This Week in USA

Sci-Fi Overdrive
Last updated 02 January 2017
2:00am-6:00am EST (07:00 GMT) < > « »

Interstellar Transmissions - Business Talk Radio Network

Joey was looking for possible guests at the Gallifrey convention, so I would think there's a good chance of Who guests this week, maybe.
Synopsis Source: TWiDW
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 22nd February 2003:
Business Talk Radio Network
Late Sun/Early Mon 2-6AM EST (11PM-3AM PST) Sci-Fi Overdrive
Live audio link at Business Talk website - requires Windows Media Player. Joey Donovan (aka Joey Reynolds) hosts a national talk show based on Interstellar Transmissions, syndicated by the Business Talk Radio network. No guest list yet. Official description - "Our innagural show. Just opening the house and waiting for the cable guy." Joey was looking for possible guests at the Gallifrey convention, so I would think there's a good chance of Who guests this week, maybe. I'll put a current list of stations scheduled to air the show at the end of this week's column. Due to the number of stations, I will not be listing the stations every week, but hope to have a link to a station list.
Business Talk Radio Network
Late Sun/Early Mon 2-6AM EST (11PM-3AM PST) Sci-Fi Overdrive
Live audio link at Business Talk website - requires Windows Media Player. Joey Donovan (aka Joey Reynolds) hosts a national talk show based on Interstellar Transmissions, syndicated by the Business Talk Radio network. No guest list yet. Official description - "Our innagural show. Just opening the house and waiting for the cable guy." Joey was looking for possible guests at the Gallifrey convention, so I would think there's a good chance of Who guests this week, maybe. I'll put a current list of stations scheduled to air the show at the end of this week's column. Due to the number of stations, I will not be listing the stations every week, but hope to have a link to a station list.