This Week in United Kingdom

The Krotons: Omnibus
(incorporating: Episode One / Episode Two / Episode Three / Episode Four)
Last updated 13 January 2025
10:00am-12:05pm GMT < > « »
UKTV Gold (adverts during broadcast)

Featuring: Dr. Who, Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury
The TARDIS lands on the planet of the Gonds, a primitive and enslaved people. Every year, two of the finest Gond students are sent to be 'companions' of the mysterious and unseen Krotons. But the Doctor reveals that only death awaits them.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 30th October 1998:
UK Gold - Satellite / Cable Service
Saturday from 10AM to 12:05PM - The Krotons - movie version
Sunday from 8:55 to 11:55AM - The Mutants - movie version
In the final Saturday broadcast (the remaining 2nd Doctor stories will air on Friday nights), the Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe encounter a civilization that's extremely advanced in some areas and very backward in others. When the true motives of the Gond's benefactors are revealed, everyone on the planet winds up in danger. Then on Sunday, the 3rd Doctor is sent off on another mission by the Time Lords. All he has to do is deliver a box. Now, even the Doctor should have an easy time doing something like that, right?
UK Gold - Satellite / Cable Service
Saturday from 10AM to 12:05PM - The Krotons - movie version
Sunday from 8:55 to 11:55AM - The Mutants - movie version
In the final Saturday broadcast (the remaining 2nd Doctor stories will air on Friday nights), the Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe encounter a civilization that's extremely advanced in some areas and very backward in others. When the true motives of the Gond's benefactors are revealed, everyone on the planet winds up in danger. Then on Sunday, the 3rd Doctor is sent off on another mission by the Time Lords. All he has to do is deliver a box. Now, even the Doctor should have an easy time doing something like that, right?