This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Saturday 29th May 2010
This Week In Doctor Who - May 29, 2010 Section A (posted 29th May 2010, 11:51am - TWIDW post #1056) |
This Week In Doctor Who - Section A May 29, 2010 - Vol 13, Number 19 by Benjamin F. Elliott |
Welcome to the ORIGINAL This Week In Doctor Who. All the known broadcasts of Doctor Who covered weekly since 1998. With the spinoffs too. |
BBC America revealed some press information on the 2nd series of "Being Human" which has implications for this year's Doctor Who finale. BBC America will premiere the new episodes of Being Human at the special time of 10:05PM EDT on 24 July, following the finale of Doctor Who. The start time of Doctor Who - The Big Bang is not given, but it should be 9PM EDT or earlier, so this episode will get at least 5 extra minutes of time on BBC America, indicating an extended length for the finale. Of the extended episodes this series, the premiere of The Vampires Of Venice (48 minutes) aired in the regular 60 minute slot with reduced advertising while The Eleventh Hour (just under 65 minutes) aired in a 70 minute slot with special sponsorship to reduce advertising. If they are giving extra time, then BBC America believes that The Big Bang will be somewhat longer than 48 minutes long. How much - I don't know? |
UK - the world premiere of "Cold Blood" premieres at 7PM BST on 29 May (tonight) on BBC One and BBC HD. Cold Blood is listed as 50 minutes long. "Vincent And the Doctor" is due to premiere on 5 June at 6:40PM BST on BBC One and BBC HD - another 50 minute slot. The Lodger is due to premiere on 12 June at 6:45PM BST on BBC One and BBC HD in a 45 minute slot. |
UK - BBC Radio 7 continues an abbreviated run of new to radio 8th Doctor/Lucy Miller Doctor Who audios Sundays at 6PM and Midnight BST (available to listen to online worldwide). Last Sunday's premiere Orbis pt 2 remains up till the listen again version of The Beast Of Orlok pt 1 becomes available. |
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CANADA - Remember, The Vampires Of Venice premieres on SPACE this weekend (29 and 30 May), 1 week after the US and Australian premieres of the episode. Next week SPACE will be back in synch with BBC America, though still one week behind Australia. Starting Monday 31 May, SPACE's weekday run of the 2005 to 2008 episodes begins. Based on early listings, the Christmas episodes are being skipped on the inital run, side-stepping the issue of how to handle long episodes in a daily slot. |
CANADA - BBC Kids is dropping classic era Doctor Who for now after the late Sunday night episodes air. It is not expected to be part of BBC Kids' summer lineup. BBC Kids has taken Who off and come back before, so we do not know if this is the final end. If anyone at BBC Kids wants to clarify, that would be nice. BBC Kids continues its weekday run of The Sarah Jane Adventures, which inconveniently fails to give any episode information that could help people know which stories are airing. |
USA - BBC America is not airing a new Doctor Who this weekend due to the Memorial Day holiday, and an expected lack of people watching TV. The first 6 Matt Smith episodes are airing several times Saturday and Sunday in marathon format to help viewers catch up. The Eleventh Hour will be the horrific 46 minute edit and The Vampires Of Venice may also be cut. If you have BBC America On Demand programming you can currently see all those episodes except The Eleventh Hour (eventually files come down). Doctor Who resumes with Amy's Choice on 5 June (premieres the same time as SPACE in Canada). Expect another pre-emption on 3 July (tied into the 4th Of July Independence Day Holiday). The series is advertised as ending on 24 July. |
While TWIDW no longer has podcast listings, most of the Doctor Who podcasts online have united for publicity as the Doctor Who Podcast alliance . The podcasters are doing very exciting things these days. Stay tuned. |
For press releases on Doctor Who, keep an eye on the BBC Press Office and C21 Media . |
Additions and corrections are welcome at , , and thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. And now, the listings: |
Stations With New Episodes Scheduled: |
UK: |
BBC One 29 May 7PM BST 2010-09 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 - 50 minutes, UK premiere, simulcast with BBC HD 5 June 6:40PM BST 2010-10 Vincent and the Doctor 50 minutes, UK premiere, simulcast with BBC HD 12 June 6:45PM BST 2010-11 The Lodger UK premiere, simulcast with BBC HD |
BBC HD 29 May 7PM, Late 31 May 12:15AM BST 2010-09 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 - 50 minutes, UK premiere, simulcast with BBC One 29 May 11:15PM BST DWC 509 "What Goes On Tour ..." 45 minutes (late time due to Eurovision simulcast) 5 June 6:40PM, 7 June 11:20PM BST 2010-10 Vincent and the Doctor 50 minutes, UK premiere, simulcast with BBC One 5 June 7:30PM BST DWC 510 A Brush with Genius 45 minutes, premiere, simulcast with BBC Three 12 June 6:45PM BST 2010-11 The Lodger UK premiere, simulcast with BBC One 12 June Time TBA BST DWC 511 "" 45 minutes |
BBC Three 29 May 7:50PM BST DWC 509 "What Goes On Tour ..." 45 minutes, premiere 31 May 7PM, 4 June 9PM BST 2010-09 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 - 50 minutes (special Monday premiere for BBC Three showing) 31 May 7:50PM, 4 June 9:45PM BST DWC 509 "What Goes On Tour ..." 10 minutes 5 June 7:30PM BST DWC 510 A Brush with Genius 45 minutes, premiere, simulcast with BBC HD 6 June 7PM, 11 June 9PM BST 2010-10 Vincent and the Doctor 50 minutes (Sunday BBC Three premiere now at 7PM BST) 6 June 7:50PM, 11 June 9:50PM BST DWC 510 A Brush with Genius 10 minutes 12 June 7:30PM BST DWC 511 "" 45 minutes, premiere 13 June 7PM, 18 June 9PM BST 2010-11 The Lodger 13 June 7:45PM, 18 June 9:45PM BST DWC 511 "" 15 minutes |
BBC Radio 7 Currently, four of the eight stories from the 3rd series of the 8th Doctor/Lucie Miller audios (released over a year ago on Big Finish CD) are premiering on radio in serial format. Still Available: "Doctor Who - Orbis" pt 2 of 2 Coming Soon: 30 May 6PM and Midnight BST "The Beast Of Orlok" pt 1 of 2, Radio 7 premiere 6 June 6PM and Midnight BST "The Beast Of Orlok" pt 2 of 2, Radio 7 premiere |
BFBS BFBS1: 30 May 7:15PM CET 2010-09 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 6 June 7:25PM CET 2010-10 Vincent and the Doctor BFBS2: 29 May 4:45PM and 4:45AM CET 2010-08 "The Hungry Earth" pt 1 of 2 31 May 7:25PM and 1:25AM, 1 June 7:25AM and 1:25PM CET DWC 509 "What Goes On Tour ..." 5 June 5:40PM, 6 June 5:40AM CET 2010-09 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 7 June 7:25PM and 1:25AM, 8 June 7:25AM and 1:25PM CET DWC 510 "A Brush With Genius" BFBS Navy: 30 May 7:15PM CET 2010-09 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 1 June 7:25AM CET DWC 509 "What Goes On Tour ..." BFBS 1 Day Later: 31 May 1:15PM CET 2010-09 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 7 June 1:25PM CET 2010-10 Vincent and the Doctor |
ABC1 Episodes also available on ABC's iView service for about 2 weeks after broadcast -30 May 7:30PM 2010-07 Amy's Choice (new episode) 30 May 8:15PM DWC 507 Arthurian Legend 15 minutes 6 June 7:30PM 2010-08 "The Hungry Earth" pt 1 of 2 6 June 8:15PM DWC 508 After Effects 15 minutes 13 June 7:30PM 2010-09 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 13 June 8:15?PM DWC 509 "What Goes On Tour ..." 15? minutes |
USA: |
BBC America BBC America has announced that the conclusion of the 2010 series will air on 24 July, leading in to the 2nd Series premiere of Being Human. TWIDW has been able to project the premiere schedule from this information. 29 May 8PM and 2AM, 30 May 2PM, 1 June 9PM and Midnight and 2AM EDT 2010-01 "The Eleventh Hour" 46 minute abridged version 29 May 9PM and 3AM, 30 May 3PM EDT 2010-02 The Beast Below 29 May 10PM and 4AM, 30 May 4PM EDT 2010-03 Victory of the Daleks 29 May 11PM, 30 May 5AM EDT 2010-04 "The Time Of Angels" pt 1 of 2 Late 29 May Midnight, 30 May 6AM EDT 2010-05 "Flesh And Stone" pt 2 of 2 Late 29 May 1AM, 30 May 7AM and 7PM EDT 2010-06 The Vampires of Venice 30 May 5PM EDT 2010-04/2010-05 "The Time Of Angels/Flesh And Stone" omnibus movie version 1 June 5PM, 7 June 1PM EDT 2006-10 Love & Monsters 2 June 5PM, 7 June 2PM EDT 2006-11 Fear Her 3 June 5PM, 7 June 3PM EDT 2006-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 4 June 5PM, 7 June 4PM EDT 2006-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 -5 June 9PM and Midnight and 3AM, 8 June 9PM and Midnight and 2AM EDT 2010-07 Amy's Choice (new episode) 7 June 11AM EDT 2006-08 "The Impossible Planet" pt 1 of 2 7 June Noon EDT 2006-09 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 7 June 5PM EDT 2006-Xmas The Runaway Bride 46 minute abridged version 8 June 5PM EDT 2007-01 Smith and Jones 9 June 5PM EDT 2007-02 The Shakespeare Code Projected Schedule: 12 June 9PM and Midnight and 3AM EDT 2010-08 "The Hungry Earth" pt 1 of 2 19 June 9PM and Midnight and 3AM EDT 2010-09 "Cold Blood" pt 2 of 2 26 June 9PM and Midnight and 3AM EDT 2010-10 Vincent and the Doctor 3 July - pre-empted or a repeat. One additional repeat weekend is needed to end the series on 24 July, and BBC America rarely airs new programming the same weekend as US Independence Day (4 July) 10 July 9PM and Midnight and 3AM EDT 2010-11 The Lodger 17 July 9PM and Midnight and 3AM EDT 2010-12 "The Pandorica Opens" pt 1 of 2 24 July 9PM and Midnight and 3AM EDT 2010-13 "The Big Bang" pt 2 of 2, 65 minute slot?, end of new episodes |
BBC America On Demand all the episodes on the On Demand service are uncut, including the original "Next Time" trailer and closing credits from the UK versions, with approximately 2 minutes of commercials inserted through the broadcast Online Now: 2010-02 The Beast Below 2010-03 Victory of the Daleks 2010-04 "The Time Of Angels" pt 1 of 2 2010-05 "Flesh And Stone" pt 2 of 2 2010-06 The Vampires of Venice Coming Soon: 2010-07 Amy's Choice (starts 6 June) |
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SPACE Episodes (both the weekly "new" ones and the weekday "older" ones) are available on the SPACE website to see for one week after their TV broadcast to viewers inside Canada. 29 May 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 30 May Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-06 The Vampires of Venice (new episode) 31 May 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 1 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-01 Rose (premiere of the 2005 to 2008 episodes on SPACE - CBC previously held the Canadian rights to these episodes) 1 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 2 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-02 The End Of The World 2 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 3 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-03 The Unquiet Dead 3 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 4 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 5 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 6 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-07 Amy's Choice 5 June 10PM EDT/7PM EDT, 6 June 5:30AM and 7:30AM and 1PM and 6:30PM EDT/2:30AM and 4:30AM and 10AM and 3:30PM PDT, 7 May 8:30AM EDT/5:30AM PDT "Innerspace: Doctor Who Mid-season Review" 30 minutes (SPACE exclusive) 7 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 8 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2 8 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 9 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-06 Dalek 9 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 10 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-07 The Long Game 10 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 11 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-08 Father's Day 12 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 13 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-08 The Hungry Earth pt 1 of 2 14 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 15 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 15 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 16 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 16 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 17 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-11 Boom Town 17 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 18 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 19 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 20 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-09 Cold Blood pt 2 of 2 21 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 22 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 22 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 23 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2006-01 New Earth (skipping The Christmas Invasion for now, putting off the question of how extended episodes are handled in the weekday run) 23 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 24 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2006-02 Tooth and Claw 24 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 25 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2006-03 School Reunion 26 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 27 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-10 Vincent and the Doctor 28 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT 2006-04 The Girl in the Fireplace No new episode expected on 3 July due to special programming after Canada Day and the effort to keep SPACE in synch with BBC America |
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Prime TV NZ -30 May 7:30PM 2010-05 Flesh and Stone (new episode) 4 June 9:40PM 2010-03 Victory of the Daleks (question to my New Zealand viewers - was there a problem the first time Victory aired or is Prime having a very quick repeat run after the original broadcasts?) 6 June 7:30PM 2010-06 The Vampires of Venice 13 June 7:30PM 2010-07 Amy's Choice 20 June 7:30PM 2010-08 The Hungry Earth pt 1 of 2 27 June 7:30PM 2010-09 Cold Blood pt 2 of 2 4 July 7:30PM 2010-10 Vincent and the Doctor 11 July 7:30PM 2010-11 The Lodger 18 July 7:30PM 2010-12 ThePandoricaOpens/1 pt 1 of 2 25 July 7:30PM 2010-13 ThePandoricaOpens/2 pt 2 of 2 |
BBC Entertainment 29 May 7:20PM, 30 May 11:30AM and 5:30PM, 6 June 10:55AM, 25 June 11:20PM, Late 26 June 4:45AM CET 2008-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp 30 May 10:45AM, 24 June 10:30PM CET 2008-06 The Doctor's Daughter -30 May 6:15PM, Late 3 June 12:35AM, 4 June 6PM and 11:20PM, 5 June 7:15PM, 6 June 11:40AM and 5:30PM, 13 June 10:55AM, 28 June 10:40PM CET 2008-08 "Silence In The Library" pt 1 of 2 (new episode) 31 May 10:30AM CET 2006-03 School Reunion 31 May 11:15AM, 1 June 10:30AM CET 2006-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 1 June 11:15AM, 2 June 10:30AM CET 2006-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 2 June 11:15AM, 3 June 10:30AM CET 2006-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 3 June 11:15AM, 4 June 10:30AM CET 2006-07 The Idiot's Lantern 4 June 11:15AM, 7 June 10:30AM CET 2006-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 6 June 6:15PM, 11 June 6PM, 12 June 7:15PM, 13 June 11:35AM and 5:30PM, 20 June 10:55AM, 29 June 10:35PM CET 2008-09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2 7 June 11:15AM, 8 June 10:35AM CET 2006-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 8 June 11:25AM, 9 June 10:25AM CET 2006-10 Love & Monsters 9 June 11:10AM, 10 June 10:25AM CET 2006-11 Fear Her 10 June 11:10AM, 11 June 10:15AM CET 2006-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 11 June 11AM, 14 June 10:40AM CET 2006-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 13 June 6:15PM, 18 June 6PM, 19 June 7:15PM, 20 June 11:45AM and 5:30PM, 27 June 10:50AM, 30 June 10:40PM CET 2008-10 Midnight 14 June 11:25AM, 15 June 10:35AM CET 2007-01 Smith and Jones 15 June 11:20AM, 16 June 10:45AM CET 2007-02 The Shakespeare Code 16 June 11:35AM, 17 June 10:40AM CET 2007-03 Gridlock 17 June 11:25AM, 18 June 10:30AM CET 2007-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 17 June 10:30PM CET 2008-01 Partners in Crime 18 June 11:20AM, 21 June 10:40AM CET 2007-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 18 June 11:20PM CET 2008-02 The Fires of Pompeii 20 June 6:15PM, 25 June 6PM, 26 June 7:15PM, 27 June 11:35AM and 5:20PM CET 2008-11 Turn Left 21 June 11:25AM, 22 June 10:45AM CET 2007-06 The Lazarus Experiment 21 June 10:45PM CET 2008-03 Planet of the Ood 22 June 11:30AM, 23 June 10:45AM CET 2007-07 42 22 June 10:45PM CET 2008-04 The Sontaran Stratagem pt 1 of 2 23 June 11:30AM, 24 June 10:45AM CET 2007-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 23 June 10:40PM CET 2008-05 The Poison Sky pt 2 of 2 24 June 11:30AM, 25 June 10:30AM CET 2007-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 25 June 11:10AM, 28 June 10:45AM CET 2007-10 Blink 27 June 6:15PM 2008-12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2 28 June 11:30AM, 29 June 10:35AM CET 2007-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 29 June 11:20AM, 30 June 10:25AM CET 2007-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 30 June 11:10AM CET 2007-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 |
BBC Entertainment 29 May 4:05PM CAT 2008-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp (new episode) 29 May 4:55PM, 30 May 6AM CAT DWC 407 Nemesis -30 May 6:25PM and 11:20PM and 2:55AM, 31 May 8:15AM and 7:30PM, 5 June 4:05PM CAT 2008-08 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2 (new episode) 30 May 7:15PM and 12:10AM, 5 June 4:55PM, 6 June 6AM CAT DWC 408 Shadow Play 6 June 6:25PM and 11:20PM and 2:55AM, 7 June 8:15AM and 7:30PM, 12 June 4:05PM CAT 2008-09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2 6 June 7:20PM and 12:10AM, 12 June 4:55PM, 13 June 6AM CAT DWC 409 "River Runs Deep" 13 June 6:25PM and 11:20PM and 2:55AM, 14 June 7:30PM and 8:20PM and 1:05AM, 19 June 4:25PM and 3:25AM CAT 2008-10 Midnight 13 June 7:15PM and 12:10AM, 14 June 9:10PM and 1:50AM CAT DWC 410 "Look Who's Talking" 20 June 6:25PM and 11:20PM and 2:50AM, 21 June 3:05PM and 8:20PM and 1:05AM, 26 June 4:25PM and 3:20AM CAT 2008-11 Turn Left 20 June 7:20PM and 12:10AM, 21 June 9:15PM and 2AM CAT DWC 411 "Here Come The Girls" 27 June 6:25PM and 11:15PM and 2:45AM, 28 June 3:05PM and 8:20PM and 1:05AM CAT 2008-12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2 27 June 7:15PM and 12:05AM, 28 June 9:10PM and 1:55AM CAT DWC 412 "Friends And Foe" |
Repeats: |
UK: |
Watch All times 1 hour later on Watch + 1. 30 May 4:15PM BST 2007-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 31 May 6AM BST DWC 212 Welcome to Torchwood 4 June 6:05AM BST DWC ep unknown 7 June 6:10AM BST DWC 203 Friends Reunited 8 June 8PM and 1:40AM BST 2006-02 Tooth and Claw 9 June 6:10AM BST DWC 204 From Script to Screen 10 June 6:10AM BST DWC 205 Cybermen 15 June 8PM BST 2006-03 School Reunion Late 19 June 12:35AM, Late 26 June 1:10AM BST "Doctor Who Confidential Special - The Eleventh Doctor" Late 21 June 2AM, 22 June 8PM BST 2006-07 The Idiot's Lantern 29 June 8PM and 1:20AM BST 2006-08 "The Impossible Planet" pt 1 of 2 |
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Syfy Universal NL 29 May 10:30AM CET 2008-02 The Fires of Pompeii 29 May 11:20AM CET 2008-03 Planet of the Ood 29 May 12:10PM CET 2008-04 The Sontaran Stratagem pt 1 of 2 29 May 1PM CET 2008-05 The Poison Sky pt 2 of 2 31 May 7:40PM CET 2008-06 The Doctor's Daughter June listings are not up yet. |
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Syfy Spain 31 May 6:15AM CET 2008-06 The Doctor's Daughter 31 May 4:03PM and 8:40PM CET 2005-06 Dalek 31 May 10:20PM, 1 June 6:20PM, 7 June 6:45AM CET 2008-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp 1 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2005-07 The Long Game 2 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2005-08 Father's Day 3 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2005-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 4 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2005-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 7 June 3:43PM and 8:40PM CET 2005-11 Boom Town 7 June 10:20PM, 8 June 6:25PM, 14 June 7:15AM CET 2008-08 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2 8 June 4:05PM and 8:40PM CET 2005-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 9 June 4:05PM and 8:40PM CET 2005-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 10 June 3:40PM and 8:27PM CET 2005-Xmas The Christmas Invasion 11 June 4:05PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-01 New Earth 14 June 4:06PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-02 Tooth and Claw 14 June 10:20PM, 15 June 6:20PM, 21 June 6:45AM CET 2008-09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2 15 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-03 School Reunion 16 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 17 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 18 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 21 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-07 The Idiot's Lantern 21 June 10:20PM, 22 June 6:20PM, 28 June 6:51AM CET 2008-10 Midnight 22 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 23 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 24 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-10 Love & Monsters 25 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-11 Fear Her 28 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 28 June 10:20PM, 29 June 6:20PM CET 2008-11 Turn Left 29 June 4PM and 8:40PM CET 2006-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 |
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SciFi Germany 31 May 1:30PM, 1 June 6:55AM CET 2005-01 Rose 1 June 1:30PM, 2 June 7AM CET 2005-02 The End Of The World 2 June 1:30PM, 3 June 6:50AM CET 2005-03 The Unquiet Dead 3 June 1:30PM, 4 June 6:45AM CET 2005-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 4 June 1:30PM, 7 June 7:10AM CET 2005-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2 7 June 1:30PM, 8 June 6:50AM CET 2005-06 Dalek 8 June 1:30PM, 9 June 6:50AM CET 2005-07 The Long Game 9 June 1:30PM, 10 June 6:50AM CET 2005-08 Father's Day 10 June 1:30PM, 11 June 6:55AM CET 2005-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 11 June 1:30PM, 14 June 7:10AM CET 2005-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 14 June 1:30PM, 15 June 6:50AM CET 2005-11 Boom Town 15 June 1:30PM, 16 June 6:50AM CET 2005-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 16 June 1:30PM, 17 June 6:50AM CET 2005-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 17 June 1:15PM, 18 June 6:50AM CET 2005-Xmas The Christmas Invasion 18 June 1:30PM, 21 June 7AM CET 2006-01 New Earth 21 June 1:30PM, 22 June 6:50AM CET 2006-02 Tooth and Claw 22 June 1:30PM, 23 June 6:50AM CET 2006-03 School Reunion 23 June 1:30PM, 24 June 6:50AM CET 2006-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 24 June 1:30PM, 25 June 6:50AM CET 2006-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 25 June 1:30PM, 28 June 8:35AM CET 2006-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 28 June 12:40PM, 29 June 7:50AM CET 2006-07 The Idiot's Lantern 28 June 1:30PM, 29 June 8:40AM CET 2006-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 29 June 12:40PM, 30 June 7:20AM CET 2006-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 29 June 1:30PM, 30 June 8:10AM CET 2006-10 Love & Monsters 30 June 12:40PM CET 2006-11 Fear Her 30 June 1:30PM CET 2006-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 |
TV4 Guld Retro station airing Doctor Who in late night 30 May 2:25PM CET "Episodes Unknown" 3 eps 31 May 5AM CET "Episode Unknown" 1 ep Late 31 May 1:50AM CET "Episodes Unknown" 4 eps Late 1 June 1:50AM CET "Episodes Unknown" 4 eps Late 2 June 1:50AM CET "Episodes Unknown" 4 eps Late 3 June 1:50AM CET "Episodes Unknown" 4 eps Late 4 June 2:30AM CET "Episodes Unknown" 2 eps 6 June 6:05AM CET "Episode Unknown" 1 ep 6 June 2:10PM CET "Episode Unknown" 1 ep |
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SyFy Universal Russia All times Moscow. 29 May 1:35PM 2005-11 Boom Town 4 June 7:20PM, 5 June 1:35PM 2005-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 |
BBC Entertainment 29 May 7:15PM, 30 May 3:15PM and 11:25PM CET 2006-03 School Reunion 29 May 8PM, 30 May 4PM and 7:35PM and 12:10AM, 31 May 5:45PM, 2 June 11:25PM, 3 June 6:45PM CET DWC 203 Friends Reunited 4 June 10:30PM, 5 June 8PM, 6 June 1:30PM and 4PM and 12:10AM, 7 June 5:50PM, 9 June 11:30PM, 10 June 6:40PM, 11 June 10:30PM CET DWC 204 "From Script To Screen" 5 June 7:15PM, 6 June 3:15PM and 11:25PM CET 2006-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 12 June 7:20PM, 13 June 3:15PM and 11:25PM CET 2006-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 12 June 8:05PM, 13 June 4PM and 12:10AM, 16 June 11:30PM CET DWC 205 "Cyberman" 19 June 7:15PM, 20 June 3:15PM CET 2006-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 19 June 8PM and 10:30PM and 1:10AM, 20 June 4PM and 9:30PM CET DWC 206 "From Zero To Hero" |
Orbit Showtime Exclusive Channels America Plus (2 hours later on America Plus +2) 29 May 7PM, 30 May 6AM and Noon KSA 2008-04 The Sontaran Stratagem pt 1 of 2 30 May 7PM, 31 May 6AM and Noon KSA 2008-05 The Poison Sky pt 2 of 2 31 May 7PM, 1 June 6AM and Noon KSA 2008-06 The Doctor's Daughter 1 June 7PM, 2 June 6AM and Noon KSA 2008-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp 2 June 7PM, 3 June 6AM and Noon KSA 2008-08 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2 3 June 7PM, 4 June 6AM and Noon KSA 2008-09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2 4 June 7PM, 5 June 6AM and Noon KSA 2008-10 'Midnight" |
BBC Entertainment All times Korean - adjust for local time 30 May 5:05AM DWC 211 The Fright Stuff 31 May 3PM 2005-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 31 May 6:15PM and 2:20AM, 1 June 3PM 2005-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 Late 31 May 3:05AM DWC 201 New New Doctor 1 June 6:15PM and 2:15AM, 2 June 3PM 2006-01 New Earth 2 June 6:15PM and 2:20AM, 3 June 2:55PM 2006-02 Tooth and Claw 3 June 3:40PM and 3:10AM DWC 203 Friends Reunited 3 June 6:15PM and 2:25AM, 4 June 2:55PM 2006-03 School Reunion 4 June 6:15PM and 2:25AM, 7 June 2:45PM 2006-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 6 June 9:50PM, 7 June 3:30PM DWC 205 Cybermen 7 June 9:50AM DWC 204 From Script to Screen 7 June 6:15PM and 2:15AM, 8 June 3PM 2006-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 8 June 6:15PM and 2:15AM, 9 June 3PM 2006-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 9 June 6:15PM and 2:20AM, 10 June 3PM 2006-07 The Idiot's Lantern 10 June 6:15PM and 2:25AM, 11 June 3PM 2006-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 11 June 6:10PM and 2:05AM, 14 June 2:55PM 2006-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 12 June 2PM, 13 June 9:50PM DWC 210 The New World of Dr Who 14 June 6:15PM and 2:25AM, 15 June 2:55PM 2006-10 Love & Monsters 15 June 6:15PM and 2:15AM, 16 June 3PM 2006-11 Fear Her 16 June 6:15PM and 2:20AM, 17 June 3PM 2006-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 17 June 6:15PM and 2:25AM, 18 June 3PM 2006-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 18 June 6:15PM and 2:20AM, 21 June 3PM 2007-01 Smith and Jones 20 June 9:50PM DWC 301 Meet Martha Jones 21 June 6:15PM and 2:25AM, 22 June 3PM 2007-02 The Shakespeare Code 22 June 6:15PM and 2:30AM, 23 June 2:55PM 2007-03 Gridlock 23 June 2:40PM DWC 303 Are We There Yet? 23 June 6:15PM and 2:25AM, 24 June 2:50PM 2007-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 Late 23 June 3:15AM, 24 June 2:40PM DWC 304 A New York Story 24 June 6:15PM and 2:25AM, 25 June 2:55PM 2007-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 25 June 2:45PM DWC 305 Making Manhattan 25 June 6:15PM and 2:20AM, 28 June 2:55PM 2007-06 The Lazarus Experiment 27 June 5:30AM and 12:05PM and 9:50PM, 29 June 2:40PM DWC 307 Space Craft 28 June 6:15PM and 2:25AM, 29 June 2:55PM 2007-07 42 29 June 6:15PM and 2:15AM, 30 June 2:55PM 2007-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 30 June 2:40PM DWC 308 Alter Ego 30 June 6:15PM and 2:30AM 2007-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 Late 30 June 3:15AM DWC 309 Bad Blood |
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UKTV Australia All times are listed in Australian Eastern. Shows air 2 hours later on UKTV + 2. 30 May Noon 2006-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 30 May 12:50PM DWC 208 You've Got the Look 1 June 7:30PM, 4 June 10:30PM 2006-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 1 June 8:20PM, 4 June 11:20PM DWC 209 Myths, Heroes, And Legends 12 to 14 June - "Ultimate" Doctor Who Marathon - vote on the UKTV website to help decide which Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant episodes air on this upcoming long weekend |
UKTV New Zealand 29 May 3:30PM 2006-03 School Reunion 29 May 4:15PM DWC 203 Friends Reunited 29 May 7:30PM and 1:45AM 2006-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 29 May 8:15PM and 2:30AM DWC 204 From Script to Screen 5 to 7 June "Ultimate" Doctor Who marathon - vote on the UKTV NZ website to help decide which Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant episodes air on this upcoming long weekend, the 2009 specials are also expected to premiere in this marathon. Marathon tentatively set for Noon to 7PM on 5, 6, and 7 June. |
CBC Bold Late 2 June Midnight and 3AM EDT 2005-07 The Long Game (SPACE Channel begins its run of these episodes the same week, so do not be surprised if this listing disappears) |
BBC Kids Your Canadian home to late night showings of 17 ot the 20 Peter Davison stories - and right now, not much else Late 29 May 3AM EDT/Midnight PDT, Late 30 May 2AM EDT/11PM PDT S19, Eps 15+16 The Visitation pts 3+4 of 4 (last episodes on BBC Kids for now - off the schedule for the Summer, unknown if Classic Who will return in the future) |
BBC Entertainment 30 May 9AM, 27 June 10AM 2007-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 30 May 10AM, 27 June 11AM 2007-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 30 May 11AM 2007-10 Blink 6 June 9AM 2007-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 6 June 10AM 2007-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3 6 June 11AM 2007-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 13 June 9AM 2007-01 Smith and Jones 13 June 10AM 2007-02 The Shakespeare Code 13 June 11AM 2007-03 Gridlock 20 June 9AM 2007-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 20 June 10AM 2007-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 20 June 11AM 2007-06 The Lazarus Experiment 27 June 9AM 2007-07 42 |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. |
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2010. |