This Week in USA
Colin Baker Movies: Attack Of The Cybermen
(incorporating: Part One / Part Two)
Last updated 04 April 2020
Broadcast: Saturday 4th April 2020
11:02pm-12:35am MDT (05:02 GMT) < > « »
Idaho Public Television
Featuring: Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, David Banks, Maurice Colbourne, Brian Glover, Michael Kilgarriff
Synopsis Source: Idaho PBS website schedule listing
Broadcast notes:
11:02pm-12:35am MDT (05:02 GMT) < > « »
Idaho Public Television
Featuring: Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, David Banks, Maurice Colbourne, Brian Glover, Michael Kilgarriff
The Doctor is captured by the Cybermen; he discovers the source of the signal and learns the full extent of the Cybermen's plans; the very future of the human race is threatened, as this is no war of conquest, but total destruction.
Synopsis Source: Idaho PBS website schedule listing
Broadcast notes:
Originally scheduled as The Dominators for 11:05pm.
Broadcast Source: Idaho Public Television