This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Australia

See broadcasts for ABCThe Sontaran Experiment: Part One

Last updated 30 January 2022
Broadcast: Wednesday 27th October 2004
6:04pm-6:30pm AEST (08:04 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Tom Baker, Ian Marter, Elisabeth Sladen, Kevin Lindsay

The Doctor, Sarah and Harry arrive on a seemingly deserted Earth to discover that a group of shipwrecked astronauts from a human colony, GalSec, have been lured there by a fake distress call. CAST: Tom Baker, Elizabeth Sladen

Synopsis Source: ABC
Broadcast Source: ABC

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Wednesday 20th October 2004:
Thursday 6:03PM The Ark In Space pt 2 of 4
Monday 6:04PM The Ark In Space pt 3 of 4
Tuesday 6:03PM The Ark In Space pt 4 of 4

Series 12, Episodes 6 through 8. Doctor: Tom Baker.
As humanity slowly awakens on the Ark, the Wirrn menace masses in hopes of an all you can eat buffet.
Wednesday 6:04PM The Sontaran Experiment pt 1 of 2
Series 12, Episode 9. Doctor: Tom Baker.
The 4th Doctor, Sarah, and Harry learn that Earth is not as abandoned as the people on the Ark believed.