This Week in USA

Warriors' Gate: Part Two
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:00pm-11:25pm EST (04:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, John Leeson, Lalla Ward, Matthew Waterhouse, Clifford Rose
When Rorvik learns that Romana is a time sensitive, he takes her prisoner, forcing her to find a way out of the void. The Doctor attempts to discover what lies beyond the mirror.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast notes:
Episode might have been shown later or pre-empted by pledge specials.
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 1st February 2002:
WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH
DirecTV Cincinnati Local 48/909
Dish Network Cincinnati Local 8356
Sat 11PM EST Warriors' Gate eps 2+3 of 4
Humans use time-sensitive slaves to cross the boundaries of the universes. But the boundaries are falling in on each other, secrets from the past and future are coming together, and a gateway between the realms is endangered. Meanwhile, K9 suffers the metallic equivalent of a stroke, limiting his ability to travel in space and time. 4th Doctor - Tom Baker.
ยป it was reported the following week that the episodes were replaced by a pledge special.
WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH
DirecTV Cincinnati Local 48/909
Dish Network Cincinnati Local 8356
Sat 11PM EST Warriors' Gate eps 2+3 of 4
Humans use time-sensitive slaves to cross the boundaries of the universes. But the boundaries are falling in on each other, secrets from the past and future are coming together, and a gateway between the realms is endangered. Meanwhile, K9 suffers the metallic equivalent of a stroke, limiting his ability to travel in space and time. 4th Doctor - Tom Baker.
ยป it was reported the following week that the episodes were replaced by a pledge special.