This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Middle East

See broadcasts for Jeem TVالسيطرة

Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Saturday 14th September 2013
11:59pm-12:49am +03 (20:59 GMT) < > « »
Presented in Arabic
Jeem TV
Featuring: Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Amara Karan, Dimitri Leonidas, Sarah Quintrell, David Walliams

تنطق مغامرة اليوم داخل فندق يبدو عاديا للوهلة الأولى! ولكن حيطانه وممراته تبدأ فجأة بالتحرّك كما أنه غرفه تختفي فجأة! وكل غرفة من هذه الغرفة تخبئ سرا مخيفا داخلها! فما الذي ينتظر الدكتور في غرفته؟

(The TARDIS lands in what looks like an ordinary hotel. But the walls move, corridors twist and rooms vanish. There is a room for every visitor that contains their deepest, darkest fears. Fears that will kill them. What lies in the Doctor's room? And when his turn comes, will he welcome death like all the rest?)
Broadcast Source: Jeem