This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Doctor Who

Week 48: 2-8 Dec 2017 - USA

Data last updated 13 January 2025

Saturday 2 December

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:00pm EST
Planet of Evil: Part Four

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
6:30pm EST
The Android Invasion: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EST
The Android Invasion: Part Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EST
The Android Invasion: Part Three

Show broadcasts for WFWA
9:00pm EST
Tom Baker Movies: The Ribos Operation
During this episode, the first of the 16th British season of this beloved sci-fi serial, the White Guardian recruits the Doctor to collect the six hidden and disguised segments of the powerful Key to Time. He assigns him an assistant Time Lady named Romanadvoratrelundar, whom the Doctor calls Romana (despite her preference for “Fred” when given a choice by the Doctor).
It’s a classic episode that offers you a classic opportunity to support The Doctor and future episodes airing on PBS39. Call in to 1-866-969-2720 during this special or go online to to show your support!

Show broadcasts for KPTS
10:00pm CST
The Armageddon Factor: Part Four

Pre-empted on 25th November by Bob Hope: American Masters.

Show broadcasts for Iowa Public TV
10:30pm CST
Tom Baker Movies: The Invisible Enemy

The TARDIS is infiltrated by the Swarm a space borne intelligence that wishes to spread itself across the universe and the Doctor is infected by its nucleus. The ship then materialises on Titan, one of the moons of Saturn, where the human occupants of a refuelling station have also been taken over.

Pre-empted on 18th November by The 60s Generation and on 25th November by Great Performances: "Moody Blues: Days of Future Passed Live".

Show broadcasts for PBS North
11:00pm CST
Peter Davison Movies: The Awakening
(Repeated: Sun 10:00pm CST)

Dr. Who and Tegan (Janet Fielding) become embroiled in a village's re-creation of an English Civil War battle. Turlough: Mark Strickson. Will Chandler: Keith Jayne. Sir George: Denis Lill.

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:00pm PST
The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 6
(Repeated: Sun 4:00am PST)

Show broadcasts for KBTC
11:30pm PST
The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 7
(Repeated: Sun 4:30am PST)

The Doctor must stop General Carrington before his actions destroy the Earth.

Sunday 3 December

Show broadcasts for EBRU
11:00am EST
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)
(Repeated: Sun 12:00pm EST)

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
4:00pm EST
The Deadly Assassin: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
4:30pm EST
The Deadly Assassin: Part Two

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
5:00pm EST
The Deadly Assassin: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
5:30pm EST
The Deadly Assassin: Part Four

Show broadcasts for WETA-UK
11:00pm EST
Peter Davison Movies: The Awakening
(Repeated: Tue 3:00am EST)

Dr. Who and Tegan (Janet Fielding) become embroiled in a village's re-creation of an English Civil War battle. Turlough: Mark Strickson. Will Chandler: Keith Jayne. Sir George: Denis Lill.

Monday 4 December

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EST
The Almost People

Part 2. The Doctor must convince terrified factory-workers to work with their doppelgangers to overcome a monster of their own making.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
A Good Man Goes to War

The Doctor assembles an army to face the Battle of Demons Run - and River Song has something to tell him.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EST
Let's Kill Hitler

The TARDIS crash lands in 1930's Berlin, bringing the Doctor face to face with the greatest war criminal in the Universe. And Hitler.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EST
Destiny of the Daleks: Episode Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EST
Destiny of the Daleks: Episode Four

Tuesday 5 December

Show broadcasts for WETA-UK
6:00am EST
The Antiques Roadshow: Powis Castle (Related)

In Wales, items include a "Dr. Who" script and pottery.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EST
Night Terrors

Every child is scared of monsters, but George's terrified pleas for help reach the Doctor. Because George's monsters are real.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
The Girl Who Waited

Amy is trapped in a quarantine facility for victims of an alien plague. Can Rory save her before she is killed by kindness?

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EST
The God Complex

The TARDIS lands in a hotel where every visitor's room contains their deepest, darkest fears. What lies in wait in the Doctor's room?

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EST
The Creature from the Pit: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EST
The Creature from the Pit: Part Two

Wednesday 6 December

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EST
Closing Time

The Doctor's final days are upon him - but when he drops in on an old friend, the Cybermen are waiting.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
The Wedding of River Song

By the shores of Lake Silencio, in Utah, all of time and space hang in the balance - because this is the day the Doctor dies.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EST
The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EST
The Creature from the Pit: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EST
The Creature from the Pit: Part Four

Thursday 7 December

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EST
Asylum of the Daleks

Kidnapped by his oldest foe, the Doctor is forced on an impossible mission - to a place even the Daleks are too terrified to enter...

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

An unmanned spaceship hurtles towards certain destruction - unless the Doctor can save it, and its impossible cargo... of dinosaurs!

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EST
A Town Called Mercy

The Doctor gets a Stetson and a gun, and finds himself the reluctant Sheriff of a Western town under siege by a relentless cyborg.

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EST
Nightmare of Eden: Part One

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EST
Nightmare of Eden: Part Two

Show broadcasts for EBRU
8:00pm EST
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Friday 8 December

Show broadcasts for EBRU
12:00am EST
Doctor Who
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)

Show broadcasts for BBC America
9:00am EST
The Power Of Three

The Doctor and the Ponds puzzle an unlikely invasion of Earth, as millions of sinister black cubes fall from the sky overnight...

Show broadcasts for BBC America
10:00am EST
The Angels Take Manhattan

The Doctor's heart-breaking farewell to Amy and Rory - a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York's statues come to life around them....

Show broadcasts for BBC America
11:00am EST
The Snowmen

Christmas Eve 1892 and a chilling menace threatens humankind - but with the Doctor in mourning, it takes old friends and an unorthodox young governess to get him fighting to save the world again.

Show broadcasts for BBC America
12:00pm EST
The Bells of Saint John

The Doctor's search for Clara brings him to London, where Wi-Fi is everywhere. Humanity lives in a Wi-Fi soup but something dangerous is lurking in the signals, picking off minds and imprisoning them...

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:00pm EST
Nightmare of Eden: Part Three

Show broadcasts for Retro TV
7:30pm EST
Nightmare of Eden: Part Four