This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive

Thursday 6th April 2000

THIS WEEK IN DOCTOR WHO - April 6/7, 2000
by Benjamin F. Elliott
Last week's column was a bit of a rushed mess, I'm afraid.
1) NHPTV New Hampshire actually aired The Sontaran Experiment last week, not the first 2 episodes of The Ark In Space.
2) KNME New Mexico aired The Face of Evil last week, not The Invisible Enemy. The listings for KNME may have been wrong for a few weeks, but were based on KNME's March schedule. I am now using their information for April, and hoping it is correct.
3) KTCA St. Paul aired Doctor Who at 11:45PM, not 11:30PM.
On Wednesday, the BBC and Alliance Atlantis productions submitted a bid to the CRTC to launch BBC Canada, a digital Cable network. If the bid is approved, BBC Canada would try to launch sometime in 2001. Don't bother marking calendars or opening champagne yet, but previous stations like this (BBC Prime, BBC America) have included Doctor Who in their lineups. At least for now, the only ways to see Doctor Who in Canada are to either find one of the border PBS stations airing the show (NHPTV, KTCA, PPTV, KSPS, KBTC) or to illicitly purchase a US satellite dish that has BBC America.
Additions and corrections are welcome. And now, the listings:

Tue-Thu 6PM BST The Mutants eps 1 - 3 of 6
The Time Lords send the Doctor on a fool's errand - deliver a ball-shaped box to a revolutionary on Solos. But an assassination and its repercussions will make delivering the box very difficult.
UK Gold
Sun 8:10-10:55AM BST The Two Doctors movie
The 2nd Doctor and Jamie investigate scientific research into Time Travel that the Time Lords want ended. When events go tragically wrong, the 6th Doctor and Peri come to investigate. Patrick Troughton's final appearance as the Doctor - very good, especially considering some of the oddball plot twists.

UK Gold 2 / UK Gold Classic
Sun 6-8:45PM BST The Two Doctors movie
Whatever this station calls itself, it is airing this show in Prime Time for fans who missed the UK Gold broadcast.
BBC Prime
Late Fri 1AM (Not Africa), Sat 5PM CET Meglos ep 1 of 4
Sun+Mon 11:30AM CET Meglos ep 2 of 4

Invasion of the personality snatchers. A green cactus copies the Doctor, traps him, and travels to Tigella in his place for nefarious purposes.
Sun 7AM, Late Sun 1AM AEST The Chase all 6 eps (The Executioners, The Death Of Time, Flight Through Eternity, Journey Into Terror, The Death Of Doctor Who, The Planet Of Decision)
The Daleks, fuming with anger from past defeats, send an assassination squad to exterminate the Doctor. If necessary, they will chase the Doctor through all eternity. The Beatles appear as themselves.
Mon-Tue 11:30PM AEST The Time Meddler eps 3 - 4 of 4 (A Battle Of Wits, Checkmate)
Steven and Vicki discover the secret of The Time Meddler. Meanwhile, the Vikings plan to invade.
Wed-Fri 11:30PM AEST The Ark eps 1 - 3 of 4 (The Steel Sky, The Plague, The Return)
3 Million years from now, a spaceship takes off from Earth in search of a new home. On the way, three intruders appear - an old man with white hair, a young man with aggressive tendencies, and a teenage girl. The arrival of these three could doom one of the most important missions in history.
(some stations available in parts of Canada)
BBC America
The Sontaran Experiment movie
Sat 6AM, Sun 8AM+5PM EDT Eastern Feed (PDT Pacific Feed)

The Doctor, Sarah, and Harry investigate the post-solar flare Earth, only to find a Sontaran there trying to learn the secrets to conquering humanity.
NHPTV New Hampshire 11, 49, 52
Sun 3PM EDT Genesis of the Daleks eps 1+2 of 6
The Doctor is intercepted by a Time Lord, who wants him to perform a simple errand. Alter the history of the Daleks, to save the future. Of course, changing the past would irrevocably alter the future, but no one said that Time Lords were brilliant in the logical thinking category.
WQED/WQEX 13, 16 Pittsburgh, PA
Sat 11:30PM EDT The Robots of Death ep 2 of 4
The Doctor and Leela are suspected of murder. What do you mean I could use that description for half their episodes?!?
WYBE 35 Philadelphia, PA
Sat 11PM EDT The Armageddon Factor eps 3+4 of 6
The 4th Doctor meets the leader of Zeos - a computer. Meanwhile, his efforts to outwit the Shadow are compromised when one of his companions is turned to the Dark Side.
MPT Maryland 22, 28, 31, 36, 62, 67
Late Sat Mid EDT Nightmare of Eden all 4 eps
The Doctor and Romana pose as insurance adjusters to investigate an interstellar traffic accident. The ships are now fused through each other, creating dangerous dimensional side effects.
WUSF 16 Tampa, FL
Sat 11:30PM EDT MarkOfTheRani 4 part version, ep 2
The Rani's plans are constantly interrupted by the antics of the 6th Doctor and the Master. Why won't anyone let evil masterminds operate in peace?
WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH
Big auction going on. Doctor Who returns April 22.
WYIN 56 Gary, IN (Chicago, IL)
Sat 10PM CDT The Face of Evil ep 2 of 4
The Sevateem try to kill the Doctor, believing him to be the Evil One. And even the Doctor can't be sure what really happened.
KTCA 2 St. Paul, MN
Sat 11:30PM CDT The Hand Of Fear ep 2 of 4
Under the influence of the hand, Sarah invades a nuclear reactor.
IPTV Iowa 11, 12, 21, 24, 27, 32, 32, 36
Fri 11:35PM CDT Revenge of the Cybermen all 4 eps
The 4th Doctor and company get back to Nerva several millenia early, waiting for the TARDIS to arrive. But a suspicious space plague intrigues the Doctor, especially when it seems to be linked to some old silver guys that the Doctor knows all too well.
PPTV North Dakota 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, 19
Fri 10:30PM CDT (9:30PM MDT) The Talons of Weng-Chiang ep 4 of 6
Weng-Chiang's talons may be alive and well, but Li Hsen Chang's magic may be running out.
KBDI/K32EO 12, 32 Denver/Colorado Springs, CO
Late Fri 12:30AM MDT The Robots of Death eps 1+2 of 4 (actually episodes 3+4)
Sat 10PM MDT The Robots of Death eps 3+4 of 4 (actually The Talons of Weng-Chiang 1+2)
On a desert planet, colonists make their fortunes serving tours on sand mining tanks that collect grain. To improve profit margins, most of the positions on the sand tanks are occupied by specially-designed robots. This is their story.
KNME 5 Albuquerque, NM
Sat 10:30PM MDT The Robots of Death movie
Sort of like KBDI, but in a movie format.
KRWG 22 Las Cruces, NM (El Paso, TX)
Sat 10:30PM MDT The Talons of Weng-Chiang movie
A night at the theatre for the Doctor and Leela goes awry.
KUED 7 Salt Lake City, UT
Sat 11PM+12:30AM MDT Genesis of the Daleks ep 4 of 6
The Thals learn that you can win the battle, you can win the war, but it is still possible to come out the losers.
KSPS 7 Spokane, WA
Sat 10:30PM PDT (11:30PM MDT) The Curse of Fenric movie
A remote part of England plays host to a great unreported battle of World War II, when Russians, an old Nordic prophesy, and the 7th Doctor show up on the same death-filled day.
KBTC/KCKA 28, 15 Tacoma/Centralia, WA
Sat 7PM+12:30AM PDT The Monster of Peladon eps 1+2 of 6
The 3rd Doctor returns to Peladon, where it seems that his previous efforts did less good than he thought.
KTEH 54 San Jose, CA
Sun 11PM PDT Earthshock all 4 eps
Adric and the 5th Doctor blow up at each other, with Adric wanting to return to his people. But a plot to disrupt an interplanetary conference on Earth has to be taken care of first. A plot from people who know the Doctor only too well.

Until next week, take care.