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American Who
Last updated 02 January 2017
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Interstellar Transmissions - Online

Jean-Marc Lofficier. Author of the famous "programme guide" that fans had in the 80s as a lifeline to detail the early Doctor Who storys, and that we fans who got into fandom later bought secondhand in the 90s. The Doctor Who Programme Guide is BAAACCCKKK! American Who interviews Mr. Lofficier about the Programme Guide and a novel called Doctor Omega in France that looks suspiciously like Doctor Who.
Synopsis Source: TWiDW
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 13th August 2003:
American Who
Jean-Marc Lofficier. Author of the famous "programme guide" that fans had in the 80s as a lifeline to detail the early Doctor Who storys, and that we fans who got into fandom later bought secondhand in the 90s. The Doctor Who Programme Guide is BAAACCCKKK! American Who interviews Mr. Lofficier about the Programme Guide and a novel called Doctor Omega in France that looks suspiciously like Doctor Who.
In depth interview with Colin Baker (6th Doctor) conducted by Charles Martin at Gallifrey 2003. Colin's career, his family, fighting to eliminate cot death, and thoughts on some UK legislation.
American Who
Jean-Marc Lofficier. Author of the famous "programme guide" that fans had in the 80s as a lifeline to detail the early Doctor Who storys, and that we fans who got into fandom later bought secondhand in the 90s. The Doctor Who Programme Guide is BAAACCCKKK! American Who interviews Mr. Lofficier about the Programme Guide and a novel called Doctor Omega in France that looks suspiciously like Doctor Who.
In depth interview with Colin Baker (6th Doctor) conducted by Charles Martin at Gallifrey 2003. Colin's career, his family, fighting to eliminate cot death, and thoughts on some UK legislation.