This Week in USA

Tom Baker Movies: The Ribos Operation
(incorporating: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four)
Last updated 25 March 2017
10:15pm-12:00am EDT (02:15 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, Mary Tamm, Iain Cuthbertson, Cyril Luckham
With his new assistant Romana (Mary Tamm), the Doctor begins the search for the Key to Time. Dr. Who: Tom Baker. Voice of K9: John Leeson. Vynda-K: Paul Seed. Guardian: Cyril Luckham. Garron: Iain Cuthbertson. Unstoffe: Nigel Plaskitt. Binro: Timothy Bateson.
Synopsis Source: WXXI website schedule listing
Broadcast notes:
Pre-empted during March by Rock Rewind 1967-1969 (4th Mar), Simon & Garfunkel: The Concert in Central Park (11th Mar), and Carol King & James Taylor: Troubadour Reunion (18th Mar)
Broadcast Source: WXXI