This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive

Friday 28th December 2001

This Week In Doctor Who - December 28, 2001
(posted 28th Dec 2001, 12:16pm - TWIDW post #0062)
THIS WEEK IN DOCTOR WHO - December 28, 2001
by Benjamin F. Elliott
Vol 4, No 52
Welcome to the weekly guide to Doctor Who broadcasts worldwide.
The year 2001 is drawing to a close. Doctor Who is still performing well as a book series and a direct to audio series. The DVDs are successes, and more are on the way in the UK, Australia, and North America. It saw success as an online drama. The Restoration Team found new ways to make the old episodes look good on video & DVD releases.
The one area where Doctor Who hasn't been successful in lately is its original format - a TV series. Constant rumors about a TV show or a movie, but nothing has happened. The reruns were benched in New Zealand back in June, though they are supposedly returning to Prime TV shortly. Doctor Who's back on TV in Canada on BBC Kids , but alas, that channel is part of the digital cable launch, so most Canadians can't see it - based on the early ratings results, all of the Canadian digital channels are in trouble. In the US Doctor Who was dumped by BBC America and discontinued in North Dakota and Tampa, Florida, while it was picked up in Dallas, Texas - on the plus side, the Sci-Fi Channel picked up rights to repeat the McGann TV movie, which we had lacked for years. BBC Prime in Europe, Africa, and Asia started airing two episodes a week instead of one. Australia ended the year with the weekday episodes being suspended to let the weekend repeats catch up. In the UK, UK Gold started airing 2 movies a weekend instead of 1 movie. Very much a mixed bag of a year.
This Week In Doctor Who itself has seen some changes over this year. There's a fair chance you are reading the column in a different place than where you were reading it back in January. On April 4, 2001, I launched a Yahoo! Group to enable me to take over some of the distribution of the column. The timing was fortuitous, as that was the day that Shaun Lyon announced that the Doctor Who Alliance newsletter was going on hiatus for several months, and that on its return it would no longer be a weekly publication. Most of my readership was reading the column in the Alliance, but no longer. Also, the mirrors of the column carried at and were discontinued shortly thereafter.
This Week In Doctor Who is still carried in Australia at (courtesy of Jason Fraser - take a bow, Jason), the UK at (courtesy of Roger Clark - your turn to bow), and in the US at (courtesy of Dr. Siobahn Morgan). You can still read it Friday mornings on the rec.arts.drwho newsgroup. If you lost track of TWIDW during the Spring - the column was still operational.
I am happy to say that the TWIDW Yahoo! Group is growing nicely. As I write this, it is up to 179 subscribers. While a tad less than the venerable Alliance Newsletter's 2851 members, it is the 6th largest Group, and 4 short of the 4th largest. Considering the availability of the column in other locations and that you don't even have to subscribe to read it at the Groups! site, I think it is doing well. Whatever happens to Doctor Who on TV, TWIDW will still be here, and hopefully you will be here too.
Christmas Week was pretty quiet, but there were a few developments:
INTERNET - The BBC has announced the premiere date for episode 2 of Death Comes To Time, the online 7th Doctor story. Episode 2 goes up at on February 14th in real audio format with illustrations. Episode 1 was originally recorded last year for broadcast on BBC Radio 4, but it was rejected, so visual illustrations were added and it premiered on BBC Online on July 13, 2001. Response to episode 1 was far above expectations. Yes, episode 1 is still online. Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, and Stephen Fry star in this story.
USA - DirecTV added numerous channels to its local station coverage on the 27th, in order to comply with Must-Carry rules. Subscribers of DirecTV in 41 markets where they can order any local stations on satellite can now get nearly all the stations in those markets. 12 stations that air Doctor Who serve 13 of those DirecTV markets. For some reason, only 10 of those stations have been added, serving 11 DirecTV local markets. NHPTV New Hampshire - eligible for the Boston, MA market, and WYIN Gary, IN - eligible for the Chicago, IL market, have not been added to their local DirecTV packages at this time. When/if they are added, their channel assignments will be provided here.
USA - Dish Network is trying to get must carry stations added to their 36 local station packages by January 1, 2002. 12 stations that air Doctor Who serve 12 of those Dish Network markets. Channel assignments are now available for most of them. WYIN fans will be happy - you have a channel assignment with Dish. NHPTV fans in the Boston area - it's not clear yet if your station will be carried or not.
Additions and corrections are welcome at bfelliott@... , bfelliott3 on AOL IM, or thebfe on Yahoo! Messenger. And now, the listings:

UK Gold
Sat 9-11AM GMT Time and the Rani movie
The TARDIS is forced to crash on a gravel-covered world, precipitating the Doctor's regeneration into his 7th incarnation. Now the Time Lady who forced the TARDIS down hopes to use the Doctor's knowledge for scientifically evil ends.
Sun 9:10-11AM GMT Paradise Towers movie
In need of a vacation, Mel convinces the 7th Doctor to visit a famous vacation high rise apartment complex. Alas, the tourist trap is also a death trap.
BBC Prime
Late Fri 12:35AM, Sat 4:15PM CET The Two Doctors 6 pt version, ep 3
Sat 4:37PM, Late Sat 12:30AM CET The Two Doctors 6 pt version, ep 4
Wed Noon CET The Two Doctors 6 pt version, ep 5
Thu Noon CET The Two Doctors 6 pt version, ep 6
The 6th Doctor searches for his previous incarnation, hoping to find him before a monstrous experiment turns his past self into a cannibalistic madman. With Patrick Troughton as the 2nd Doctor.
Sun 7AM, Late Sun 1AM AEDT Enlightenment all 4 eps
Eternals use human crews in a space race to obtain the prize of Enlightenment, and more importantly to avoid being bored. Things turn dangerous when one of the eternals decides to cheat. 5th Doctor: Peter Davison.
BBC Kids
New Years' Eve Special Programming:
Mon 8-10PM EST (5-7PM PST), Late Mon 2-4AM EST (11PM-1AM PST) Pyramids of Mars all 4 eps
U*N*I*T HQ - 1911. Decades before the top secret organization moves into this home, the property is used in a plot to free the dreaded Sutekh from his prison on the planet Mars.
Mon 10PM-Mid EST (7-9PM PST) The Robots of Death all 4 eps
The 4th Doctor and Leela are the prime suspects on a Sandminer when the crew are murdered one by one. Meanwhile, the actual killers decide to kill again. This story is famous for its art deco sets and witty dialogue.
Weekdays 7:30PM, 10:30PM, 2AM, 4AM EST (4:30PM, 7:30PM, 11PM, 1AM PST)
Tue-Thu The Brain of Morbius eps 2 - 4 of 4
The 4th Doctor learns that he is part of Professor Solon's plan to bring the evil Time Lord Morbius back to life.
Fri The Seeds of Doom ep 1 of 6
Alien seed pods are found in the Antarctic. If they are allowed to germinate - the Earth is doomed.
DirecTV subscribers - the channel location depends on your receiver. Older receivers will display the channel in the 800s and 900s. Newer receivers will display the channel in the 2-99 range. Ex: 947/13 means that older receivers should tune to 947, and newer receivers should tune to 13.
Dish Network subscribers - if the channel number has "??" after it, that is a guess based on which frequency in the area is still available for another channel. Dish Channel numbers are taken from the grid at .
NHPTV New Hampshire 11,49,52
Dish Network Local 8781?? effective 1/1/02??
Late Sat Mid EST Castrovalva eps 3+4 of 4
The 5th Doctor attempts to heal his mind in the paradise of Castrovalva. But something is amiss in this idyllic town. And why can't he remember the name of Ad, er, um, who was he? - that guy in the yellow shirt who's good at math?
Late Thu Mid EST Four To Doomsday eps 1+2 of 4
The 5th Doctor and company arrive on a spaceship bound for Earth. The spaceship has visited Earth before, and now it is coming to stay. These episodes will not be repeated, as the Saturday repeat is being pre-empted by sports on January 5th. Catch it on Thursday, or alas, you have missed it.
WQED/WQEX 13,16 Pittsburgh, PA
DirecTV Local 947/13
Dish Network Local 8136 effective 1/1/02
Sat 11:30PM EST Castrovalva eps 3+4 of 4
See NHPTV for story description. Beginning next week, 1 episode per week starting at Midnight.
WYBE 35 Philadelphia, PA
DirecTV Local 909/35
Dish Network Local 8162 effective 1/1/02
Sat 4AM+5:30PM EST Robot eps 3+4 of 4
Hilda Winters and the SRS cronies prepare to start World War III, in hopes of ruling the survivors of humanity.
Sat 11PM EST The Ark In Space eps 1+2 of 4
In the distant future, the 4th Doctor, Sarah, and Harry awaken the survivors of humanity.
MPT Maryland 22,28,31,36,62,67
DirecTV Washington, DC-Hagerstown, MD Local 980/62
DirecTV Baltimore, MD Local 980/22
Dish Network Washington, DC-Hagerstown, MD Local 808_?? effective 1/1/02??
Dish Network Pittsburgh, PA Local 8140?? effective 1/1/02??
(At press time, Dish was apparently considering adding MPT to the Pittsburgh locals. Dish does not carry locals for Baltimore. There were too many unassigned frequencies in the DC list to guess which one Dish is giving to MPT. DirecTV is not adding MPT to their Pittsburgh locals, but they do offer local channels in Baltimore.)
Late Sat Mid EST The Mutants movie
The 3rd Doctor and Jo are sent on a mission by the Time Lords - deliver a package to a revolutionary which could have long lasting reprecutions on a planet and the Earth Empire.
WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH
DirecTV Local 909/48
Dish Network Local 8356 effective 1/1/02
Sat 11PM EST Meglos ep 4 of 4
The 4th Doctor and Meglos (disguised as the 4th Doctor) battle for control of the Dodecahedron.
Sat 11:30PM EST Full Circle ep 1 of 4
A CVE swallows the TARDIS, flinging the 4th Doctor, Romana, and K9 into another universe.
WYIN 56 Gary, IN (Chicago, IL)
Dish Network Local 8502 effective 1/1/02
Pre-empted by sports this week. Moves to Saturday 11PM next week.
WILL 12 Urbana, IL
Sat 11:35PM CST The Face of Evil ep 1 of 4
The 4th Doctor lands on a world where he is known as the Evil One.
TPT St. Paul, MN
analog KTCA 2, digital KTCI-DT 16.5 (2.5)
DirecTV Local 891/2
Dish Network Local 8576 effective 1/1/02
Sat 11:30PM, Sun 5:30AM CST Nightmare of Eden ep 2 of 4 (actually ep 1)
Someone has smuggled Vraxoin onto the ships - the most dangerous drug in the galaxy. It makes people stop caring about responsibilities, just when danger is highest.
analog 11,12,21,24,27,32,32,36 digital KDIN-DT 50 Des Moines, IA
Sat 11:35PM CST The Five Doctors 4 pt version, eps 3+4
The Doctors continue to approach the Dark Tower, hoping to learn why they were taken out of time. The Master and the Cybermen decide to double cross each other.
KERA/K24AD Dallas/Wichita, TX
analog 13,24 digital KERA-DT 14.1 Dallas, TX
DirecTV Local 889/13
Dish Network Local 8406 effective 1/1/02
Fri 11:50PM CST The Sea Devils eps 1+2? of 6?
If the various online listings are correct, KERA is skipping The Curse of Peladon, moving Doctor Who to a 12:15AM start time next week, and airing all of The Sea Devils next week, including these two episodes.
KBDI/K32EO 12,32 Denver/Colorado Springs, CO
DirecTV Local 910/12
Dish Network Local 8211 effective 1/1/02
Late Fri 12:30AM MST Arc of Infinity eps 1+2 of 4
Sat 11PM MST Arc of Infinity eps 3+4 of 4
A traitor on Gallifrey enables an anti-matter creature to bond with the 5th Doctor, enabling it to return to our universe. When the plot goes awry, the creature's existence threatens our universe.
KUED/KUES Salt Lake City/Richfield, UT
analog 7,39 digital KUED-DT 42 Salt Lake City, UT
DirecTV Local 982/7
Dish Network Local 8536 effective 1/1/02
Sat 11PM, Late Sat 12:30AM MST The Invasion of Time ep 6 of 6
The 4th Doctor violates who knows how many laws of Gallifrey with his plan to defeat the Sontarans. He wants to build a DeMat Gun. Borusa thinks that the solution is worse than the problem.
KBTC/KCKA/K65BU 28,15,65 Tacoma/Centralia/Gray's River, WA
DirecTV Local 970/28
Dish Network Local 8620 effective 1/1/02
Sat 7PM, Late Sat 12:30AM PST Logopolis eps 3+4 of 4
The 4th Doctor's era comes to an end, and so does the Universe. The CVEs have shut down, and the universe is going out of style faster than Brittany Spears albums. Now the Doctor's only hope - is the co-operation of the Master.
KTEH 54 San Jose, CA
DirecTV Local 903/54
Dish Network Local 8234 effective 1/1/02
Sun 11PM PST The Day Of The Daleks eps 3+4 of 4
The 3rd Doctor faces off against the Daleks in both the 20th and 22nd Centuries as a plot to keep the timeline permanently damaged unfolds.

Thanks for reading. Until next year, take care.

Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2001.