This Week in USA

The Leisure Hive: Part Three
Last updated 13 January 2025
12:30am-12:55am MDT (06:30 GMT) < > « »
Colorado Public Television

Featuring: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward, Adrienne Corri, David Haig, Nigel Lambert
The Tachyon Generator has aged the Doctor into a white haired old man, but he discovers the truth behind the machine and uncovers a plot to take control of the Hive.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 13th April 2001:
KBDI/K32EO 12,32 Denver/Colorado Springs, CO
Late Fri 12:30AM MDT The Leisure Hive eps 3+4 of 4
The experiment goes awry, leaving the Doctor centuries older and in deep depression. Meanwhile, Pangol engages in very shifty behavior. Very bad timing, as he will be the leader when Mena dies. And Mena's time is running out.
Sat 10PM MDT Meglos all 4 eps
Next episodes air April 27th. Meglos' personal log: "Have hired low- grade thugs. A humanoid will be supplied for bonding. Now, I must find out how to create a Chronic Hysteresis to trap the Doctor in time, enabling me to steal his body and use it for my Master Plan. One glitch - I'm a cactus. No hands. Still, I'll work out something."
KBDI/K32EO 12,32 Denver/Colorado Springs, CO
Late Fri 12:30AM MDT The Leisure Hive eps 3+4 of 4
The experiment goes awry, leaving the Doctor centuries older and in deep depression. Meanwhile, Pangol engages in very shifty behavior. Very bad timing, as he will be the leader when Mena dies. And Mena's time is running out.
Sat 10PM MDT Meglos all 4 eps
Next episodes air April 27th. Meglos' personal log: "Have hired low- grade thugs. A humanoid will be supplied for bonding. Now, I must find out how to create a Chronic Hysteresis to trap the Doctor in time, enabling me to steal his body and use it for my Master Plan. One glitch - I'm a cactus. No hands. Still, I'll work out something."