This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Wednesday 28th February 2007
This Week In Doctor Who - February 28, 2007 (posted 28th Feb 2007, 11:43am - TWIDW post #0496) |
THIS WEEK IN DOCTOR WHO February 28, 2007 - Vol 10, No 9 The weekly guide to Doctor Who broadcasts worldwide. by Benjamin F. Elliott |
Upcoming premiere broadcasts: Sunday 4 March: Jimmy Italy 8:05PM - Love And Monsters Monday 5 March: Yes Stars Israel 10:15PM and 1:55AM - The Age of Steel, pt 2 of 2 Tuesday 6 March: BS-2 Japan 11:10PM - Army of Ghosts, pt 1 of 2 Wednesday 7 March: Showtime Arabia Style UK 9AM and 4PM UAE - The Satan Pit, pt 2 of 2 Thursday 8 March: SVT Sweden 8PM - Rose Saturday 31 March: BBC One - Smith And Jones (Doctor Who Series 3 Premiere!) |
The 3rd Series premiere on BBC One (not counting The Runaway Bride at Christmas) will be on the 31st of March, it seems. Just a month away. Here's hoping for a great set of episodes that does fantastic in the UK and airs across the world - quickly. |
Hopefully US Doctor Who fans are paying attention, as we're entering a very busy period. BBC America has its final repeats of Series One (the Christopher Eccleston episodes) for now (including a marathon on Saturday) - Doctor Who is being rested and replaced by Robin Hood. Meanwhile, as of March the public TV stations that have bought Doctor Who Series One can begin to air them - the first unedited free TV broadcasts of new Who in the US. Here is the current list of 40 stations arranged by the premiere dates for the Doctor. |
Premieres this week - don't forget! KLCS 58 Los Angeles, CA - Friday March 2nd 10PM WILL 12 Urbana, IL - Saturday March 3rd 8PM - 2 episodes KERA 13 Dallas, TX - Saturday March 3rd 9PM - 2 episodes WTVP 47 Peoria, IL - Monday March 5th 10PM - 4 night event (2 episodes airing twice) |
Premieres next week. WLIW 11 Long Island, NY - Wednesday March 7th 10PM WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH - Thursday March 8th 10PM KUHT 8 Houston, TX - Friday March 9th 10PM WXXI 21 Rochester, NY - Saturday March 10th 8PM - 3 episodes WSKG/WSKA 46,30 Binghamton/Elmira, NY - Saturday March 10th 10PM - 2 episodes Iowa Public TV - Saturday March 10th 10PM - 2 episodes KOZK/KOZJ 21/26 Springfield/Joplin, MO (Ozarks Public TV) - Saturday March 10th 10:30PM Idaho Public Broadcasting - Saturday March 10th 10:30PM Mountain / 9:30PM Pacific - 2 episodes |
Still to come. KUED 7 Salt Lake City, UT - Saturday March 17th 11PM WLVT 39 Allentown, PA - Sunday April 1st 6PM Georgia Public Broadcasting - Sunday April 1st 7PM (this is a change from previous reports) Oregon Public Broadcasting - Thursday April 5th 10PM WJCT 7 Jacksonville, FL - Saturday April 7th 11:30PM KTEH/KCAH 54/25 San Jose/Monterey, CA - Tuesday April 10th 8PM and 2AM KLRU 18 Austin, TX - Thursday April 12th 10PM WQLN 54 Erie, PA - unknown WUFT 5 Gainesville, FL - unknown WEDU 3 Tampa, FL - unknown WPBT 2 Miami, FL - unknown WMFE 24 Orlando, FL - unknown WTTW 11 Chicago, IL - unknown Oklahoma Public Broadcasting - unknown Nebraska Educational TV - unknown South Dakota Public Broadcasting - unknown KBTC/KCKA 28/15 Tacoma/Centralia, WA - unknown KVPT 18 Fresno, CA - unknown KOCE 50 Huntington Beach, CA - unknown New Hampshire Public TV - April or later Maryland Public TV - April or later North Carolina Public Broadcasting - April or later Louisiana Public Broadcasting - April or later KTWU 11 Topeka, KS - April or later KACV 2 Amarillo, TX - April or later Rocky Mountain PBS (Colorado) - April or later WMVS 10 Milwaukee, WI - May or later Prairie Public Broadcasting (North Dakota) - June or later |
For now, public TV stations can only buy Series One. The better it does on the stations that bought it, the more likely fans will get to see more Who on public TV stations. |
To readers outside the US - the broadcast public TV stations have much more freedom in their schedules than the major broadcast network affiliates ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CW), and their lineups vary much more from place to place. Some cities have multiple public TV stations due to overlaps and different educational organizations setting up stations in the same area. Doctor Who is not part of the PBS schedule, it is an optional extra purchase from a syndicator, so stations are choosing to run it rather than just having a network send it to them. This is how most Americans saw Doctor Who from the 1970s to 1990s (except for the TV Movie on FOX). Almost anyone can see at least one public TV station, and while they don't have the audience of ABC, CBS, NBC, or FOX, they can reach many people that cable networks like SciFi or BBC America will not get. This Week In Doctor Who began with the idea that it would be nice to know which public TV stations are airing Doctor Who when and which episodes are running. I'm delighted that the Doctor is back on at least some of these stations and hope the public TV run is a big success. If that's not enough to support the public TV showing of Doctor Who - SciFi cuts most of the episodes to meet the timeslot. BBC America does a bad edit of the last few seconds of each episode to erase any sign of the Next Time trailer, then remakes the closing credits their own way. Both put lots of annoying preview pictures and information in the bottom left section of the screen at times when you'd rather be seeing the story. They put Doctor Who ads on screen during other shows when you'd rather be watching those shows. Full credit to SciFi and BBC America for airing Doctor Who, and they treat it as well as their most popular shows. But like most TV networks these days, they treat all their shows pretty poorly. The public TV stations will be airing the show uncut (some of them with Doctor Who Confidential airing afterwards). When not in pledge season, episodes will be airing straight through with no commercial interruptions. While some public TV stations are beginning the disgusting practice of putting promos for other shows on screen during a program, they are still much more restrained than SciFi and BBC America. Many of the public TV stations are not doing this and should get thanked for avoiding the practice. |
The public TV run of the show will be the nicest the new Doctor Who will look in the US short of buying the DVDs. If one of your stations is airing the show, this is the time to get friends and family who haven't tried the new series yet to tune in. |
David Thiel, Program Director of WILL-TV in Urbana, IL, has offered some advice "... for dealing with Your Friendly Local Public Television Station and helping to make the series a success on American broadcast TV:
BBC Kids - the week of 12 to 16 March sees the 10PM Eastern slot pre-empted for Beauty and The Geek UK and the 2AM Eastern slot pre-empted by movies, with Doctor Who only at 5 or 5:30AM. Doctor Who returns to its normal time periods on 19 March. |
Torchwood This Week has the schedule information on spinoff series Torchwood. Torchwood This Week will go out on Thursday this time. |
For press releases on Doctor Who, keep an eye on the BBC Press Office and C21 Media . |
Corrections and updates are welcome at thisweekindoctorwho- , TWIDW on AOL IM , and thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. The listings: |
New Series General Information: |
UK |
BBC One - Series 3 comes on 31 March ... |
BBC Three Doctor Who Confidential Friday 7PM GMT DrWho Confidential 2-07 The Writer's Tale Friday 7:30PM GMT 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern Friday 8:15PM GMT 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 Late Sunday 2AM GMT - TORCHWOOD episode 9 - See Torchwood This Week 9 March 7PM GMT 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 First broadcaster of Doctor Who Confidential |
BFBS Not airing this week. |
Jimmy Wednesday 7:40AM CET 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace (repeat) Friday 6:10AM, Saturday 4PM, Sunday 5:15AM CET 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 Sunday 8:10PM, Monday 11:10PM, 10 March 6:50AM and 4:50PM CET 2-10 Love & Monsters |
Showtime Arabia Style UK airs Series 2. Wednesday 9AM and 4PM UAE 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 Next Wednesday 9AM and 4PM UAE 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 14 March 9AM and 4PM UAE 2-10 Love & Monsters 21 March 9AM and 4PM UAE 2-11 Fear Her |
Yes Stars Monday 10:15PM and 1:55AM, Tuesday 5PM 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 |
ASIA (regional channel): |
BBC Entertainment Saturday 6 and 11:15PM, Sunday 7:30AM and 1:45PM Thailand Time 1- 10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 |
UK: |
BBC Online Shada (Online) - starring Paul McGann and Lalla Ward. 6 episodes. A retired Time Lord in Cambridge needs the Doctor's help to recover a Time Lord book before the scientist Skagra can find it. TheScreamOfTheShalka - starring Richard E. Grant. 6 episode story. The Shalka prepare to conquer the Earth from below. Can the Doctor be convinced to save the day one last time? Real Time - starring Colin Baker and the Cybermen. 6 episodes. The Doctor and Evelyn Smythe research a temple that has been yanking scientists out of time, bringing them face to face with the future of the Cybermen. Doctor Who Confidential The 13 episodes from Series 1 of the BBC Three series all online via Real Player in the CutDown format used for repeats and the Series 1 DVDs. Also, numerous video diaries and trailers. Also - Attack of the Graske - interactive game available to UK residents only as part of the trials of the BBC broadband service, starring David Tennant as the Doctor and you as the companion |
UKTV Gold (All times 1 hour later on UKTV Gold + 1). Saturday 9:45AM and 12:10AM GMT 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 Sunday 6-8:50AM GMT The Monster of Peladon movie Classic Season 11, Episodes 15 through 20. Doctor: Jon Pertwee. Last Classic Who story on schedule for a while. 10 March 9:30AM and 1:25AM GMT 2-10 Love & Monsters 17 March 9:30AM GMT 2-11 Fear Her 24 March 9:30AM and 2AM GMT 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 31 March 9:30AM BST 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 |
Digital Plus People + Arts Chanel 27. Series 1 Repeats Monday 10:30PM CET 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 12 March 10:30PM CET 1-11 Boom Town 19 March 10:30PM CET 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 26 March 10:30PM CET 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 |
Skai TV Wednesday 3:15PM EET 1-?? "?" Late Thursday 1:30AM EET 1-07 The Long Game Next Wednesday 3:15PM EET 1-?? "?" |
Prime TV 4:3 cropped pan and scan. Series 1 repeats: Monday 7:30PM 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 12 March 7:30PM 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 (apparently the end of the current repeat run) |
CBC TV 16:9 widescreen digital, 16:9 letterbox analog Late Friday 12:30AM (1AM Newfoundland) 1-07 The Long Game Late 9 March 12:30AM 1-08 Father's Day Late 16 March 12:30AM 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 Late 23 March 12:30AM 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 Late 30 March 12:30AM 1-11 Boom Town Co-producer on Torchwood. First broadcaster to buy Torchwood. "The Planet Of The Doctor" exclusive CBC.CA documentary. 6 regular episodes and 1 special. Approximately 90 minutes. |
BBC Kids BBCK Weeknights 10PM, 2 and 5AM EST (7 and 11PM, 2AM PST) The 10PM and 2AM EST episodes are pre-empted for the week of 12 to 16 March only for special programming. Regular service resumes 19 March. Weekends 2AM EST (11PM PST) - complete stories When the start time varies, the correct time in EST will be noted in parenthesis. Wednesday Time and the Rani pts 1+2 of 4 Thursday Time and the Rani pts 3+4 of 4 Classic Season 24, Episodes 1 through 4. Doctor: Sylvester McCoy. Friday Paradise Towers pts 1+2 of 4 Classic Season 24, Episodes 5 through 6. Doctor: Sylvester McCoy. Saturday The Mutants eps 4,5,+6 of 6 Classic Season 9, Episodes 18 through 20. Doctor: Jon Pertwee. Sunday The Time Monster eps 1,2,+3 of 6 Classic Season 9, Episodes 21 through 23. Doctor: Jon Pertwee. Monday Paradise Towers pts 3+4 of 4 Classic Season 24, Episodes 7 through 8. Doctor: Sylvester McCoy. Tuesday Delta and the Bannermen pts 1+2 of 3 Classic Season 24, Episodes 9 through 10. Doctor: Sylvester McCoy. 7 March 10:30PM, 2:30AM, + 5:30AM Classic 24.04 Dragonfire 9 March Classic 25.02 The Happiness Patrol 11 March Classic 10.01 The Three Doctors Late 12 March 5:30AM only Classic 25.03 Silver Nemesis (1 episode per day for 3 days) Late 15 March 5AM only Classic 25.04 The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (2 episodes per day for 2 days) 17 March Classic 10.02 Carnival Of Monsters 18 March Classic 10.05 The Green Death 19 March Classic 26.01 Battlefield (back in regular time periods) 21 March Classic 26.02 Ghost Light 22 March 10:30PM, 2:30AM, + 5:30AM Classic 26.03 The Curse of Fenric 24 March Classic 11.01 The Time Warrior 25 March Classic 11.02 Invasion of the Dinosaurs |
USA: |
SciFi 16:9 Letterbox. 27 March 8:30AM EDT/PDT 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 27 March 9:30AM EDT/PDT 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 27 March 10:30AM EDT/PDT 1-11 Boom Town 27 March 11:30AM EDT/PDT 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 27 March 12:30PM EDT/PDT 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 27 March 1:30PM EDT/PDT 2-00 The Christmas Invasion 27 March 3PM EDT/PDT 2-01 New Earth 17 April 8AM to 4PM EDT/PDT "8 hour marathon" |
BBC America 16:9 Letterbox. Doctor Who Series 1 Repeat Run (all times 3 hours earlier in PST) Saturday 2PM EST 1-07 The Long Game Saturday 3PM EST 1-08 Father's Day Saturday 4PM EST 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 Saturday 5PM EST 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 Saturday 6PM EST 1-11 Boom Town Saturday 7PM EST 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 Saturday 8PM, Sunday 2:30PM and 6PM EST 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 Doctor Who will leave BBC America's regular schedule for the time being after the repeats of The Parting of the Ways on the 4th of March. |
New Hampshire Public TV analog 11,49,52 No digital simulcast. Boston, MA DirecTV 11,955 Boston, MA Dish 11,8781 Burlington, VT DirecTV 49 Burlington, VT Dish 11,8944 No premiere date yet. |
WLIW Long Island, NY analog 21 digital .1 New York City DirecTV 21,887 New York City Dish 21,8112 7 March 10PM EST 1-01 Rose No other broadcasts in March. |
WXXI Rochester, NY analog 21 digital .4 Rochester DirecTV 21 Rochester Dish 21,7640 10 March 8PM EST 1-01 Rose 10 March 9PM EST 1-02 The End Of The World 10 March 10PM EST 1-03 The Unquiet Dead |
WSKG/WSKA Binghamton/Elmira, NY analog 46,30 digital .2 10 March 10PM EST 1-01 Rose 10 March 11PM EST 1-02 The End Of The World |
WLVT Allentown, PA analog 39 digital .1 Philadelphia DirecTV 39,910 1 April 6-7:30PM EDT 1-01 Rose |
MPT Maryland analog 22, 67, 31, 28, 62, 36 digital .2 DC/Hagerstown, Baltimore DirecTV 22,973 Baltimore Dish 22,8736 Late Saturday 12:30-2AM EST The Stones of Blood movie Classic Season 16, Episodes 9 through 12. Doctor: Tom Baker. Time approximate after pledge drive. Late 10 March 12:31-2:05AM EST The Androids of Tara movie Late 17 March 12:30-2AM EDT The Power of Kroll movie Late 24 March Midnight-2:20AM EDT The Armageddon Factor movie The Christopher Eccleston episodes - coming in April or later. |
UNC North Carolina analog 58,17,30,4,36,33 digital .1 Charlotte DirecTV 58,892 Charlotte Dish 4,8662 Greenville, SC DirecTV 33,892 Greenville, SC Dish 4,8190 Norfolk, VA Dish 4?,7271 Florence, SC DirecTV 31 Florence, SC Dish 31,7845 Greenville, NC DirecTV 25 Greenville, NC Dish 19,7737 No premiere date yet. April or later. |
Georgia Public Broadcasting analog 8, 18, 9, 14, 20, 29, 8 digital .1 Atlanta DirecTV 8,981 Atlanta Dish 8,8306 Jacksonville, FL Dish 8,9058 Chattanooga, TN DirecTV 18 Chattanooga, TN Dish 8,7336 Savannah DirecTV 9 Savannah Dish 8,7486 Augusta DirecTV 20 Augusta Dish 8,7706 Macon DirecTV 29 Macon Dish 8,7882 Albany 8,7672 1 April 7PM, 7 April 11PM EDT 1-01 Rose 8 April 7PM, 14 April 11:11PM EDT 1-02 The End Of The World 15 April 7PM, 21 April 11:11PM EDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 22 April 7PM, 28 April 11:10PM EDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 29 April 7PM EDT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2 |
WJCT Jacksonville, FL analog 7 No digital simulcast. Jacksonville DirecTV 7 Jacksonville Dish 7,9056 7 April 11:30PM EDT 1-01 Rose |
WUFT Gainesville, FL analog 5 digital .1 Gainesville Dish 5,7796 No premiere date yet. |
WEDU Tampa, FL analog 3 digital .1 Tampa DirecTV 3,884 Tampa Dish 3,8696 No premiere date yet. |
WMFE Orlando, FL analog 24 digital .1 (except Midnight-7AM) Orlando DirecTV 24,948 Orlando Dish 24,8276 No premiere date yet. |
WPBT Miami, FL"> analog 2 digital .1 Miami DirecTV 2,979 Miami Dish 2,8836 No premiere date yet. |
WCET Cincinnati, OH analog 48 digital .1 Cincinnati DirecTV 48,909 Cincinnati Dish 48,8356 Saturday 11PM EST The Masque of Mandragora pt 1 of 4 (delayed until 24th March) Classic Season 14, Episode 1. Doctor: Tom Baker. 8 March 10PM EST 1-01 Rose |
WTTW Chicago, IL analog 11 digital .2 Chicago DirecTV 11,965 Chicago Dish 11,8496 Rockford, IL - cable station only The Christopher Eccleston episodes - coming Spring 2007. |
WTVP Peoria, IL analog 47 digital .1 Peoria DirecTV 47 Peoria Dish 47,7756 Monday 10PM, 7 March 10:30PM, 10 March 9:30PM, 12 March 10PM CST 1-01 Rose Tuesday 10:30PM, 8 March 10PM, 10 March 10:30PM, 13 March 10:30PM CST 1-02 The End Of The World |
WILL Champaign/Urbana, IL analog 12 digital .1 Champaign DirecTV 12 Chicago Dish 12,7407 Peoria, IL - cable station Saturday 8-10PM, Tuesday 8-10PM CST 1-01/1-02 Rose/The End Of The World - special pledge night preview 18 March 6PM, 24 March 10:25PM CDT 1-01 Rose (start of Doctor Who in regular time slots) 25 March 6PM, 31 March 10:25PM CDT 1-02 The End Of The World |
WMVS Milwaukee, WI analog 10 No digital simulcast. Milwaukee DirecTV 10,946 Milwaukee Dish 10,7076 No premiere date yet. May or later. |
IPTV Iowa analog 11, 32, 27, 12, 36, 21, 32, 24, 36 No digital simulcast. Des Moines DirecTV 11,474 Des Moines Dish 11,9116 Cedar Rapids DirecTV 12 Cedar Rapids Dish 11,9161 Omaha DirecTV 32 Omaha Dish 11,9146 Sioux City Dish 27,7195 Quad Cities DirecTV 36 Quad Cities Dish 36,7607 Rochester, MN DirecTV 24,904 Rochester, MN Dish 11,8247 No episodes this week. New Who premieres on the 10th. Classic Who returns on the 24th. 10 March 10PM-12:30AM CST - "Premiere night - Doctor Who New Series" 10 March 10PM CST 1-01 Rose 10 March 11:30PM CST 1-02 The End Of The World 24 March 11:05PM, 25 March 6PM CDT 1-01 Rose Late 24 March 12:05AM CDT Classic 15.01 The Ribos Operation pts 1+2 31 March 11:05PM, 1 April 6PM CDT 1-02 The End Of The World Late 31 March 12:05AM CDT Classic 15.01 The Ribos Operation pts 3+4 |
Louisiana Public Broadcasting analog 13,18,24,24,25,27 digital .1 Shreveport DirecTV 24 Shreveport Dish 24,7021 Baton Rouge DirecTV 27 Baton Rouge Dish 27,8046 Lafayette DirecTV 24 Lafayette Dish 24,8488 Monroe Dish 13,7814 No premiere date yet. April or later. |
KTWU Topeka, KS analog 11 digital .2 Topeka DirecTV 11 Topeka Dish 11,7397 No premiere date yet. April or later. |
Ozark Public TV Springfield/Joplin, MO analog 21,26 digital .1 Springfield DirecTV 21 Springfield Dish 21,7226 Joplin Dish 26,7873 10 March 10:30PM CST 1-01 Rose |
OETA Oklahoma analog 13,11,3 digital .1 Oklahoma City, OK DirecTV 13 Oklahoma City, OK Dish 13,8896 Tulsa, OK DirecTV 11 Tulsa, OK Dish 11,8926 No premiere date yet. |
KERA Dallas, TX analog 13 digital .1 Dallas DirecTV 13,889 Dallas, Sherman Dish 13,8406 Tyler Dish 13,8886 Saturday 9PM, 7 March 10:30PM CST 1-01 Rose Saturday 10:15PM, 7 March 11:45PM CST DrWho Confidential CutDown 1-01 Bringing Back the Doctor Saturday 10:30PM, Late 7 March Midnight CST 1-02 The End Of The World Saturday 11:45PM, Late 7 March 1:15AM CST DrWho Confidential CutDown 1-02 Aliens: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly |
KUHT Houston, TX analog 8 digital .1 Houston DirecTV 8,945 Houston Dish 8,8376 9 March 10PM CST 1-01 Rose |
KLRU Austin, TX analog 18 digital .2 Austin DirecTV 18,907 Austin Dish 18,8256 12 April 10PM, 14 April 11PM CDT 1-01 Rose 21 April 11PM CDT 1-02 The End Of The World 28 April 11PM CDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 5 May 11PM CDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 |
KACV Amarillo, TX analog 2 digital .1 Amarillo DirecTV 2 Amarillo Dish 2,7683 No premiere date yet (Doctor Who and Confidential in list of programs). April or later. |
Prairie Public TV North Dakota analog 13,3,6,9,4,19,2 digital .2, 16.2, 25.2 Fargo DirecTV 13 Fargo Dish 13,7418 Bismarck Dish 3,7970 No premiere date yet. June or later. |
South Dakota Public Broadcasting analog 2,23,9,11 digital .2? Sioux Falls DirecTV 23 Sioux Falls Dish 23,9236 Rapid City Dish 9,7984 No premiere date yet. |
NET Nebraska 12,29,3,7,9,12,13,19,26 digital .1 Omaha DirecTV 26 Omaha Dish 26,9147 Lincoln DirecTV 29 Lincoln Dish 12,7556 Sioux City, IA 27,7195 No premiere date yet. |
Rocky Mountain PBS (Colorado) analog 6,8,18 digital .1, 20.1 Denver DirecTV 6,911 Denver Dish 6,8206 Colorado Springs DirecTV 8 Colorado Springs Dish 8,9071 Grand Junction Dish 18,7571 No premiere date yet. April or later. |
KUED/KUES-DT/KUEW-DT Salt Lake City/St. George, UT analog 7 digital .1, 19.1, 18.1 Salt Lake City DirecTV 7,982 Salt Lake City Dish 7,8536 17 March 11PM, 18 March 4PM MST 1-01 Rose 24 March 11PM, 25 March 4PM MST 1-02 The End Of The World 31 March 11PM MST 1-03 The Unquiet Dead |
Idaho Public TV analog 4,10,13,26 digital .1 Boise DirecTV 4 Boise Dish 4,7141 Idaho Falls Dish 10,7746 Twin Falls Dish 13,8807 Spokane, WA DirecTV 26 Spokane, WA Dish 26,9178 10 March 10:30PM MST/9:30PM PST 1-01 Rose 10 March 11:24PM MST/10:24PM PST 1-02 The End Of The World 24 March 11:03PM MDT/10:03PM PDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 31 March 11:04PM MDT/10:04PM PDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 |
KBTC/KCKA/K65BU Tacoma/Centralia/Gray's River, WA analog 28, 15, 65 digital .1 Seattle DirecTV 28,970 Seattle Dish 28,8620 Saturday 7PM and Midnight PST Planet of Evil pts 1+2 of 4 Classic Season 13, Episodes 5 through 6. Doctor: Tom Baker. 3 March Midnight only Classic 13.02 Planet of Evil pts 3+4 No premiere date yet for the Eccleston episodes. |
Oregon Public Broadcasting analog 10,28,13,3,7 No digital simulcast. Portland DirecTV 10,947 Portland Dish 10,8676 Eugene DirecTV 28 Eugene Dish 28,7186 5 April 10PM, 8 April 4AM and 5PM PDT 1-01 Rose 12 April 10PM, 15 April 4AM and 5PM PDT 1-02 The End Of The World 22 April 5PM, 26 April 10PM PDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 29 April 4AM and 5PM, 3 May 10PM PDT 1-04 Aliens of London 6 May 4AM and 5PM, 10 May 10PM PDT 1-05 World War Three 13 May 5AM, 17 May 10PM PDT 1-06 Dalek |
KTEH/KCAH San Jose/Watsonville, CA analog 54, 25 digital .1 San Francisco DirecTV 54,903 San Francisco Dish 54,8234 Monterey DirecTV 25 Monterey Dish 25,9190 10 April 8PM and 2AM, 14 April 11PM PDT 1-01 Rose |
KVPT Fresno, CA analog 18 digital .1 Fresno DirecTV 18 Fresno Dish 18,8971 No premiere date yet. |
KLCS Los Angeles, CA analog 58 digital .1 Los Angeles DirecTV 58,964 Los Angeles Dish 58,8012 Friday 10PM PST 1-01 Rose 9 March 10PM PST 1-02 The End Of The World |
KOCE Huntington, CA analog 50 digital .1 Los Angeles DirecTV 50,956 Los Angeles Dish 50,8013 No premiere date yet. |
Doctor Who: Podshock Weekly chat show with US and UK Doctor Who fans done in podcast format. Episode 68 now online. Episodes now also hosted on Outpost Gallifrey. |
Not Yet Airing New Series Or Between Seasons: 1) UK - BBC One 16:9 Widescreen Digital,14:9 Cropped Letterbox Analogue CBBC 2) GERMANY - ProSieben Doctor Who premiere TBA. Series 1 and 2 purchased. Dubbed in German. 3) EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST - BBC Prime FAQ page says "There are no current plans to show either old or the new series, but we hope to at some point so please keep checking the listings from time to time." 4) RUSSIA - STS TV Series 1 Completed. 5) HUNGARY (airing as Ki Vagi, Doki?) - Cool TV Series 2 completed. RTL Klub Series 1 completed. 6) MALAYSIA - Astro - Box Office Events Series 1 and 2 completed. Next air dates to be announced. 7) NETHERLANDS - Nederland 3 Series 1 completed. 8) MEXICO/LATIN AMERICA - People + Arts Spanish - cropped to 4:3 pan & scan. Series 1 completed. 9) DENMARK - DR 1 Series 1 completed. 10) AUSTRALIA - ABC 16:9 widescreen digital, 14:9 cropped letterbox analog. Series 2 completed. UKTV All times 2 hours later on UKTV + 2. Series 1 completed. 11) HONG KONG - ATV World Series 2 completed. 12) NORWAY - NRK2 Series 1 repeats completed. 13) ROMANIA - TVR2 No longer on schedule. 14) SPAIN - TVE Clan No longer on schedule. 15) FINLAND - TV2 No longer on schedule. 16) CANADA - Ztelé Cropped 4:3 pan and scan. Episodes dubbed in French. Series 2 Completed. 17) SOUTH KOREA - KBS2 Series 2 completed. 18) POLAND - TVP1 Off schedule - last episode aired was School Reunion. 19) FRANCE - France 4 Series Two completed in French and English 20) BELGIUM (& The Netherlands) - een Network Series 1 Repeats interrupted |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2007. |