This Week in United Kingdom

The Visitation: Omnibus
(incorporating: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four)
Last updated 13 January 2025
7:05am-9:00am BST (06:05 GMT) < > « »
UKTV Gold (adverts during broadcast)

Featuring: Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, Matthew Waterhouse, Michael Robbins
The TARDIS lands in 17th century England which is being stalked by a robotic death-like figure. The locals seem to be under a strange mesmeric spell.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 11th May 2005:
(All times 1 hour later on UKTV Gold + 1)
Saturday 7:05-9AM BST Kinda movie
Series 19, Episodes 9 through 12. Doctor: Peter Davison. The TARDIS crew (minus the ill Nyssa) explore Deva Loka, the world of the Kinda people. Insanity is spreading. A malevolent force of evil is trying to make its presence felt. And an old woman irritates the Doctor.
Sunday 7:05-9AM BST The Visitation movie
Series 19, Episodes 13 through 16. Doctor: Peter Davison. Tegan's hopes of getting to Heathrow Airport are for naught - the TARDIS lands at the right place - in the 17th Century.
21 May Black Orchid (7AM)
22 May Earthshock (7AM)
28 May Time-Flight (7AM)
29 May Arc of Infinity (7AM)
4 June Snakedance (7:05AM)
5 June Mawdryn Undead (7AM)
11 June Terminus (7:05AM)
12 June Enlightenment (7AM)
18 June The King's Demons (8AM)
19 June Warriors of the Deep (7:05AM)
25 June The Awakening (8AM)
26 June Frontios (7AM)
(All times 1 hour later on UKTV Gold + 1)
Saturday 7:05-9AM BST Kinda movie
Series 19, Episodes 9 through 12. Doctor: Peter Davison. The TARDIS crew (minus the ill Nyssa) explore Deva Loka, the world of the Kinda people. Insanity is spreading. A malevolent force of evil is trying to make its presence felt. And an old woman irritates the Doctor.
Sunday 7:05-9AM BST The Visitation movie
Series 19, Episodes 13 through 16. Doctor: Peter Davison. Tegan's hopes of getting to Heathrow Airport are for naught - the TARDIS lands at the right place - in the 17th Century.
21 May Black Orchid (7AM)
22 May Earthshock (7AM)
28 May Time-Flight (7AM)
29 May Arc of Infinity (7AM)
4 June Snakedance (7:05AM)
5 June Mawdryn Undead (7AM)
11 June Terminus (7:05AM)
12 June Enlightenment (7AM)
18 June The King's Demons (8AM)
19 June Warriors of the Deep (7:05AM)
25 June The Awakening (8AM)
26 June Frontios (7AM)