This Week in Canada

Last updated 13 January 2025
8:00pm EDT (00:00 GMT) < > « »

CTV Sci-Fi Channel (adverts during broadcast)

Featuring: Christopher Eccleston, Noel Clarke, Billie Piper, Camille Coduri
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 29th May 2010:
Episodes (both the weekly "new" ones and the weekday "older" ones) are available on the SPACE website to see for one week after their TV broadcast to viewers inside Canada.
29 May 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 30 May Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-06 The Vampires of Venice (new episode)
31 May 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 1 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-01 Rose (premiere of the 2005 to 2008 episodes on SPACE - CBC previously held the Canadian rights to these episodes)
1 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 2 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-02 The End Of The World
2 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 3 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-03 The Unquiet Dead
3 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 4 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
5 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 6 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-07 Amy's Choice
5 June 10PM EDT/7PM EDT, 6 June 5:30AM and 7:30AM and 1PM and 6:30PM EDT/2:30AM and 4:30AM and 10AM and 3:30PM PDT, 7 May 8:30AM EDT/5:30AM PDT "Innerspace: Doctor Who Mid-season Review" 30 minutes (SPACE exclusive)
7 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 8 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
8 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 9 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-06 Dalek
9 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 10 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-07 The Long Game
10 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 11 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-08 Father's Day
12 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 13 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-08 The Hungry Earth pt 1 of 2
14 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 15 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
15 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 16 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
16 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 17 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-11 Boom Town
17 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 18 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
19 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 20 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-09 Cold Blood pt 2 of 2
21 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 22 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
22 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 23 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2006-01 New Earth (skipping The Christmas Invasion for now, putting off the question of how extended episodes are handled in the weekday run)
23 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 24 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2006-02 Tooth and Claw
24 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 25 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2006-03 School Reunion
26 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 27 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-10 Vincent and the Doctor
28 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT 2006-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
No new episode expected on 3 July due to special programming after Canada Day and the effort to keep SPACE in synch with BBC America
Episodes (both the weekly "new" ones and the weekday "older" ones) are available on the SPACE website to see for one week after their TV broadcast to viewers inside Canada.
29 May 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 30 May Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-06 The Vampires of Venice (new episode)
31 May 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 1 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-01 Rose (premiere of the 2005 to 2008 episodes on SPACE - CBC previously held the Canadian rights to these episodes)
1 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 2 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-02 The End Of The World
2 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 3 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-03 The Unquiet Dead
3 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 4 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
5 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 6 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-07 Amy's Choice
5 June 10PM EDT/7PM EDT, 6 June 5:30AM and 7:30AM and 1PM and 6:30PM EDT/2:30AM and 4:30AM and 10AM and 3:30PM PDT, 7 May 8:30AM EDT/5:30AM PDT "Innerspace: Doctor Who Mid-season Review" 30 minutes (SPACE exclusive)
7 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 8 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2
8 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 9 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-06 Dalek
9 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 10 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-07 The Long Game
10 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 11 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-08 Father's Day
12 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 13 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-08 The Hungry Earth pt 1 of 2
14 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 15 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2
15 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 16 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2
16 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 17 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-11 Boom Town
17 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 18 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2
19 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 20 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-09 Cold Blood pt 2 of 2
21 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 22 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2005-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2
22 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 23 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2006-01 New Earth (skipping The Christmas Invasion for now, putting off the question of how extended episodes are handled in the weekday run)
23 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 24 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2006-02 Tooth and Claw
24 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT, 25 June 11AM EDT/8AM PDT 2006-03 School Reunion
26 June 9PM EDT/6PM PDT, 27 June Noon and 7PM EDT/9AM and 4PM PDT 2010-10 Vincent and the Doctor
28 June 8PM and Midnight EDT/5PM and 9PM PDT 2006-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
No new episode expected on 3 July due to special programming after Canada Day and the effort to keep SPACE in synch with BBC America