This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

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See broadcasts for Houston Public MediaRiver Runs Deep

Last updated 13 January 2025
River Runs Deep
Broadcast: Wednesday 25th August 2010
2:45am-3:00am CDT (07:45 GMT) < > « »
Houston Public Media
Featuring: Phil Collinson, Russell T Davies, Anthony Head, Alex Kingston, Euros Lyn, Steven Moffat, Colin Salmon, Catherine Tate, David Tennant

This episode goes behind the scenes of Forest of the Dead

Alex Kingston talks about her role as time-travelling archaeologist River Song, the sinister world of the library is explored and there's a feature on the mysterious Dr Moon and Donna's adventures away from the Doctor. Writer Russell T Davies discusses the programme's mythology and renewed success.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Sunday 22nd August 2010:
KUHT 8.1 Houston, TX
Series 2008 - 2nd Cycle:
21 August 9PM, Late 24 August 2AM CDT 2008-09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2
21 August 9:45PM, Late 24 August 2:45AM CDT DWC 409 River Runs Deep

28 August 9PM, Late 31 August 2AM CDT 2008-10 Midnight
28 August 9:44PM, Late 31 August 2:44AM CDT DWC 410 Look Who's Talking
25 September 9PM, Late 28 September 2AM CDT 2008-11 Turn Left
25 September 9:50PM, Late 28 September 2:50AM CDT DWC 411 Here Come the Girls

KUHT has aired the 2009 Specials one time.