This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Middle East

See broadcasts for Jeem TVالجرذ الفضي

Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Sunday 22nd September 2013
12:00am-12:45am +03 (21:00 GMT) < > « »
Presented in Arabic
Jeem TV
Featuring: Matt Smith, Lynda Baron, James Corden

يزور الدكتور في أيامه الأخيرة صديقه القديم كريغ، وفجأة يجد نفسه أمام لغز محيّر؛ فقد بدأ الناس بالاختفاء من المدينة! ويظهر أثناء ذلك جرذ فضي، فماذا عن هذا الجرذ؟ وما نوع المغامرة التي تنتظر الدكتور هو في هذه الحلقة؟

Nearly two hundred years have passed for the Doctor since he left Amy and Rory in "The God Complex" and he is on a farewell tour of his friends as he knows he has only one day to go before his death (depicted in "The Impossible Astronaut"). He stops by Craig ("The Lodger"), who is living with his girlfriend Sophie in a new home and is raising their baby, Alfie. Craig, struggling to care for Alfie alone while Sophie is away for the weekend, suspects the Doctor is investigating something alien. The Doctor prepares to leave, but he notices a strange electrical disturbance in the area and decides to investigate.
Broadcast Source: Jeem