This Week in USA

The Keys of Marinus: The Sea of Death
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:30pm-12:00am EST (04:30 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford, Jacqueline Hill, William Russell, George Coulouris
The TARDIS lands on a remote island, surrounded by a sea of acid. They meet Arbitan, keeper of the Conscience of Marinus who forces the travellers to go in search of five keys.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast notes:
Actually broadcast a little earlier as immediately followed the previous episode with no gap between.
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Reports from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 26th March 1999:
WQED / WQEX 13, 16 Pittsburgh, PA
Saturday at 11PM EST The Pryamids Of Mars episode 1 of 4
Saturday at 11:30PM The Keys of Marinus: The Sea of Death episode 1 of 6
At 11, Marcus Scarman uncovers the tomb of Sutekh, last of the Osirans. Will he fall victim to the curse? Then, at 11:30, by special arrangement, WQED begins a special Black & White Doctor Who run. First up, an early Hartnell story. The TARDIS lands on an island surrounded by acid. The owner of the island does not want the Doctor to leave, well, not just yet ...
WQED / WQEX 13, 16 Pittsburgh, PA
Saturday at 11PM EST The Pryamids Of Mars episode 1 of 4
Saturday at 11:30PM The Keys of Marinus: The Sea of Death episode 1 of 6
At 11, Marcus Scarman uncovers the tomb of Sutekh, last of the Osirans. Will he fall victim to the curse? Then, at 11:30, by special arrangement, WQED begins a special Black & White Doctor Who run. First up, an early Hartnell story. The TARDIS lands on an island surrounded by acid. The owner of the island does not want the Doctor to leave, well, not just yet ...
Friday 2nd April 1999:
Viewers of WQED / WQEX Pittsburgh might have been confused by last Saturday's broadcast. WQED began airing the William Hartnell episode immediately after the scheduled Tom Baker episode, instead of waiting until 11:30PM as all TV listings had indicated. It wasn't a mstake - it's how they will air Doctor Who. Most weeks, the 4th Doctor episode and the Howard DeSilva material will run 27-28 minutes, and the Black & White episode will begin as soon as it ends. Just be aware.
Viewers of WQED / WQEX Pittsburgh might have been confused by last Saturday's broadcast. WQED began airing the William Hartnell episode immediately after the scheduled Tom Baker episode, instead of waiting until 11:30PM as all TV listings had indicated. It wasn't a mstake - it's how they will air Doctor Who. Most weeks, the 4th Doctor episode and the Howard DeSilva material will run 27-28 minutes, and the Black & White episode will begin as soon as it ends. Just be aware.