This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Middle East

See broadcasts for Jeem TVالفخ - الجزء الأول (Episode #7.)

Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Thursday 26th September 2013
7:35pm-8:05pm +03 (16:35 GMT) < > « »
Presented in Arabic
Jeem TV
Featuring: Elisabeth Sladen, Daniel Anthony, Alexander Armstrong, Tommy Knight, Anjli Mohindra, Paul Marc Davis, Rosanna Lavelle, Christopher Pizzey

عندما تُعيد سارة جاين أوسكار إلى عام 1951 بعد أن سافر عبر الزمن، تجد نفسها في لقاء مع والديها اللذين لم تقابلهما طوال حياتها، هل هذه مصيدة؟ تصبح كلٌ من سارة جاين ولوك ضحيتين لمخطط انتقامي من المحتال.

When Sarah Jane returns a boy who has slipped through a time fissure back to 1951 she realises she has found a way to meet the parents she never knew. But is it a trap? Sarah Jane and Luke fall victim to a revenge plot by The Trickster.
Synopsis Source: Jeem website episode listing
Broadcast Source: Jeem