This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

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See broadcasts for WTTW 11 ChicagoState of Decay: Movie Format
(incorporating: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four)

Last updated 13 January 2025
State of Decay: Movie Format
Broadcast: Sunday 9th September 1984
11:00pm-12:27am CDT (04:00 GMT) < > « »
WTTW 11 Chicago
Featuring: Tom Baker, John Leeson, Lalla Ward, Matthew Waterhouse, Rachel Davies, Emrys James

The TARDIS lands on a world in E-Space where the primitive inhabitants live in fear of the Three Who Rule.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide

Broadcast notes:

Intro: You have heard, undoubtedly, of the R factor, the T top, the Q rating, and the G spot. But, have you heard of E Space? The Doctor and Romana have and are isolated in it right now, and that is only the first of the multifarious contretemps they will experience in "State of Decay."

Outro: Next week, K-9 runs afoul of the time winds, which is even worse than [inaudible, possibly "distemper"]. And somewhat predictable bad stuff will equip The Doctor and Romana as well, but they will get in their licks, too. And they will meet those robot guardians The Gundans at "Warriors' Gate," next Sunday night at 11. [source: ChicagoEpguides]

Broadcast Source: BroaDWcast


Credit: WTTW 11 / ChicagoEpGuides / FuzzyMemories