This Week in USA

The New World of Dr Who
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:45pm CDT (04:45 GMT) < > « »
WTTW 11 Chicago

Featuring: Russell T Davies, Mark Gatiss, Neill Gorton, Peter Kay, Billie Piper, David Tennant, Marc Warren
This episode goes behind the scenes of Love & Monsters
Going behind the scenes of Doctor Who. This edition looks at the new range of technology associated with the series, from downloadable TARDISodes on mobile phones to interactive TV games. Featuring exclusive interviews with Peter Kay and Billie Piper, it shows the lighter side of time travel, while the global and technical growth of the Doctor Who phenomena is simply out of this world.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 3rd July 2009:
WTTW 11.1 Chicago, IL
Chicago DirecTV 11,965 DirecTVHD 11
Chicago Dish 11,8496
Rockford, IL - cable station only
Series 2 - 3rd Cycle:
Sunday 11PM, Late Friday 3AM CDT 2-10 Love & Monsters
Sunday 11:45PM, Late Friday 3:45AM CDT DWC 2-10 The New World of Dr Who
12 July 11PM, Late 17 July 3AM CDT 2-11 Fear Her
12 July 11:45PM, Late 17 July 3:45AM CDT DWC 2-11 The Fright Stuff
19 July 11PM, Late 24 July 3AM CDT 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2
19 July 11:45PM, Late 24 July 3:45AM CDT DWC 2-12 Welcome to Torchwood
26 July 11PM, Late 31 July 3AM CDT 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2
26 July 11:46PM, Late 31 July 3:46AM CDT DWC 2-13 Finale
2 August 10PM CDT 3-00 The Runaway Bride (Series 3 Begins)
WTTW 11.1 Chicago, IL
Chicago DirecTV 11,965 DirecTVHD 11
Chicago Dish 11,8496
Rockford, IL - cable station only
Series 2 - 3rd Cycle:
Sunday 11PM, Late Friday 3AM CDT 2-10 Love & Monsters
Sunday 11:45PM, Late Friday 3:45AM CDT DWC 2-10 The New World of Dr Who
12 July 11PM, Late 17 July 3AM CDT 2-11 Fear Her
12 July 11:45PM, Late 17 July 3:45AM CDT DWC 2-11 The Fright Stuff
19 July 11PM, Late 24 July 3AM CDT 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2
19 July 11:45PM, Late 24 July 3:45AM CDT DWC 2-12 Welcome to Torchwood
26 July 11PM, Late 31 July 3AM CDT 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2
26 July 11:46PM, Late 31 July 3:46AM CDT DWC 2-13 Finale
2 August 10PM CDT 3-00 The Runaway Bride (Series 3 Begins)