This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Italy

See broadcasts for RAI4Il nome del dottore (Doctor Who VII Ep. 13)

Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Sunday 5th January 2014
4:05pm-4:51pm CET (15:05 GMT) < > « »
RAI4 (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: John Hurt, Matt Smith, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Richard E. Grant, Alex Kingston, Neve McIntosh, Dan Starkey

Ultimo episodio di questa stagione per il Dottore con colpi di scena a ripetizione che mettono a repentaglio le vite delle persone più amate dal Signore del Tempo. Clara infatti viene invitata a una videoconferenza dove viene informata che Vastra, Jenny e Strax sono stati rapiti dai pericolosi Whisper Men. Il Dottore così si attiva per salvare i suoi amici, ma deve fare i conti con il piano architettato abilmente dai suoi nemici in un finale che riserva un cliffhanger da brivido.
Synopsis Source: RAI website episode listing

Broadcast notes:

Note from DoctorWho-IT: "A little detail you might be interested about: For "The Name of the Doctor" they redubbed a few sentences (for that had been lots of mistakes in the original dubbing) and recalled Tom Baker's original dubber from 1980 to redub his scene. Nice touch. They did leave the biggest mistake, though ("tear in the fabric of reality"... they thought "tear" was being used in its other meaning -"water from the eyes" - and thought "fabric" meant "factory" because in Italian the word for "factory" is "fabbrica"... so the resulting sentence was at the very least... puzzling? And it still is, they haven't fixed this, God knows why.
Broadcast Source: RAI