This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Middle East

See broadcasts for Jeem TVالقلادة - الجزء الأول (#5)

Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Tuesday 24th September 2013
7:35pm-8:05pm +03 (16:35 GMT) < > « »
Presented in Arabic
Jeem TV
Featuring: Elisabeth Sladen, Daniel Anthony, Alexander Armstrong, Tommy Knight, Anjli Mohindra, Gary Beadle, Jocelyn Jee Esien

أثناء غياب سارة جاين ، على راني الآن أن تتعامل مع قلادة غريبة تمنح حاملها قوة السيطرة على الجميع . وعندما يعود والد كلايد "بول" بعد غياب طويل، يرتكب كلايد خطأ فادحا عندما يريه الطابق الخاص بسارة جاين ويطلعه على أسرارها.

With Sarah Jane away, Rani has to work out what to do with an alien pendant that gives its wearer the power to control others. When Paul, Clyde’s estranged father, turns up, Clyde makes a big mistake by showing him Sarah Jane’s attic – and sharing the secrets it contains.

Broadcast notes:

No sign of Secrets of the Stars.
Broadcast Source: Jeem