This Week in United Kingdom

The Happiness Patrol: Omnibus
(incorporating: Part One / Part Two / Part Three)
Last updated 13 January 2025
7:45am-9:00am GMT < > « »
UKTV Gold (adverts during broadcast)

Featuring: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Lesley Dunlop, Ronald Fraser, Sheila Hancock, John Normington
The Happiness Patrol walk the streets of Terra Alpha, destroying all the killjoys, on the orders of the despotic Helen A. And in the Kandy Kitchen, something terrible lurks
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 11th January 2002:
UK Gold
Sat 7:15-9AM GMT Remembrance of the Daleks movie
Beginning with this story, Doctor Who moves earlier in the morning. Don't sleep in. The 7th Doctor and Ace face twin problems in 1963 London - stop 2 Dalek battle fleets who have turned up, and keep the military out of it.
Sun 7:45-9AM GMT The Happiness Patrol movie
One of the most polarizing stories in the show's history. A love it or hate it tale. But even those who hate it have to admit - Fifi is a fun villian. With Sylvester McCoy as the 7th Doctor.
Late Sun 12:55-2:45AM GMT Resurrection of the Daleks movie
Is this the beginning of a new late Sunday run of episodes, or just a special airing? A time corridor leads the TARDIS crew to 1985 London, where the Daleks are at work substituting androids for humans. Meanwhile, on a derilect space prison, a prisoner sits frozen in time, awaiting rescue, rebirth, and retribution. With Peter Davison as the 5th Doctor.
UK Gold
Sat 7:15-9AM GMT Remembrance of the Daleks movie
Beginning with this story, Doctor Who moves earlier in the morning. Don't sleep in. The 7th Doctor and Ace face twin problems in 1963 London - stop 2 Dalek battle fleets who have turned up, and keep the military out of it.
Sun 7:45-9AM GMT The Happiness Patrol movie
One of the most polarizing stories in the show's history. A love it or hate it tale. But even those who hate it have to admit - Fifi is a fun villian. With Sylvester McCoy as the 7th Doctor.
Late Sun 12:55-2:45AM GMT Resurrection of the Daleks movie
Is this the beginning of a new late Sunday run of episodes, or just a special airing? A time corridor leads the TARDIS crew to 1985 London, where the Daleks are at work substituting androids for humans. Meanwhile, on a derilect space prison, a prisoner sits frozen in time, awaiting rescue, rebirth, and retribution. With Peter Davison as the 5th Doctor.