This Week in USA

Sci-Fi Overdrive
Last updated 02 January 2017
2:00am-6:00am EDT (06:00 GMT) < > « »

Interstellar Transmissions - Online

Hour 1 - sci-fi news & comment with Joey Donovan, David Durica, Erich Landstrom, & Lauren Urban. Hour 2 - Star Trek turns 37 today, as Roger Nygard finishes photograhy on Trekkies 2. Hour 3 - Arnold T. Blumberg looks back at the 2002-2003 sci-fi year and ahead to 2003-2004. Hour 4 - Charles Martin looks back at the life of Douglas Adams.
Synopsis Source: TWiDW
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 3rd September 2003:
Business Talk Radio Network
Late Sun/Early Mon 2-6AM EDT (11PM-3AM PDT, 7-11AM BST, 4-8PM AEST ) Sci-Fi Overdrive station list on the scifioverdrive website - archives in MP3 format
Live audio link at Business Talk website - requires Windows Media Player.
National sci-fi radio talk show, sometimes with Doctor Who content.
Easiest to hear in timezones outside the USA.
Hour 1 - sci-fi news & comment with Joey Donovan, David Durica, Erich Landstrom, & Lauren Urban. Hour 2 - Star Trek turns 37 today, as Roger Nygard finishes photograhy on Trekkies 2. Hour 3 - Arnold T. Blumberg looks back at the 2002-2003 sci-fi year and ahead to 2003-2004. Hour 4 - Charles Martin looks back at the life of Douglas Adams.
Business Talk Radio Network
Late Sun/Early Mon 2-6AM EDT (11PM-3AM PDT, 7-11AM BST, 4-8PM AEST ) Sci-Fi Overdrive station list on the scifioverdrive website - archives in MP3 format
Live audio link at Business Talk website - requires Windows Media Player.
National sci-fi radio talk show, sometimes with Doctor Who content.
Easiest to hear in timezones outside the USA.
Hour 1 - sci-fi news & comment with Joey Donovan, David Durica, Erich Landstrom, & Lauren Urban. Hour 2 - Star Trek turns 37 today, as Roger Nygard finishes photograhy on Trekkies 2. Hour 3 - Arnold T. Blumberg looks back at the 2002-2003 sci-fi year and ahead to 2003-2004. Hour 4 - Charles Martin looks back at the life of Douglas Adams.