This Week in USA

Sci-Fi Overdrive
Last updated 02 January 2017
2:00am-6:00am EST (07:00 GMT) < > « »

Interstellar Transmissions - Business Talk Radio Network

Charles Martin has an interview with Peter Davison (5th Doctor) and Colin Baker (6th Doctor). George Takei from Star Trek and the Mediaeval Baebes will also be on.
Synopsis Source: TWiDW
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 26th February 2003:
Business Talk Radio Network
Late Sun/Early Mon 2-6AM EST (11PM-3AM PST, 7-11AM GMT, 6-10PM AEDT )
Sci-Fi Overdrive station list on the scifioverdrive website
Live audio link at Business Talk website - requires Windows Media Player.
Archives expected soon.
National version of Interstellar Transmissions, though probably easiest to hear in timezones outside the USA. Charles Martin has an interview with Peter Davison (5th Doctor) and Colin Baker (6th Doctor). George Takei from Star Trek and the Mediaeval Baebes will also be on.
Business Talk Radio Network
Late Sun/Early Mon 2-6AM EST (11PM-3AM PST, 7-11AM GMT, 6-10PM AEDT )
Sci-Fi Overdrive station list on the scifioverdrive website
Live audio link at Business Talk website - requires Windows Media Player.
Archives expected soon.
National version of Interstellar Transmissions, though probably easiest to hear in timezones outside the USA. Charles Martin has an interview with Peter Davison (5th Doctor) and Colin Baker (6th Doctor). George Takei from Star Trek and the Mediaeval Baebes will also be on.