This Week in Australia

The Sontaran Experiment: Part Two
Last updated 30 January 2022
Broadcast: Thursday 28th October 2004
6:03pm-6:30pm AEST (08:03 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, Ian Marter, Elisabeth Sladen, Kevin Lindsay
Synopsis Source: ABC
6:03pm-6:30pm AEST (08:03 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, Ian Marter, Elisabeth Sladen, Kevin Lindsay
Field-Major Styre, the Sontaran, compiles a report on human physical and mental capabilities as a prelude to an invasion of Earth. CAST: Tom Baker, Elizabeth Sladen
Synopsis Source: ABC
Broadcast Source: ABC
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 27th October 2004:
Thursday 6:03PM The Sontaran Experiment pt 2 of 2
Series 12, Episode 10. Doctor: Tom Baker.
The Doctor battles a Sontaran to prevent an invasion.
Monday 6:04PM Genesis of the Daleks pt 1 of 6
Tuesday 6:03PM Genesis of the Daleks pt 2 of 6
Wednesday 6:04PM Genesis of the Daleks pt 3 of 6
Series 12, Episodes 11 through 13. Doctor: Tom Baker.
Dragged out of time, the 4th Doctor is requested to investigate the birth of the Daleks. Regardless of the consequences to history, the Doctor must make the Daleks less of a threat, or eliminate them from the time lines altogether.
Thursday 6:03PM The Sontaran Experiment pt 2 of 2
Series 12, Episode 10. Doctor: Tom Baker.
The Doctor battles a Sontaran to prevent an invasion.
Monday 6:04PM Genesis of the Daleks pt 1 of 6
Tuesday 6:03PM Genesis of the Daleks pt 2 of 6
Wednesday 6:04PM Genesis of the Daleks pt 3 of 6
Series 12, Episodes 11 through 13. Doctor: Tom Baker.
Dragged out of time, the 4th Doctor is requested to investigate the birth of the Daleks. Regardless of the consequences to history, the Doctor must make the Daleks less of a threat, or eliminate them from the time lines altogether.