This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

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Wednesday 19th October 2005

This Week In Doctor Who - October 19, 2005
(posted 19th Oct 2005, 12:12pm - TWIDW post #0348)
October 19, 2005 - Vol 8, No 42
The weekly guide to Doctor Who broadcasts worldwide.
by Benjamin F. Elliott
Wednesday 19 October:
NRK 2 Norway - 8:05PM - Alarm I London pt 1
Saturday 5 November:
France 4 - 10:25PM - Rose / La Fin Du Monde (series premiere)
Friday 11 November:
Jimmy (Italy) - 9PM - Rose (series premiere)
TORCHWOOD - On Monday it was revealed that BBC Three had commissioned a new sci-fi thriller
series from Russell T. Davies. The result will be "Torchwood", a
spinoff from Doctor Who. The 13 episode series will air after the UK
watershed to allow the show to cover themes that Doctor Who as a
family show cannot. Torchwood features a special unit that
investigates alien activities in Britain and seeks out advanced
technology. John Barrowman will reprise his role of "Captain Jack",
seen in Series One of the new Doctor Who series. The word Torchwood
was used in the episode Bad Wolf in what was probably be a blink-
and-you'll-miss-it piece of foreshadowing. Torchwood is an anagram
of Doctor Who and was used last year to disguise tapes of Doctor Who
to limit the information that leaked out on Series One. Torchwood is
expected to be mentioned in the Christmas Invasion and during Series
Two of Doctor Who. Episodes will be 45 minutes long. Torchwood will
air in 2006 at some point after Series Two of Doctor Who. See
shtml for the BBC's description of the show.
Torchwood marks only the 2nd TV spinoff from Doctor Who to get
commissioned for production. K9 & Company had a pilot filmed in
1981, though it did not lead to any further episodes. No other
spinoff idea has ever been filmed, though there are a few audio
spinoff series out there.
TWIDW will report on Torchwood as it approaches production. I will
decide before the series begins if its listings should be included
as part of this column or spun off to another column - my early view
is to spin it off. There is also a yahoo group for Torchwood at for discussion/speculation
on the show. And Outpost Gallifrey will
doubtless keep track of the show in the same way it keeps track of
Doctor Who.
France 4 has announced the start date and times for Doctor Who. The series will air dubbed in French, not English with subtitles. Dubbing may allow the show to air on more popular channels in the company's set, but by no means guarantees that could happen. 2 episodes air each Saturday night - first one at 10:25PM, second one at 11:15PM. The 10:25PM episode repeats Monday at 3PM, the 11:15PM episode repeats Tuesday at 3PM. All times are Central European Time (CET).
The BBC press office announced a
deal with the CBC in Canada regarding Doctor Who. "The Christmas
Invasion" and Series Two will air in Canada (which I seem to recall
they already announced). New in this report is that Billie Piper
will host the Christmas episode, and it will premiere on Monday 26
December, likely just a few days after its UK premiere (UK airdate
not yet chosen). There will be a big effort to market Doctor Who
toys in Canada. And Series One of Doctor Who will be released on DVD
in Canada (Region 1 NTSC) on Tuesday 14 February in the deluxe
boxset that the UK gets this November. The last bit seemed odd as
the distributor had yet to release any Doctor Who content in Canada
without releasing in the US as well, but Shaun Lyon of Outpost
Gallifrey confirmed it with BBC Worldwide Americas.
If you live in the US, this means that you can see Doctor Who on DVD
without making any modifications to your DVD player. The Doctor Who
specialist stories (like ) will probably get
this set in. Canadian online stores (like )
will have this release. Canadian titles, like titles made for the US
or both countries, are in NTSC video format and encoded to Region 1,
so they will work in all US DVD players. Unless a deal is announced
in a hurry, 14 February 2006 will likely be before the US premiere
of the series (there currently is no US broadcaster). Now, if you've
already taken the perfectly legal methods to modify the region code
on your DVD player (if it can be modified) and ordered the UK or
Australian boxset, you can still buy that title and get it sooner
than the Canadian set. Or you can cancel the order and get the set
that will play on your friends' machines as well, understanding that
you'll have to wait a couple more months to get it.
The 13 episodes of the 2005 series move to UKTV Gold in the UK to join repeats of the classic series this Sunday with a weeklong primetime marathon. Episodes to air weekly in primetime thereafter.
BBC 7 premieres another new to radio
episode of Doctor Who - the conclusion of "The Stones Of Venice",
the 3rd of the Paul McGann audios with Big Finish - Saturday at
6:30PM & 12:30AM BST. New to radio episodes continue through 19
The BBC Press Office and C21 Media often announce when a Doctor Who
international sale occurs. Worth keeping an eye on, just in case.
Corrections and updates are welcome at thisweekindoctorwho- , TWIDW on AOL IM , and thebfe on Yahoo
Messenger. The listings:
New Series General Information:
BBC Online
Doctor Who Confidential
The 13 episodes from the BBC Three series all online via Real
Player. Also, numerous video diaries and trailers.
Wednesday 8:05PM CET 1-04 Alarm I London pt 1 Premiere
16:9 Widescreen Digital; 16:9 Letterbox Analog
26 October 1-05 Krig I Vente pt 2
2 November 1-06 Den Siste Dalek
9 November 1-07 The Long Game
16 November 1-08 Father's Day (8:20PM - Special Time)
All shows 1 hour later on UKTV Gold + 1
Sunday 7PM BST 1-01 Rose
Sunday 8PM BST 1-02 The End Of The World
Sunday 9PM & 4:30AM BST 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
Monday 7PM BST 1-04 Aliens of London
Monday 8PM BST 1-05 World War Three
Tuesday 7PM BST 1-06 Dalek
Tuesday 8PM BST 1-07 The Long Game
Premiere of the new Doctor Who on UKTV Gold. Marathon week before settling into regular time slots.
26 October 1-08 Father's Day (7PM)
26 October 1-09 The Empty Child (8PM)
27 October 1-10 The Doctor Dances (7PM)
27 October 1-11 Boom Town (8PM)
28 October 1-12 Bad Wolf (7PM)
28 October 1-13 The Parting of the Ways (8PM)
29 October 1-01 Rose (6PM)
30 October 1-01 Rose (9PM)
France 4
Doctor Who premiere 5 November. 2 episodes 10:25PM Saturdays CET.
Repeats Monday and Tuesday 3PM. Dubbed into French.
5 November 10:25PM/7 November 3PM 1-01 Rose
5 November 11:15PM/8 November 3PM 1-02 La Fin Du Monde
Doctor Who premieres Friday 11 November 9PM CET. Doctor Who special follows premiere episode.
Thomsonfly Airlines
Rose on all in-flight movie systems
Singapore Airlines
Rose on channel 28 of video on demand service
Virgin Atlantic Airways
The End Of The World on V-Hot channel. Cropped to 4:3 aspect
ratio. Next Episode caption removed. Otherwise unedited.
British Midland Airlines, British Airways, Air New Zealand - various
Big Finish Doctor Who
Saturday 6:30PM & 12:30AM BST "The Stones Of Venice" pt 4 of 4
Big Finish Story 18. CD release 2001. Radio premiere. Time is up for
Venice. The 8th Doctor and Charley learn the truth about a long held
family secret.
29 October "Invaders From Mars"
BBC Online
Shada - starring Paul McGann and Lalla Ward. 6 episodes. A retired
Time Lord in Cambridge needs the Doctor's help to recover a Time
Lord book before the scientist Skagra can find it.
"The Scream Of The Shalka" - starring Richard E. Grant. 6 episode
story. The Shalka prepare to conquer the Earth from below. Can the
Doctor be convinced to save the day one last time?
"Real Time" - starring Colin Baker and the Cybermen. 6 episodes. The
Doctor and Evelyn Smythe research a temple that has been yanking
scientists out of time, bringing them face to face with the future
of the Cybermen.
(All times 1 hour later on UKTV Gold + 1)
Saturday 7:05-8:55AM BST Snakedance movie
Season 20, Episodes 5 through 8. Doctor: Peter Davison. The Mara returns to torment Tegan again and plot its snaky ascendance back to power. The Doctor and Nyssa work to defeat the monster twice and for all.
Sunday 7-9AM BST Mawdryn Undead movie
Season 20, Episodes 9 through 12. Doctor: Peter Davison. The Black Guardian, furious over what the Doctor did in the Key To Time stories which you didn't see because UKTV Gold only skipped back to the 5th Doctor's era, recruits a troubled teen for a revenge plot. Meanwhile, a space pod causes trouble for the navigation of the TARDIS.
Sunday 23 - Friday 28 October - Doctor Who Series 1 primetime marathon - see new series section
29 October Terminus (7:05AM)
29/30 October Rose (6PM Sat/9PM Sun) - new series weekly repeats
30 October Enlightenment (7AM)
30 October Adventures in Space and Time (documentary) (3:40AM)
30 October Carnival of Monsters (documentary) (4:25AM)
On Demand Channel C1
All 13 Series 1 (2005) episodes - cropped to 4:3
The Three Doctors - all 4 episodes
The Deadly Assassin - all 4 episodes
The Caves of Androzani - all 4 episodes
Timelash - 4 part version, all 4 episodes
The Curse of Fenric - all 4 episodes
First Great Western Railway (Volo TV)
Episodes unknown.
Thursday 6:03PM Terminus pt 4 of 4
Season 20, Episode 16. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Everything changes at Terminus.
Monday 6:04PM Enlightenment pt 1 of 4
Tuesday 6:04PM Enlightenment pt 2 of 4
Wednesday 6:03PM Enlightenment pt 3 of 4

Season 20, Episodes 17 through 19. Doctor: Peter Davison.
A naval sea race in space run by Immortals is the latest stop for the TARDIS crew. Turlough is acting very oddly. Tegan has an unlikely suitor. And the price for victory may be too high to allow anyone to win.
31 October The King's Demons
2 November The Five Doctors
9 November Warriors of the Deep
BBC Kids
Weeknights Midnight & 5AM EDT (9PM & 2AM PDT) - 2 episodes daily
Weekends 2AM EDT (11PM PDT) - complete stories
Wednesday The Sea Devils eps 2+3 of 6
Thursday The Sea Devils eps 4+5 of 6<
Friday 12&5AM EDT The Sea Devils ep 6 of 6

Season 9, Episodes 10 through 14. Doctor: Jon Pertwee.
The Doctor suspects that the Master (in prison) is plotting with ancient reptiles known as Sea Devils, beings who like their cousins the Silurians a couple of years back want to reconquer the Earth and displace Man as the head species.
Friday 12:30&5:30AM EDT The Curse of Peladon ep 1 of 4
Season 9, Episode 5. Doctor: Jon Pertwee.
Time Lord manipulation sends the Doctor and Jo to Peladon, a world on the verge of a treaty with the Galactic Federation. Should the Doctor and Jo help the treaty efforts, or hinder them?
Saturday The Mark of the Rani 4 pt version, all 4 pts
Season 22, Episodes 5 through 6. Doctor: Colin Baker. BBC Kids premiere)
The TARDIS is diverted from its destination to a village involved in the Industrial Revolution. Two renegade Time Lords are at work causing trouble in town. But they aren't working together. Has the Doctor found a member of his species more callous than the Master?
Sunday The Two Doctors 6 pt version, all 6 pts
Season 22, Episodes 7 through 9. Doctors: Colin Baker & Patrick Troughton. (BBC Kids premiere)
The 2nd Doctor disappears while investigating dangerous time experiments. The Doctor's personal timeline may have been changed. When the effects reach the 6th Doctor, he finds himself compelled to investigate. Extensive filming in Spain for this story. Jamie: Frazer Hines. Peri: Nicola Bryant.
Monday The Curse of Peladon eps 2+3 of 4
Tuesday 12&5AM EDT The Curse of Peladon ep 4 of 4

Season 9, Episodes 6 through 8. Doctor: Jon Pertwee.
Tuesday 12:30&5:30AM EDT The Mutants eps 1 of 6
Season 9, Episode 15. Doctor: Jon Pertwee.
The Time Lords manipulate the Doctor again, this time sending him to Solos, a world on the edge of the Earth Empire. A special package must reach a political criminal, who's frankly a bit of a lunatic. And he's apparently one of the nice guys on the planet.
28 October (12:30AM) The Time Monster
29 October Timelash (BBC Kids premiere)
30 October The Trial Of A Time Lord: The Mysterious Planet (BBC Kids premiere)
2 November (12:30AM) Carnival Of Monsters
4 November (12:30AM) The Three Doctors
5 November The Trial Of A Time Lord: Mindwarp (BBC Kids premiere)
6 November The Trial Of A Time Lord: Terror Of The Vervoids (BBC Kids premiere)
Kids premiere)
12 November The Trial Of A Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe (BBC Kids premiere)
13 November Time and the Rani (BBC Kids premiere)
19 November Paradise Towers (BBC Kids premiere)
20 November Delta and the Bannermen (BBC Kids premiere)
26 November Dragonfire (BBC Kids premiere)
27 November The Happiness Patrol (BBC Kids premiere)
3 December Silver Nemesis (BBC Kids premiere)
4 December The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (BBC Kids premiere)
10 December Battlefield (BBC Kids premiere)
11 December Ghost Light (BBC Kids premiere)
17 December The Curse of Fenric (BBC Kids premiere)
18 December Survival (BBC Kids premiere)
American Who (alternate
Current episode - archive interview with Michael Sheard.
Upcoming episodes
October - Richard Franklin (expected online this weekend)
November - Carole Ann Ford
December - Lalla Ward
Sci-Fi Overdrive
on Lifestyle Talk Radio (LTR)
and Business Talk Radio (BTR)
LTR Late Friday Midnight-2AM EDT (9-11PM PDT, 5-7AM BST, 2-4PM AEST)
Live LTR Stream
BTR Late Sun/Early Mon 1-4AM EDT (10PM-1AM PDT, 6-9AM BST, 3-6PM
Live BTR Stream
Saturday 8-11PM EDT (5-8PM PDT) (repeat of
previous week's episode, online audio stream)
Hour 1 - News & Comment. Hour 2 - Kathryn Leigh Scott (Dark
Shadows); Adam-Troy Castro on the DVD releases of Alias season 4 and
the Universal Frankenstein collection. Hour 3 - BTR only. Repeat of
last week's Hour 2.
Doctor Who: Podshock
Weekly chat show with US and UK Doctor Who fans done in podcast
Starz/Encore channels in US November TV Movie Airings:
Encore Mystery
Saturday Nov 5 7:35AM EST/PST
Friday Nov 18 4AM, 4:45PM, 11:45PM EST/PST
Tuesday Nov 22 9:05AM EST/PST
Friday Nov 18 5AM, 5:45PM, 12:45AM EST/PST
MPT Maryland
analog 22, 67, 31, 28, 62, 36
digital 22-2 (42-2), 67-2 (29-2), 31-2 (44-2), 28-2 (56-2), 62-2 (28-2), 36-2 (54-2)
DC/Hagerstown, Baltimore DirecTV 22,980
Baltimore Dish 22,8736
Late Saturday Midnight-2:30AM EDT The Green Death movie
Season 10, Episodes 21 through 26. Doctor: Jon Pertwee.
The Doctor and Jo learn that radioactive sludge is bad, that chemical corporations who cover up radioactive sludge are bad, and that the Doctor's ability to disguise himself as a woman is bad. Jo seeks independence by considering someone far more patronizing than the Doctor ever was.
29 October The Time Warrior
analog 11, 32, 27, 12, 21, 24, 32, 36, 36
digital 11-2 (50-2), 32-2 (35-2), 27-2 (28-2), 12-2 (45-2), 25, 18,
33, 35, 34
Des Moines DirecTV 11,474
Des Moines Dish 11,9116
Cedar Rapids DirecTV 12
Cedar Rapids Dish 12,9161
Omaha DirecTV 32
Omaha Dish 32,9146
Sioux City Dish 27,7195
Quad Cities DirecTV 36
Quad Cities Dish 36,7607 (not yet available)
Saturday 11:35PM CDT The Mark of the Rani pts 2a+2b of 2
Season 22, Episode 6. Doctor: Colin Baker.
See BBC Kids for details.
29 October The Two Doctors pts 1a+1b
5 November The Two Doctors pts 2a+2b
12 November The Two Doctors pts 3a+3b
19 November Timelash pts 1a+1b
26 November Timelash pts 2a+2b
Not Yet Airing New Series Or Between Seasons:
Nederland 3
Doctor Who premiere January 2006.
Doctor Who premiere TBA.
Doctor Who premiere 2006? Thursday 8PM?
DENMARK: Broadcaster TBA.
Series 1 completed. Series 2 premiere TBA.
16:9 Widescreen Digital,14:9 Cropped Letterbox Analogue
BBC Three
Doctor Who Confidential
Series 1 completed. Series 2 premiere very soon after BBC One.
Series 1 completed. Next airdate unknown.
Series 1 completed. Next airdate unknown.
Series 1 completed. Next airdate unknown.
Monday 26 December Time TBA - 2-00 The Christmas Invasion hosted
by Billie Piper
"The Planet Of The Doctor" exclusive CBC.CA documentary. 6 regular
episodes and 1 special. Approximately 90 minutes.
Prime TV
Series 1 completed. Series 2 premiere TBA.
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care.
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2005.