This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Saturday 5th January 2008
This Week In Doctor Who A - January 5, 2008 (posted 5th Jan 2008, 2:13pm - TWIDW post #0628) |
THIS WEEK IN DOCTOR WHO January 5, 2008 - Vol 11, No 1 The weekly guide to Doctor Who and Sarah Jane broadcasts worldwide. by Benjamin F. Elliott |
Section A - Everything But The PBS Stations |
Upcoming premiere broadcasts: |
Sunday 6 January: KBS 2 South Korea 11:45PM - Daleks In Manhattan, pt 1 KBS 2 South Korea 12:35AM - Evolution Of The Daleks, pt 2 Wednesday 9 January: France 4 8:45?PM CET - Daleks In Manhattan, pt 1, French France 4 9:35?PM CET - Evolution Of The Daleks, pt 2, French Sunday 13 January: BBC Kids Canada 9PM EST/6PM PST - Sarah Jane Adventures - Invasion Of The Bane Saturday 26 January: Pro 7 Germany 5PM CET - Rose (German premiere) Saturday 9 February: BBC Prime 7PM CET - New Earth (start of new episodes) BBC Prime 7:45PM CET - DWC Cut Down - New New Doctor March or April: BBC One Saturdays 7ishPM - Doctor Who Series 4 - World Premiere |
Happy new year to all our readers! |
UK - The regular 4th Series of Doctor Who should begin in March or April (exact Saturday yet to be determined). It will have 13 episodes - with David Tennant and Catherine Tate as the regular cast, and Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones in 5 episodes (and some other familiar faces reappearing). After that, the Christmas 2008 episode, 3 "Special" episodes in 2009, and the 13 episode Series 5 comes in 2010. |
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Germany finally gets the new Doctor Who. Pro 7 purchased Series 1 and 2 years ago, and has now found room in their schedule for the adventures of the Time Lord. Rose will air on Saturday 26 January at 5PM CET. The rest of Series 1 and 2 will air at 2 episodes per week from 2 February. Here's hoping for a big splash with German audiences leading to a shorter lag time before Series 3 and 4 make it over. |
Canadian reminder - The Sarah Jane Adventures start on Sunday 13 January at 9PM Eastern/6PM Pacific on BBC Kids . |
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US fans with SciFi - the Series 3 episodes airing Fridays 5AM EST have the originally unaltered closing credits without voiceovers. You have the SciFi bug and (sometimes) a white bug above that noting an upcoming show, but the credits are full size with the music. SciFi tends to do this with the last show to air before an infomercial block. If only they would do this at other times of the day. Episodes are letterbox with the same edits for time as the run last Summer. |
US - BBC America has their schedule up for their premiere of Who Series 3 and Torchwood Series 2 (see Torchwood This Week for Torchwood's schedule). Saturday 26 January: 5PM EST/2PM PST - Army Of Ghosts/Doomsday movie version (encore) 7PM EST/4PM PST - The Runaway Bride (edited to 46 minutes to allow for commercials - no word on letterbox or cropped fullscreen) 8PM EST/5PM PST - Smith And Jones 11PM EST/8PM PST - Smith And Jones 2AM EST/11PM PST - The Runaway Bride Sunday 27 January: Noon EST/9AM PST - The Runaway Bride 1PM EST/10AM PST - Smith And Jones as of 2 February: Saturday 6PM EST/3PM PST - Last week's BBC America episode Saturday 7PM and 2AM EST/4PM and 11PM PST - New to BBC America episode Sunday Noon EST/9AM PST - Saturday's new BBC America episode with the odd pre-emption and special broadcast thrown in. |
Torchwood schedule information is included in the Torchwood This Week column . |
For press releases on Doctor Who, keep an eye on the BBC Press Office and C21 Media . |
Corrections and updates are welcome at thisweekindoctorwho- , TWIDW on AOL IM , and thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. The listings: |
New Series General Information: |
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KBS2 6 January 11:45PM 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 Late 6 January 12:35AM 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 |
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France 4 Series 3 (French version - no sign of English version this time) Saturday 11:30AM, Sunday 6AM, Tuesday 9:20AM CET 3-02 Peines d'amour Gagnees Saturday 12:15PM, Sunday 6:45AM, Tuesday 10:10AM CET 3-03 L'embouteillage Sans Fin Wednesday 8:45PM, Thursday 2:10PM, Saturday 12 January 11:05AM, 13 January 5:30AM, 15 January 9:25AM CET 3-04 L'experience Finale pt 1 of 2 ![]() Wednesday 9:35PM, Thursday 3PM, Saturday 12 January Noon, 13 January 6:20AM, 15 January 10:15AM CET 3-05 DGM Dalek, Genetiquement Modifie pt 2 of 2 ![]() 16 January 8:45PM, 17 January 2:15PM, Late 18 January Midnight, 19 January 11:20AM, 20 January 5:05AM, 22 January 9:30AM CET 3-06 L'Experience Lazarus 16 January 9:30PM, 17 January 3PM, Late 18 January 1AM, 19 January 12:05PM, 20 January 5:50AM, 22 January 10:15AM CET 3-07 Brule Avec Moi Episodes are also airing on France TVOD (TV On Demand). It is only available if the server accepts that your computer is in France. If it is, click . |
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Pro 7 Series 1 and 2 purchased. Dubbed in German. 26 January 5PM CET 1-01 Rose (German premiere) 2 February - 2 episodes per week from this point |
UK: |
BBC Online Shada - starring Paul McGann and Lalla Ward. 6 episodes. A retired Time Lord in Cambridge needs the Doctor's help to recover a Time Lord book before the scientist Skagra can find it. "The Scream Of The Shalka" - starring Richard E. Grant. 6 episode story. The Shalka prepare to conquer the Earth from below. Can the Doctor be convinced to save the day one last time? "Real Time" - starring Colin Baker and the Cybermen. 6 episodes. The Doctor and Evelyn Smythe research a temple that has been yanking scientists out of time, bringing them face to face with the future of the Cybermen. Doctor Who Confidential The 13 episodes from Series 1 of the BBC Three series all online via Real Player in the CutDown format used for repeats and the Series 1 DVDs. Also, numerous video diaries and trailers. Also - Attack Of The Graske - interactive game, starring David Tennant as the Doctor and you as the companion |
CBBC Sarah Jane Adventures. Saturday 5PM GMT 1. Invasion of the Bane (60 minutes) |
BBC Three Doctor Who Confidential Sunday 7PM GMT 3-03 Gridlock Sunday 7:45PM and 3AM GMT DWC 3-03 Are We There Yet? (15 minutes) Monday 7PM GMT 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 Monday 7:50PM GMT DWC 3-04 A New York Story (10 minutes) Late Monday 2:10AM GMT DWC 3-04 A New York Story (15 minutes) Tuesday 7PM GMT 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 Late Tuesday 1:45AM GMT DWC 3-05 Making Manhattan (15 minutes) Wednesday 7PM GMT 3-06 "The Lazarus Effect" Wednesday 7:45PM and 3:10AM GMT DWC 3-06 "Making Monsters" (15 minutes) Thursday 7PM GMT 3-07 42 Thursday 7:45PM and 3:20AM GMT DWC 3-07 Space Craft (15 minutes) Friday 7PM GMT 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 Friday 7:45PM GMT 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 Friday 8:30PM and 1:40AM GMT DWC 3-09 Bad Blood (30 minutes) 14 January 7PM GMT 3-10 Blink 16 January 7PM GMT 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3? 16 January 7:45PM and 3:45AM GMT DWC 1-05 Why on Earth? (15 minutes) 18 January 7PM GMT 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 (51 minutes) 18 January 7:55PM GMT DWC 3-13 The Valiant Quest (5 minutes?) First broadcaster of Doctor Who Confidential |
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UKTV Gold (All times 1 hour later on UKTV Gold + 1). Saturday 11AM and 3:40PM GMT 1-01 Rose Saturday Noon and 4:40PM GMT 1-02 The End Of The World Thursday 11:05PM-12:25AM, Friday 9-10:20PM GMT 2-00 The Christmas Invasion Saturday 12 January 11AM and 3:40PM GMT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead Saturday 12 January Noon and 4:40PM GMT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 19 January 11AM and 3PM GMT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2 19 January Noon and 4PM GMT 1-06 Dalek |
UKTV Drama (All times 1 hour later on UKTV Drama + 1) Tom Baker in episodic form coming in January. Episodes air weekdays unless otherwise noted. Saturday 11:15PM, Sunday 8AM GMT Robot pt 1 of 4 Saturday 11:50PM, Sunday 8:40AM GMT Robot pt 2 of 4 Late Saturday 12:25AM, Sunday 9:20AM GMT Robot pt 3 of 4 Late Saturday 1AM, Sunday 10AM, Monday 12:20 and 5PM GMT Robot pt 4 of 4 Classic Season 12, Episodes 1 through 4. Doctor: Tom Baker. Tuesday 12:20PM and 5PM, 12 January 11:35PM, 13 January 8AM GMT "The Ark In Space" pt 1 of 4 Wednesday 12:20PM and 5PM, Late 12 January 12:10AM, 13 January 8:40AM GMT The Ark In Space pt 2 of 4 Thursday 12:20PM and 5PM, Late 12 January 12:45AM, 13 January 9:20AM GMT The Ark In Space pt 3 of 4 Friday 12:20PM and 5PM, Late 12 January 1:20AM, 13 January 10AM GMT The Ark In Space pt 4 of 4 Classic Season 12, Episodes 5 through 8. Doctor: Tom Baker. 14 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT The Sontaran Experiment pt 1 15 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT The Sontaran Experiment pt 2 16 January 12:20PM and 5PM, 19 January 11:35PM, 20 January 8AM GMT Revenge of the Cybermen pt 1 17 January 12:20PM and 5PM, Late 19 January 12:10AM, 20 January 8:40AM GMT Revenge of the Cybermen pt 2 18 January 12:20PM and 5PM, Late 19 January 12:45AM, 20 January 9:20AM GMT Revenge of the Cybermen pt 3 Late 19 January 1:25AM, 20 January 10AM, 21 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT Revenge of the Cybermen pt 4 22 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT Terror of the Zygons pt 1 23 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT Terror of the Zygons pt 2 24 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT Terror of the Zygons pt 3 25 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT Terror of the Zygons pt 4 28 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT Planet of Evil pt 1 29 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT Planet of Evil pt 2 30 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT Planet of Evil pt 3 31 January 12:20PM and 5PM GMT Planet of Evil pt 4 |
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SciFi Channel Spain Late Sunday 1:45AM CET Los Marcianos Invaden La Terra 1966 theatrical movie, remade from The Dalek Invasion of Earth |
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NRK3 Series 1 repeat run: Saturday 8PM CET 1-08 Father's Day 12 January 8PM CET 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 19 January 8PM CET 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 |
BBC Entertainment Poland Airs as Doktor Who Saturday 2:40PM, Sunday 12:45PM CET 1-06 Dalek Saturday 5:10AM and 3:30PM, Sunday 1:35PM CET 1-07 The Long Game Saturday 4:20PM, Sunday 2:25PM, Monday 11:40AM CET 1-08 Father's Day Saturday 5:10PM, Sunday 3:15PM, Monday 5:20PM, Tuesday 5:10 and 11:40AM CET 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 Saturday 6PM, Sunday 4:05PM, Tuesday 5:20PM, Wednesday 5:10 and 11:40AM CET 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 Wednesday 5:20PM, Thursday 5:10AM and 11:40AM CET 1-11 Boom Town Thursday 5:20PM, Friday 5:10AM and 11:40AM CET 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 Friday 5:20PM, Saturday 12 January 5:10AM CET 1-13 "The Parting Of The Ways" pt 2 of 2 |
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BBC Prime Who Series 1 and 2; Doctor Who Confidential Cut Down Adjust for local time, which could vary by several hours. According to BBC Prime's FAQ, they hope to air Series 2 in February 2008. 9 February 7PM, 10 February 4PM CET 2-01 New Earth (start of new episodes) 9 February 7:45PM, 10 February 4:45PM CET DWC 2-01 New New Doctor 16 February 7PM, 17 February 4PM CET 2-02 Tooth and Claw 16 February 7:45PM, 17 February 4:45PM CET DWC 2-02 23 February 7PM, 24 February 4PM CET 2-03 School Reunion 23 February 7:45PM, 24 February 4:45PM CET DWC 2-03 "Friends Re- United" |
BBC Prime Who Series 1 and 2; Doctor Who Confidential Cut Down The African version of BBC Prime has some schedule variations. 12 January 4PM CAT 1-01 Rose 12 January 4:45PM CAT DWC 1-01 Bringing Back the Doctor 12 January 5PM CAT 1-02 The End Of The World 12 January 5:45PM CAT DWC 1-02 "Aliens" 19 January 4PM CAT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 19 January 4:45PM CAT DWC 1-03 TARDIS Tales 19 January 5PM CAT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 19 January 5:45PM CAT DWC 1-04 "I Get A Side-Kick Out Of You" 26 January 4PM CAT 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2 26 January 4:45PM CAT DWC 1-05 Why on Earth? 26 January 5PM CAT 1-06 Dalek 26 January 5:45PM CAT DWC 1-06 The Daleks |
ASIA (regional channel): |
BBC Entertainment All times Thailand - adjust for local time zone. Subtitles available in Chinese, Korean, and Thai. Series 1 and 2 Repeat Run: Monday 8 and 11:05PM, Tuesday 9:30AM and 4:25PM 2-05 "Rise Of The Cybermen" pt 1 of 2 Monday 8:45 and 11:50PM, Tuesday 10:15AM and 5:10PM 2-06 "The Age Of Steel" pt 2 of 2 Monday 9:30PM and 12:05AM, Tuesday 11AM and 6PM DWC 2-05 or 2-06 14 January 8 and 11:05PM, 15 January 9:30AM and 4:25PM 2-07 "The Idiot's Lantern" 14 January 8:45 and 11:50PM, 15 January 10:15AM and 5:10PM 2-08 "The Impossible Planet" pt 1 of 2 14 January 9:30PM and 12:05AM, 15 January 11AM and 6PM DWC 2-07 or 2- 08 21 January 8 and 11:05PM, 22 January 9:30AM and 4:25PM 2-09 "The Satan Pit" pt 2 of 2 21 January 8:45 and 11:50PM, 22 January 10:15AM and 5:10PM 2-10 "Love And Monsters" 21 January 9:30PM and 12:05AM, 22 January 11AM and 6PM DWC 2-09 or 2- 10 28 January 8 and 11:05PM, 29 January 9:30AM and 4:25PM 2-11 Fear Her 28 January 8:45 and 11:50PM, 29 January 10:15AM and 5:10PM 2-12 "Army Of Ghosts" pt 1 of 2 28 January 9:30PM and 12:05AM, 29 January 11AM and 6PM DWC 2-11 or 2- 12 |
ATV World Series 2 Repeat Run Monday 11:20PM 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 |
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UKTV All times 2 hours later on UKTV + 2. Times listed are Australian Eastern Daylight. Tuesday 7:30PM AEDT 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 15 January 7:30PM AEDT 2-10 Love & Monsters 22 January 7:30PM AEDT 2-11 Fear Her 29 January 7:30PM AEDT 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2 |
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NHK 3 Series 1 and 2. First aired on BS-2. Tuesday 7PM 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 |
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Ztele Episodes dubbed in French. Repeat Run. Monday 5AM EST 1-01 Rose Tuesday 5AM EST 1-02 The End Of The World Wednesday 5AM, Late Wednesday 2AM EST 1-03 The Unquiet Dead Thursday 5AM and 1PM EST 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2 Friday 5AM EST 1-05 World War Three pt 2 of 2 14 January 5AM EST 1-06 Dalek 15 January 5AM EST 1-07 The Long Game 16 January 5AM and 2AM EST 1-08 Father's Day 17 January 5AM and 1PM EST 1-09 The Empty Child pt 1 of 2 18 January 5AM EST 1-10 The Doctor Dances pt 2 of 2 21 January 5AM EST 1-11 Boom Town 22 January 5AM EST 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 23 January 5AM and 2AM EST 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 24 January 5AM and 1PM EST 2-00 The Christmas Invasion 25 January 5AM EST 2-01 New Earth 28 January 5AM EST 2-02 Tooth and Claw 29 January 5AM EST 2-03 School Reunion 30 January 5AM and 2AM EST 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace 31 January 5AM and 1PM EST 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2 1 February 5AM EST 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2 4 February 5AM EST 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern 5 February 5AM and 6AM EST 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 6 February 5AM and 6AM EST 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 7 February 5AM and 6AM EST 2-10 Love & Monsters 8 February 5AM and 6AM EST 2-11 Fear Her |
BBC Kids BBCK First broadcaster of The Sarah Jane Adventures in Canada. Late Saturday 2AM EST/11PM PST Paradise Towers all 4 pts Classic Season 24, Episodes 5 through 8. Doctor: Sylvester McCoy. Late Sunday 2AM EST/11PM PST Delta and the Bannermen all 3 pts Classic Season 24, Episodes 9 through 11. Doctor: Sylvester McCoy. This run of Sylvester McCoy is being interrupted to encore the Sarah Jane Doctor Who stories as a tie-in to the Canadian premiere of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Hopefully the last 8 available (Remembrance Of The Daleks would be skipped due to contract) McCoy stories will air after the Sarah Jane run. Late 12 January 2AM EST/11PM PST Classic 11.01 The Time Warrior (start of Sarah Jane story run) 13 January 9PM and 4AM EST/6PM and 1AM PST Sarah Jane 1 "Invasion Of The Bane" (BBC Kids premiere) Late 13 January 2AM EST/11PM PST Classic 11.02 "Invasion Of The Dinosaurs" pts 1,2,+3 of 6 Late 19 January 2:30AM EST/11:30PM PST Classic 11.02 "Invasion Of The Dinosaurs" pts 4,5,+6 of 6 20 January 9PM and 4AM EST/6PM and 1AM PST Sarah Jane 2 "Revenge Of The Slitheen, both pts" (BBC Kids premiere) Late 20 January 2:30AM EST/11:30PM PST Classic 11.04 "The Monster Of Peladon" pts 1,2,+3 of 6 Late 26 January 2:30AM EST/11:30PM PST Classic 11.04 "The Monster Of Peladon" pts 4,5,+6 of 6 27 January 9PM and 4AM EST/6PM and 1AM PST Sarah Jane 3 "Eye Of The Gorgon, both pts" (BBC Kids premiere) Late 27 January 2:30AM EST/11:30PM PST Classic 11.05 "Planet Of The Spiders" pts 1,2,+3 of 6 3 February 9PM and 4AM EST/6PM and 1AM PST Sarah Jane 4 "Warriors Of Kudlak, both pts" (BBC Kids premiere) 10 February 9PM and 4AM EST/6PM and 1AM PST Sarah Jane 5 "Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane?, both pts" (BBC Kids premiere) 17 February 9PM and 4AM EST/6PM and 1AM PST Sarah Jane 6 "The Lost Boy, both pts" (BBC Kids premiere) |
USA: |
BBC America DirecTV 264 Dish 135 Series 2 is being shown in a 4:3 crop after they used the proper 16:9 widescreen letterbox for Series 1. HD version of channel coming in 2008. See Torchwood This Week for BBC America's Torchwood schedule. Saturday 6PM EST/3PM PST 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern Saturday 7PM and 2AM EST/4 and 11PM PST 2-10 Love & Monsters 12 January 6PM EST/3PM PST 2-08/2-09 "The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit" 2 hour movie version Late 12 January 2AM EST/11PM PST, 13 January Noon EST/9AM PST 2- 09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 19 January 6PM and 2AM EST/3PM and 11PM PST, 20 January Noon EST/9AM PST 2-11 Fear Her 19 January 7PM EST/4PM PST, 26 January 5PM EST/2PM PST 2-12/2- 13 "Army Of Ghosts/Doomsday" 2 hour movie version 19 January 11PM EST/8PM PST 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2 26 January 7PM and 2AM EST/4 and 11PM PST, 27 January Noon EST/9AM PST 3-00 The Runaway Bride (heavily edited, Series 3 premiere on BBC America!!) 26 January 8 and 11PM EST/5 and 8PM PST, 27 January 1PM EST/10AM PST, 2 February 6PM EST/3PM PST 3-01 Smith and Jones 2 February 7PM and 2AM EST/4 and 11PM PST, 3 February Noon EST/9AM PST 3-02 The Shakespeare Code |
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SciFi DirecTV 244 DirecTVHD 244 Dish 122 16:9 Letterbox. Series 3 - regular repeat run. Series 1 and 2 - sporadic repeats in Daytime Rotation. Monday 8AM EST/PST 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern Monday 9AM EST/PST 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2 Monday 10AM EST/PST 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2 Monday 11AM EST/PST 2-10 Love & Monsters Monday Noon EST/PST 2-01 New Earth Monday 1PM EST/PST 2-02 Tooth and Claw Monday 2PM EST/PST 2-03 School Reunion Monday 3PM EST/PST 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace Early Friday 5AM EST/PST 3-02 The Shakespeare Code Early 18 January 5AM EST/PST 3-03 Gridlock Early 25 January 5AM EST/PST 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2 25 January 8AM EST/PST 1-08 Father's Day 25 January 9AM EST/PST 1-11 Boom Town 25 January 10AM EST/PST 1-12 Bad Wolf pt 1 of 2 25 January 11AM EST/PST 1-13 The Parting of the Ways pt 2 of 2 25 January Noon EST/PST 1-01 Rose 25 January 1PM EST/PST 1-02 The End Of The World 25 January 2PM EST/PST 1-03 The Unquiet Dead 25 January 3PM EST/PST 1-06 Dalek Early 1 February 5AM EST/PST 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2 Early 8 February 5AM EST/PST 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment 8 February 8AM to 4PM EST/PST "Daytime Rotation - Series 2 - 8 Episodes" Early 15 February 5AM EST/PST 3-07 42 Early 22 February 5AM EST/PST 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2 27 February 8AM to 4PM EST/PST "Daytime Rotation - Series 1 - 8 Episodes" Early 29 February 5AM EST/PST 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2 |
Illusion TV On Demand Doctor Who Classic Series. January (start date unknown) - The Tomb of the Cybermen all 4 pts Classic Season 5, Episodes 1 through 4. Doctor: Patrick Troughton. Illusion TV is a service providing science fiction On Demand programming to cable providers (no deals with satellite companies yet). If your digital cable service has Illusion TV, all programming is offered for free with commercials. See the website to determine if your provider may offer this service. If anybody has Illusion's programming - has The Tomb Of The Cybermen gone up? Are there any other stories available - the website is rather unhelpful here. |
Doctor Who: Podshock Weekly chat show with US and UK Doctor Who fans done in podcast format. Episode 98 now online. Live episode discussing "The Paul McGann Years" on Sunday 13 January at 1PM EST/10AM PST/6PM GMT. |
American Who October episode - interviews with Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane, "The Sarah Jane Adventures) and Carole Bannerman (sister to John "Captain Jack" Barrowman) August episode - interview with Mark Schuster, co-author of "The Greatest Show In The Galaxy: The Discerning Fan's Guide To Doctor Who". July episode - relaunch, Murray Gold interview. |
Not Yet Airing New Series Or Between Seasons: |
1) RUSSIA - STS TV http://www.ctc- Series 1 Completed. 2) HUNGARY (airing as Ki Vagi, Doki?) - Cool TV Series 2 completed. RTL Klub Series 2 Repeat Run completed. 3) MALAYSIA - Astro - Box Office Events Series 1 and 2 completed. Next air dates to be announced. 4) JAPAN - BS-2 Series 1 and 2 Completed. 5) ITALY - Jimmy Series 2 completed. 6) ISRAEL - Yes Stars world=ser&cell_id=channel_22 7) POLAND - TVP1 Off The Schedule. 8) SWEDEN - SVT 2 Series 1 completed. 9) UKRAINE - ICTV 10) SPAIN/PORTUGAL - Digital Plus People + Arts Chanel 27. Series 1 Repeats Over. TVE Clan Series 1 Repeats Over. 11)ROMANIA - TVR2 Current repeat run complete. Next airdate unknown. 12) AUSTRALIA - ABC 16:9 widescreen digital, 14:9 cropped letterbox analog. Series 3 Completed. 13) CANADA - CBC TV 16:9 widescreen digital, 16:9 letterbox analog Co-producer on Torchwood. "The Planet Of The Doctor" exclusive CBC.CA documentary. 6 regular episodes and 1 special. Approximately 90 minutes. 14) AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST - Showtime Arabia ShowSeries 1 (all airings 2 hours later on ShowSeries 1 Extra) - Series 2 Repeats completed. 15) MEXICO/LATIN AMERICA/SOUTH AMERICA - People + Arts Series 2 completed. 16) BELGIUM (& The Netherlands): - een Network - Series 2 completed. 17) IRELAND - TV3 Series 1, 2, and Runaway Bride have aired. 18) NETHERLANDS - Nederland 2 - Series 2 completed. 19) NEW ZEALAND - Prime TV 4:3 cropped pan and scan. Next airdate unknown 20) DENMARK - DR 1 Series 1 Repeats Completed. 21) UK - BBC One Totally Doctor Who 16:9 Widescreen Digital,14:9 Cropped Letterbox Analogue Sarah Jane Adventures Series 4 starts in March or April 2008. 22) MILITARY - BFBS BFBS 1: BFBS 2: BFBS Navy: 23) FINLAND - {c{35=TV2}} - No additional airdates at present |
Column continues in Section B ... |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. |
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2008. |