday 2PM and 10PM EDT 4-13 La Fin Du Voyage pt 2 of 2 (Journey's End) (last episode scheduled for now, 60 minute slot - somebody sold Ztele an incomplete version of the episode. BBC Worldwide Canada - did you point out the real length of this story before letting Ztele walk off with a version that'll be missing up to 20 minutes of show?) ![]() |
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SPACE SPACE has the 2009 specials and Series 5. Repeats of the Eccleston/Tennant episodes coming in 2010. 25 July 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 26 July 11:20AM and 4:35PM EDT/8:20AM and 1:35PM PDT 4-15 Planet of the Dead (Canadian premiere, 85 minute slot?, will be on SPACE's website for Canadian viewers to see for a period after initial broadcast) 26 July 10AM and 3:15PM EDT/7AM and 12:15PM PDT 4-14 The Next Doctor (80 minute slot) (I suspect it may also repeat on 25 July, but the 25 July listings are missing for some reason - SPACE tweeted the time for Planet of the Dead, which is why I have that) |
CBC TV CBC's over the air network is encoring the last set of episodes they bought. Late Sunday Midnight (12:30AM Newfoundland and some Pacific Time Zone stations, some Pacific at Midnight) 4-03 Planet of the Ood 12 July 11PM (11:30PM Newfoundland and some Pacific Time Zone stations, some Pacific at 11PM) 4-04 The Sontaran Stratagem pt 1 of 2 |
CBC Bold TV "The Planet Of The Doctor" exclusive CBC.CA documentary. 6 regular episodes and 1 special. Approximately 90 minutes. Wednesday 8PM EDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 (no late night repeats) Late 15 July Midnight and 3AM EDT 2-01 New Earth (The Christmas Invasion is skipped, 8PM slot no longer exists - only 2 airings) Late 22 July Midnight and 3AM EDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw Late 29 July Midnight and 3AM EDT 2-03 School Reunion Late 5 August Midnight and 3AM EDT 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace Late 12 August Midnight and 3AM EDT 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 Late 19 August Midnight and 3AM EDT 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 Late 26 August Midnight and 3AM EDT 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern |
USA: |
Viewer alert - BBC America does not have a repeat of last weekend's special "The Next Doctor" scheduled in July. It is on iTunes already at $1.99 to buy, apparently uncut. DVD is out in September. I know where BBC America could repeat it without a problem, and will tell them. No guarantee they will listen, of course. Some people are annoyed because they missed the episode (I've had it listed and hyped for weeks). Others because BBC America ran it for 79 minutes instead of 75 minutes and their machines stopped recording before the end (you're on your own with that one, BBC America - next time check how long it will run and update schedules accordingly). I am delighted that some extended length episodes are finally getting extended slots, but we will have to be careful and sometimes allow more time. BBC America DirecTV 264 Dish 135,879 HD version of channel launches 20 July 2009. Firstrun home for the last 5 David Tennant special episodes. Doctor Who is *NOT* including in the BBC America On Demand offerings. See Torchwood This Week for BBC America's Torchwood schedule. -19 July 3PM EDT/Noon PDT 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 -19 July 4PM EDT/1PM PDT 3-12/3-13 "The Sound Of Drums/Last Of The Time Lords (edited International version)" combined as a movie -19 July 6PM EDT/3PM PDT 4-12/4-13 "The Stolen Earth/Journey's End (heavily edited version)" combined as a movie -26 July 8PM and 11PM and 2AM EDT/5PM and 8PM and 11PM PDT 4-15 "Planet Of The Dead" (USA Premiere, first HD Doctor Who broadcast, 75 minute timeslot) Later 2009/2010 - The Waters Of Mars and the 2 part finale |
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Syfy (replace scifi with syfy in the links starting sometime late Monday 6 July) DirecTV 244 DirecTVHD 244 Dish 122 DishHD 122 16:9 Letterbox. Series 4 - repeat run. Series 1, 2, and 3 - sporadic repeats. Repeat rights to Sarah Jane Adventures Series 1. Status of Sarah Jane Series 2 unknown. Friday 5AM EDT/PDT 4-11 Turn Left 17 July 5AM EDT/PDT 4-12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2 (once again, part 2 will not air) 24 July 5AM EDT/PDT 4-01 Partners in Crime 27 July 8AM EDT/PDT 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment 27 July 9AM EDT/PDT 3-07 42 27 July 10AM EDT/PDT 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 27 July 11AM EDT/PDT 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 27 July Noon EDT/PDT 3-10 Blink 27 July 1PM EDT/PDT 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 27 July 2PM EDT/PDT 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 27 July 3PM EDT PDT 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 (Edited International Version) 31 July 5AM EDT/PDT 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii 7 August 5AM EDT/PDT 14 August 5AM EDT/PDT 21 August 5AM EDT/PDT 28 August 5AM EDT/PDT 28 August 8AM EDT/PDT Daytime Rotation - 8 Series 2 Episodes |
Public TV Premiere Run: |
WSKG/WSKA 46.1, 30.1 Binghamton/Elmira, NY Series 3 - 1st Cycle: Saturday 11PM EDT 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 Saturday 11:45PM EDT DWC 3-05 Making Manhattan 11 July 11PM EDT 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment 11 July 11:45PM EDT DWC 3-06 "Monsters Inc." WSKG has the right to air one more cycle of Series 2 before March 31, 2010. |
Wisconsin Public TV 28.1, 38.1, 21.1, 31.1, 20.1 Green Bay DirecTV 38 Green Bay Dish 38,9336 Madison DirecTV 21 Madison Dish 21,7286 La Crosse-Eau Claire DirecTV 31 DirecTVHD 31 La Crosse-Eau Claire Dish 31,7726 Wassau DirecTV 20 Wassau Dish 20,7216 Series 3 - 1st Cycle: Saturday pre-empted Sunday 2PM CDT 1 hour episode (repeat of 3-00 The Runaway Bride?, which didn't get a Sunday repeat?) 11 July 8:40PM CDT 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 12 July - pre-empted by Great Circus Parade 2009 Wisconsin Public TV has the right to air Series 2 another 2 times before March 31, 2010. |
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KERA 13.1 Dallas, TX Dallas DirecTV 13,889 DirecTVHD 13 Dallas, Sherman Dish 13,8406 Tyler Dish 13,8886 Series 3 - 1st Cycle: Saturday - pre-empted by pledge programming. Late 11 July Midnight CDT 3-00 The Runaway Bride (start of new to KERA episodes!) KERA has the right to 2 more showings of Series 2 before March 31, 2010. |
KLRU 18.1 Austin, TX Austin DirecTV 18,907 Austin Dish 18,8256 Series 3 - 1st Cycle: Saturday 11PM CDT 3-10 Blink Thursday 10PM, 11 July 11PM CDT 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 16 July 10PM, 18 July 11PM CDT 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 23 July 10PM, 25 July 11PM CDT 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 (Edited International Version) 20 August 10PM, 22 August 11PM CDT 2-01 New Earth (start of Series 2 - 3rd Cycle) 27 August 10PM, 29 August 11PM CDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw 3 September 10PM, 5 September 11PM CDT 2-03 School Reunion KLRU has the right to 2 more cycles of Series 2 before March 31, 2010. |
KLRU-Q 18.3 Austin, TX broadcast and digital cable only Wednesday 10PM CDT 3-10 Blink episodes airing the week after the KLRU regular broadcasts |
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KUED 7.1/KUES 19.1/KUEW 18.1 Salt Lake City/St. George, UT Underwritten by Ken Garth Mitsubishi-Hundai. Salt Lake City DirecTV 7,982 Salt Lake City Dish 7,8536 Series 3 - 1st Cycle: Saturday 11PM MDT 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 ![]() 11 July 11PM MDT 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 18 July 11PM MDT 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 (Edited International Version) 25 July 11PM MDT 3-00 The Runaway Bride (2nd Cycle Begins) 15 August 11PM MDT 3-01 Smith and Jones 22 August 11PM MDT 3-02 The Shakespeare Code 29 August 11PM MDT 3-03 Gridlock KUED has the right to air Series 2 another 2 times before March 31, 2010. |
Repeats: |
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WXXI 21.1 Rochester, NY Rochester DirecTV 21 DirecTVHD 21 Rochester Dish 21,7640 Series 3 - 2nd Cycle: Saturday 11PM EDT 3-07 42 11 July 11PM EDT 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 WXXI has the right to air 2 more cycles of Series 2 before March 31, 2010. |
WHRO 15.1 Norfolk, VA Norfolk DirecTV 15 DirecTVHD 15 Norfolk Dish 15,7295 Saturday11:32PM and 5:32AM EDT The Sontaran Experiment pt 1 of 2 Classic Season 12, Episode 9. Doctor: Tom Baker. 11 July 11:49PM and 4:49AM EDT The Sontaran Experiment pt 2 18 July 11:54PM and 4:54AM EDT Genesis of the Daleks pt 1 Late 25 July 12:28AM EDT (no later repeat) Genesis of the Daleks pt 2 1 August 11:30PM and 4:30AM EDT Genesis of the Daleks pt 3 8 August 11:31PM and 4:31AM EDT Genesis of the Daleks pt 4 15 August 11:30PM and 4:30AM EDT Genesis of the Daleks pt 5 22 August 11:30PM and 4:30AM EDT Genesis of the Daleks pt 6 29 August 11:31PM and 4:31AM EDT Revenge of the Cybermen pt 1 |
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UNC-ED North Carolina Digital Cable Channel from public broadcaster UNC. Not available over the air or on satellite. Series 2 - UNC's 3rd Cycle: Saturday 6PM EDT 2-09 The Satan Pit Saturday 6:47PM EDT DWC 2-09 Religion, Myths and Legends Thursday 8PM, Friday Noon, 11 July 6PM EDT 2-10 Love & Monsters Thursday 8:45PM, Friday 12:45PM, 11 July 6:45PM DWC 2-10 The New World Of Doctor Who 16 July 8PM, 17 July Noon, 18 July 6PM EDT 2-11 Fear Her 16 July 8:43PM, 17 July 12:43PM, 18 July 6:43PM DWC 2-11 The Fright Stuff 23 July 8PM, 24 July Noon, 25 July 6PM EDT 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 23 July 8:43PM, 24 July 12:43PM, 25 July 6:43PM DWC 2-12 Welcome to Torchwood 30 July 8PM, 31 July Noon, 1 August 6PM EDT 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 30 July 8:46PM, 31 July 12:46PM, 1 August 6:46PM EDT DWC 2-13 Finale |
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WGVU/WGVK 35.1, 52.1 Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI Grand Rapids, MI DirecTV 35 Grand Rapids, MI Dish 35,8716 Series 3 - 2nd Cycle: Saturday 5PM EDT 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 Saturday 5:46PM EDT DWC 3-04 A New York Story Thursday 11PM, 11 July 5PM EDT 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 Thursday 11:46PM, 11 July 5:46PM EDT DWC 3-05 Making Manhattan 16 July 11PM, 18 July 5PM EDT 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment 16 July 11:45PM, 18 July 5:45PM EDT DWC 3-06 Monsters Inc. 23 July 11PM, 25 July 5PM EDT 3-07 42 23 July 11:45PM, 25 July 5:45PM EDT DWC 3-07 Space Craft 30 July 11PM, 1 August 5PM EDT 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 30 July 11:45PM, 1 August 5:45PM EDT DWC 3-08 Alter Ego 6 August 11PM, 8 August 5PM EDT 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 6 August 11:45PM, 8 August 5:45PM EDT DWC 3-09 Bad Blood 13 August 11PM, 15 August 5PM EDT 3-10 Blink 13 August 11:45PM, 15 August 5:45PM EDT DWC 3-10 Do You Remember the First Time? 20 August 11PM, 22 August 5PM EDT 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 20 August 11:45PM, 22 August 5:45PM EDT DWC 3-11 'Ello 'Ello 'Ello 27 August 11PM, 29 August 5PM EDT 3-12 The Sound of Drums 27 August 11:46PM, 29 August 5:46PM EDT DWC 3-12 The Saxon Mystery WGVU/WGVK has the right to air Series 2 two more times before March 31, 2010. |
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WGVU.DT4/WGVK.DT4 35.4/52.4 Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI digital subchannel airing the episodes the week after the main WGVU station. Not available on Satellite. WGVU is not putting up schedule information for WGVU.DT4 right now, so apologies if this is incorrect. Thursday 8PM EDT 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 Thursday 8:46PM EDT DWC 3-04 A New York Story » it was reported the following week that the channel stopped broadcasting. |
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Milwaukee Public TV 10.1 Milwaukee DirecTV 10,946 Milwaukee Dish 10,7076 Series 2 - 3rd Cycle: Saturday 11PM CDT 2-01 New Earth Saturday 11:45PM CDT DWC 2-01 New New Doctor 11 July 11PM CDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw 11 July 11:45PM CDT DWC 2-02 18 July 11PM CDT 2-03 School Reunion 18 July 11:45PM CDT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited 25 July 11PM CDT 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 25 July 11:45PM CDT DWC 2-04 From Script to Screen 1 and 8 August - pre-empted for pledge programming 15 August 11PM CDT 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern (probably an error, so don't be surprised if Rise of the Cybermen airs instead) 15 August 11:45PM CDT DWC 2-07 (or 2-05) 22 August 11PM CDT 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 (or 2-06 The Age of Steel) 22 August 11:46PM CDT DWC 2-08 (or 2-06) 29 August 11PM CDT 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 (or 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern) 29 August 11:46PM CDT DWC 2-09 (or 2-07) Series 3 has aired 1 time, and Milwaukee Public TV can presumably repeat it an unknown number of times. |
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WTTW 11.1 Chicago, IL Chicago DirecTV 11,965 DirecTVHD 11 Chicago Dish 11,8496 Rockford, IL - cable station only Series 2 - 3rd Cycle: Sunday 11PM, Late Friday 3AM CDT 2-10 Love & Monsters Sunday 11:45PM, Late Friday 3:45AM CDT DWC 2-10 The New World of Dr Who 12 July 11PM, Late 17 July 3AM CDT 2-11 Fear Her 12 July 11:45PM, Late 17 July 3:45AM CDT DWC 2-11 The Fright Stuff 19 July 11PM, Late 24 July 3AM CDT 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 19 July 11:45PM, Late 24 July 3:45AM CDT DWC 2-12 Welcome to Torchwood 26 July 11PM, Late 31 July 3AM CDT 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 26 July 11:46PM, Late 31 July 3:46AM CDT DWC 2-13 Finale 2 August 10PM CDT 3-00 The Runaway Bride (Series 3 Begins) |
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WILL 12.1 Champaign/Urbana, IL Champaign DirecTV 12 Chicago Dish 12,7407 Peoria, IL - cable station Series 3 - 2nd Cycle: Saturday 10:30PM, Sunday 6PM CDT 3-03 Gridlock Saturday 11:16PM, Sunday 6:46PM CDT DWC 3-03 Are We There Yet? 11 July 10:30PM, 12 July 6PM CDT 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 11 July 11:18PM, 12 July 6:48PM CDT DWC 3-04 A New York Story 18 July 10:30PM, 19 July 6PM CDT 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 18 July 11:18PM, 19 July 6:48PM CDT DWC 3-05 Making Manhattan 25 July 10:30PM, 26 July 6PM CDT 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment 25 July 11:15PM, 26 July 6:45PM CDT DWC 3-06 Monsters Inc. WILL has the right to air Series 2 one more time before March 31, 2010. |
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WTVP 47.1 Peoria, IL Peoria DirecTV 47 DirecTVHD 47 Peoria Dish 47,7756 Series 3 - 2nd Cycle: Saturday 10:30PM CDT 3-00 The Runaway Bride (61 minute episode, 90 minute slot - pledge broadcast perhaps? - start of 2nd Cycle) 11 July 11PM CDT 3-01 Smith and Jones WTVP has the right to air Series 2 two more times before March 31, 2010. |
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IPTV Iowa 11.1, 32.1, 27.1, 12.1, 36.1, 21.1, 32.1, 24.1, 36.1 Des Moines DirecTV 11,474 DesMoines DirecTVHD 11 Des Moines Dish 11,9116 Cedar Rapids DirecTV 12 Cedar Rapids DirecTVHD 12 Cedar Rapids Dish 11,9161 Omaha DirecTV 32 Omaha Dish 11,9146 Sioux City Dish 27,7195 Quad Cities DirecTV 36 Quad Cities DirecTVHD 36 Quad Cities Dish 36,7607 Rochester, MN DirecTV 24,904 Rochester, MN Dish 11,8247 Series 3 - 2nd Cycle: BDSaturday 11:05PM CDT 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 Saturday 11:50PM CDT DWC 3-08 Alter EgoEND BDF11 July 11:05PM CDT 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 11 July 11:48PM CDT DWC 3-09 Bad Blood 18 July 11:05PM CDT 3-10 Blink 18 July 11:48PM CDT DWC 3-10 Do You Remember the First Time? 25 July 11:05PM CDT 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 25 July 11:51PM CDT DWC 3-11 'Ello 'Ello 'ElloEND Iowa Public TV has the right to air Series 2 one more time before March 31, 2010. |
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Ozark Public TV 21.1, 26.1 Springfield/Joplin, MO Springfield DirecTV 21 Springfield Dish 21,7226 Joplin Dish 26,7873 Series 2 - 3rd Cycle: Saturday pre-empted for Independence Day programming 11 July 9:30PM CDT 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 The Satan Pit through Doomday did not get their second airing. (out-of-sequence episodes might have been wrong, meaning just the last two episodes didn't air) |
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OETA Oklahoma 13.1, 11.1, 3.1 Oklahoma City, OK DirecTV 13 DirecTVHD 13 Oklahoma City, OK Dish 13,8896 Tulsa, OK DirecTV 11 Tulsa, OK Dish 11,8926 Series 3 - 2nd Cycle: Friday 10:24PM CDT 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 17 July 10:24PM CDT 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 24 July 10:24PM CDT 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment OETA has the right to 1 more showing of Series 2 before March 31, 2010. |
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Idaho Public TV 4.1, 10.1, 13.1, 26.1 Boise DirecTV 4 Boise Dish 4,7141 Idaho Falls Dish 10,7746 Twin Falls Dish 13,8807 Spokane, WA DirecTV 26 Spokane, WA Dish 26,9178 Series 3 - 2nd Cycle: Saturday 11PM MDT/PDT 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 Saturday 11:45PM MDT/PDT DWC 3-09 Bad Blood 11 July 11PM MDT/PDT 3-10 Blink 11 July 11:45PM MDT/PDT DWC 3-10 Do You Remember the First Time? 18 July 11PM MDT/PDT 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 18 July 11:45PM MDT/PDT DWC 3-11 'Ello 'Ello 'Ello 25 July 11PM MDT/PDT 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 25 July 11:46PM MDT/PDT DWC 3-12 The Saxon Mystery 1 August 11PM MDT/PDT 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 (Edited International Version) 1 August 11:46PM MDT/PDT DWC 3-13 The Valiant Quest 8 August 11PM MDT/PDT 3-00 The Runaway Bride (61 minutes) 15 August 11PM MDT/PDT 2-01 New Earth (Start of Series 2 Cycle 3) 15 August 11:45PM MDT/PDT DWC 2-01 New New Doctor 22 August 11PM MDT/PDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw 22 August 11:45PM MDT/PDT DWC 2-02 Fear Factor 29 August 11PM MDT/PDT 2-03 School Reunion 29 August 11:45PM MDT/PDT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited Idaho Public TV has the right to air Series 2 another 2 times before March 31, 2010. |
KBTC/KCKA 28.1, 15.1 Tacoma/Centralia, WA Seattle DirecTV 28,970 Seattle Dish 28,8620 Saturday 7PM and Midnight PDT Earthshock pts 1 and 2 of 4 Classic Season 19, Episodes 19 through 20. Doctor: Peter Davison. 11 July 7PM and Midnight PDT Earthshock pts 3 and 4 18 July 7PM and Midnight PDT Time-Flight pts 1 and 2 25 July 7PM and Midnight PDT Time-Flight pts 3 and 4 |
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KTEH/KQED.DT2/KQET.DT2 54.1, 9.2, 25.2 San Jose/San Francisco/Monterey, CA San Francisco DirecTV 54,903 San Francisco Dish 54,8234 Series 2 - 4th/Final Cycle: Sunday 11PM, Sunday 5AM PDT 2-01 New Earth (start of 4th/final Cycle) Saturday 11:45PM, Sunday 5:45AM PDT DWC 2-01 New New Doctor 12 July 11PM, 13 July 5AM PDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw 12 July 11:47PM, 13 July 5:47AM PDT DWC 2-02 Fear Factor 19 July 11PM, 20 July 5AM PDT 2-03 School Reunion 19 July 11:47PM, 20 July 5:47AM PDT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited 26 July 11PM, 27 July 5AM PDT 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 26 July 11:47PM, 27 July 5:47AM PDT DWC 2-04 From Script to Screen 2 and 3 August - pre-empted by pledge drives Visit their blog site linked above for information on their recent YouTube competition. The winner (whose entry is prominent on the site) got the grand prize of hosting a future 4 episode New Series Doctor Who marathon, hosting 5 minute introductions to each episode!!! All the entries are available for the public to see. Now KTEH - where is Series 3? |
Alaska One 9.1, 3.1 serving most of Alaska - unclear if it reaches Anchorage Fairbanks, AK DirecTV 9 DirecTVHD 9 Fairbanks, AK Dish 7,8297 DishHD 5646 Juneau, AK DirecTV 3 Juneau, AK Dish 3,9383 DishHD 5704 Series 2 - 3rd Cycle: Sunday 11PM, Thursday 8PM and 2AM 2-02 Tooth and Claw Sunday 11:45PM, Thursday 8:45PM and 2:45AM DWC 2-02 Fear Factor 12 July 11PM, 16 July 8PM and 2AM 2-03 School Reunion 12 July 11:45PM, 16 July 8:45PM and 2:45AM DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited Alaska One has the right to air Series 3 additional times. |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. |
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2009. |